Avatar of The Darklight Project
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  • Posts: 465 (0.11 / day)
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    1. The Darklight Project 11 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current @Lady Amalthea: That moment when you feel like you were the instrument for a blessing or miracle.
9 yrs ago
I made the decision to work every day I can until I head back to school in order to pay off my immediate debts. Four hours into this decision I already regret it immensely.
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: Two thumbs up to that idea!
1 like
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: On my end it's your avatar, I like looking at ones I'm interested in (be it cool, cute, or whatever) up close. Guess you'll know when I yours catch my eye now. XD
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9 yrs ago
@Cynder: Bring it.


Simply a writer who enjoys working with others.

What, that isn't enough? Okay, fine.

Let's see, I've been roleplaying for... eight years now, I think is the number. Hard to remember, it's been so long. Of course, the first few years of my roleplaying I'd rather not remember (Adriane was great though), but I feel I've developed into a competent enough writer as to not completely embarrass myself. Group roleplays, one on ones, anything you can think of I've probably done it. I'm in college currently, the RA (Resident Assistant) of my wing of the building, so not only do I have class but an around-the-clock job too. I love writing with others, getting to know their characters and see them develop, while developing my own. Some of my proudest moments have happened when characters of other people are influenced by my own, and change because of it. I'm a bit of a planner, as I usually write with arcs in mind, and an overarching story.

I was here before the Great Collapse, and when the transition happened I made an account but never used it. The Great Collapse happened during one of my lower times, and I couldn't bring myself to keep roleplaying. Now I'm back though, with new experience and new ideas. I'm ready to go.

Most Recent Posts

I just realize, wtf is going to happen to Ren? Monty voiced him and well... we all know what happened to him ;-;
Is some one else going to take over with a close enough voice or will there be a canon reason for him being a mute like Neo-chan?

I just looked it up, and apparently his brother Neath is taking over for the voice.

Also, hi everyone. I also love RWBY. Super excited for the new Volume. Literally pure hype right now.
Barcea, Southwestern Region - Cyril, Calypso, and Company

While Alasa looked off into the distance and Ayano slowly began to recover from the apparent explosion of color (that wasn't seen), Cyril's gaze remained on the young woman in lighter clothes even as the one in darker clothes kept petting the Deathcrawler. Clearly, the young woman was very worried about her companion, but because the taller one seemed to be alright for the time being, she ended up looking towards the Prince after a moment. A slight smile came over the Prince's face at her words; so she was Barcean because she recognized their names as Sentinels, but must have been from a place removed from the Capitol because she didn't recognize the royalty for who they were. It kept things simple, so Cyril appreciated it, especially in this moment.

"Yes, we're part of the Sentinels. Well, two of us are, and we have one would-be recruit with us."

Still overwhelmed, Ayano didn't have the energy to respond with her usual volume and intensity. In the background, Calypso giggled at the Deathcrawler as it ran its antenna over her face, and then again as both the creature and its rider got into an argument, the one the Deathcrawler seemed to decisively win. Briefly, the Prince glanced over in that direction due to all the noise (and swearing), but his gaze soon came back to Etsuko.

"Where might you be heading? We're on the way to-"

The change in atmosphere was almost immediate, as nearly everyone at once reacted to it. Alasa tensed. Ayano shuddered. Calypso blinked. With these reactions came those of Etsuko, which was the one Cyril first registered because he was looking straight at her and immediately saw the change in her expression. Before he could even open his mouth to ask though, suddenly Drosil and his mount exploded into movement, Calypso hopping back slightly to make sure she was completely out of the way. Looking over towards the sudden movements briefly in confusion, he then looked to Alasa, who only had to point.

In the direction Alasa pointed, Cyril finally saw the remnants of more smoke than there ever should be within the borders of Barcea.

"It's not safe here. Ms. Etsuko, Ms. Calypso, come with us-" The Prince could barely finish his sentence before Calypso began to move. Gently and easily she lifted Etsuko up by her waist, setting her down on Ayano's horse behind the Princess. Before Cyril could even think to offer, the silver-haired woman was then swinging herself up onto his horse... In front of the Prince, grabbing the reins and giving them a snap. Both the Prince and Princess' horses took off at a gallop then, and after a moment of surprise at the actions of Calypso Alasa snapped his own reins to follow.

Drosil was long gone and far ahead, so as they came into view of the village they were alone. Immediately, Ayano's hands scrabbled at her side, before she pulled out a soft cloth of bright purple and held it to her face, over her nose and mouth. On a hill outside of the village Calypso brought them all to a stop. After a moment of struggle, Cyril managed to get off the horse. Nearby Alasa did the same, drawing an arrow from his quiver and keeping his bow at the ready, while the Prince looked up to Etsuko and Ayano.

"You two, stay here with the horses. We'll be back soon. If anything seems wrong, take the horse and get her to safety." Cyril was clearly talking to Etsuko for the most part, for at the end he pointed directly at the Princess. Behind him, Calypso gracefully slid from the horse. Despite the situation, her strange smile was still on her face, and she gave Etsuko a slight wave before she turned towards the village. Cyril took a few steps back though his gaze didn't leave Etsuko and Ayano, expression serious.

"Keep her safe!" With that, he fully turned, and the three on foot made their way into the village. The smell of fire and death immediately enveloped them, but despite this while the two Sentinels appeared almost deadly serious, the smile on Calypso's face didn't waver slightly. Cyril took the lead, his hand on the hilt of his blade as they walked forwards. Alasa, meanwhile, kept a little behind, constantly looking around in all directions as they moved through the village.

For the first corpses, Cyril stopped. For the next set, he did again. After that, he kept moving, passing by bodies as they kept moving forward, but each time he grit his teeth more and more. His eyes were widened slightly in his anger, and his helplessness. The terrible magnitude of what had happened here did more than just upset his stomach; he felt a fire building within him, spreading to the tips of every single one of his limbs and growing with each dead man, woman, and child.

The trio made their way through the carnage and eventually reached the church within the village. Quietly Cyril approached it, trying to open the doors, and upon failing he suddenly turned to slam his shoulder against it, still to no avail. The doors trembled, but they did not give. Scowling, Cyril turned away from the door, taking a few steps from it. The Prince brought his hands up, covering his face in them, fingertips digging into his own skin some. Both Calypso and Alasa lingered nearby.

After a moment of silence like this, Alasa shifted slightly, and then turned to walk closer to the Prince. "Cyril, we need to go. There are heavy boot prints everywhere. This needs to make it back to the Capitol, your sister-"

Cyril just cut him off with a nod. After a moment, he slowly lowered his hands, briefly clenching them at his sides. "You're right. We have to get back... This can't stand..."

Even as Cyril began to try and calm his racing thoughts, the doors to the church behind him were smashed off their hinges.

Outside the village, Ayano remained on her horse with Etsuko. She held the purple cloth firmly against her own face, trying to keep even the slightest gap appearing as she slowly breathed in and out. Even through the purple, she could smell far too much black, grey, and red coming from the village. She wasn't really sure of what was going on, but she had been able to hear the worry and underlying anger in her brother's voice. Whatever it was, it was something truly terrible.

After a few moments, the Princess' hand went up and around. She fumbled a little, before her hand finally found Etsuko's wrist, latching on. The other hand, meanwhile, pressed the purple cloth even more tightly against her face if that was possible.

"They'll be okay! My brother will figure out what's going on, and they'll all be safe. I'm sure of it."

There were three of them, just like there were three of the Barceans. The attackers that smashed through the church door from the inside all wore heavy armor of iron. Two had swords and one of those with a shield, while the third carried an axe. Along with the heavy armor, the cloth they wore underneath the plates that showed here and there was a sort of faded golden-yellow color. They emerged yelling, clearly prepared to take the three Barceans off guard.

Alasa, however, wasn't one to be taken so lightly. Immediately he whirled, and unleashed the arrow he long had ready. It passed by Cyril as he turned, going over the Prince's shoulder on its path through the opening of the helmet into the sword-and-shield's eye. The man dropped backwards, hitting the ground heavily and dead. As the Prince drew his blade and Alasa prepared another arrow, the one with the axe was getting too close, but it was Calypso's turn. Her two longer knives drawn, she rushed forwards and jumped onto the axe man from the side, taking him to the ground. Even as both fell, her knives found gap after gap in the armor, stabbing through cloth into flesh with ease, and even sometimes rending through metal in the wild, quick movements the woman attacked with. He too died quickly.

The last one, with just a blade, attempted to swing his sword overhead and down onto Calypso. Instead, sparks flew as Cyril swung his blade upwards to collide with the armored man's weapon in the middle of the swing, keeping it away from the woman even as she continued to make sure the axe wielder was properly finished. The man with the sword staggered back briefly, back towards the now open church, before he stepped forwards to take another swing at the Prince, this time from the Prince's left. Once again, Cyril brought his blade up in another quick movement to deflect the blow harmlessly to the side. This time though, as he had stepped past Calypso fully and she was no longer in danger, from where he held the blade toward his he pulled back slightly before swinging upward at an angle. The blade caught the Prince's opponent in the chest, forcing him to stagger back again. Though no real damage was done in that blow, it allowed the Prince the chance he needed to finish it.

His blade came up, parallel to the ground as he thrust. It caught the man in the throat, in between the gap between chest plate and helmet. In his shock the armored man dropped his blade as he staggered backwards, holding his throat for a moment before he fell backwards to hit the ground just like the rest of his allies, quickly going through his death throes. Just like that the fight was over almost as quickly as it began.

The Prince didn't sheathe his weapon, nor did the other two. Calypso slowly rose from the man she had turned to a corpse as Alasa went forwards, collecting the arrow that he had loosed. Cyril, meanwhile, slowly stepped away from the man that he had killed after checking over his armor, and then bending down to pull the helmet from his head to carry with him. He held the helmet forwards, which was accented with the same yellow-gold as the cloth along the edges of the plates it was made of.

"H'kelan. They're H'kelans."

Immediately, Alasa swore, though the evidence only confirmed his fears. Briefly, the Prince looked from him to the still smiling Calypso, before back to the Sentinel; something had changed about the woman that he wasn't completely sure about. Perhaps it was because of the blood that had splattered up onto her face, or the fact that he hadn't been able to see the change as it happened, but he would only figure out later that the change was in her eyes, and how they had gone from purple to red as she took part in the violence. They would slowly but surely fade back to purple, but not for a while, and Cyril was too busy to watch for the change and realize it in that moment.

"Do you know what this means, Cyril? This means that-"

"Gartian's getting his war, and he's making the first move."

"We aren't ready for a full scale war!"

"That isn't our choice anymore, Alasa! It's out of our hands!"
Briefly, Cyril looked like he might throw the helmet, before he lowered it back to his side once again. "Come on. Drosil's around here somewhere, and maybe there's a survivor... But we have to get moving. Keep your weapons out."

Cyril led the way once again, the trio making their way through the village on their search. Unfortunately, there wasn't a survivor to be found in the small village.

Why had the H'kelan soldiers hid in the church? Why hadn't they attacked Joy on her attempt to enter? The answer was simple enough, though at the moment still had been left off to be puzzled out later. The movements of the Prince and Princess had been monitored through hearsay and the like, and it had all been an attempt on their lives. Fortunately enough, not only had they been underestimated, but new allies were being brought along... But it was hard to believe that such fortune might strike again.
Alright guys, we're well on track, and I think we'll be able to really get the ball rolling soon.

In the case of myself, @Raijinslayer, @Atrophy, and @sumi desu, we're all already on a crash course to having our characters meet if they haven't already met. Specifically, the group that's going on now is about to run into your character probably, Atrophy, which will be fun. I'm thinking with my next turn to post is when I'll move the group to the village specifically described as well, because crucial moments and meeting people reasons.

For @drummer-dan and @shinigami94, you guys are doing just fine as you are. Both of you have your characters moving in the right direction to be met up with and brought into the group, so continue on towards the Capitol as you are. Of all your characters Drummer, Lyrena is probably the closest to the group out in Southwestern Barcea, so use that to your discretion. Overall though, I'm happy with the way things are going, because we're so on track of getting everyone together so cool stuff can happen.
Barcea, Southwestern Region - Cyril, Calypso, and Company

For a little while, Calypso's gaze remained towards Etsuko. Certainly she saw the worry on Etsuko's face, but that was usually a standard expression for the Diviner anyway. Slowly but surely, her gaze travelled back towards the group even as Etsuko spoke. In particular, she was focused on the massive creature, not really paying attention to the individual riding on it or the others nearby on horses... And, just like that, the choice was out of any of their hands.

"Yes, let's...~"

It was with those two words that Calypso led the way towards the group off the road, leading her companion along on the trip by example. As this happened, the conversation between the one riding on the creature and the ones on horses was properly beginning to start... Haphazardly enough.

To say that Cyril wasn't expecting to get ignored was actually an overstatement. Though he wasn't completely aware of it, he had already been at least slightly expecting it, just from the way the man had been acting ever since he had first shown up with the automatons that had tried killing them all. Because of this unconscious preparation, the Prince only blinked slightly, and then raised his right eyebrow as he watched the scene unfold between the Jasian and his mount. That, perhaps, was the most surprising thing yet, seeing as both rider and mount understood one another literally, but the mount also began smacking the rider repeatedly. The mount was probably owed a thanks, though, seeing as it was what brought Drosil's attention back to the matter at hand.

While Alasa drifted off slightly to the side as he kept watch, his eyes focused on the two figures on the road, and Ayano kept next to the Prince, Cyril attentively listened to what the Jasian had to say about what triggered the entire incident. Cyril knew about ruins scattered here and there all over the world, or at least that was what he had heard; ruins from the days of long ago, when the world was very different, some religious in nature and some not. Beyond that though, he didn't know too much about them, including how their defenses were... well, almost alive. He supposed there was a reason why very few people actually went down in there. You had to be brave, or quite possibly insane, and more and more Drosil seemed to fall into the latter category.

This seemed even more apparent as, when Drosil began to talk to Ayano, he suddenly went into an analysis and criticism involving her disability. While Cyril could grimace slightly to hold back his instant retort, he couldn't stop Ayano from going, "Hey! What do you know?!" Clearly, she was more than just a little upset being talked about in such a way by a stranger, and there was also the fact that she was a Princess as well... Something Cyril left out on purpose in his introduction of himself and his group.

Before Ayano could launch into her tirade against Drosil, which probably would have been about the way his color smelled of all things, the mount once again came to the rescue whether intentionally or not. However, nearly getting a mouthful of antenna wouldn't have been the Prince's first choice of defusing the conversation, but he wasn't exactly able to be choosy. While Alasa nearly brought up his bow while the antenna went to the Prince's face, Cyril's hand went out quickly to stop the movement. His other hand, meanwhile, went to Ayano, resting on her shoulder as he knew the antenna would be switching soon enough.

"Coming to you, Ayano- quiet, it's okay." The Princess shuddered initially, but nodded at her brother's words. She clearly didn't enjoy the sensation, and neither did Alasa when it was his turn. Even Cyril brought his hand up slightly to rub at his face, just nodding some at Drosil as he only half-listened to the Jasian, more focused on Ayano as she brought up both hands to her face. Beyond that, though, she was alright, and thankfully too had forgotten the words that the Jasian had said just before antenna had started touching her... for the most part, hopefully.

Cyril's gaze finally went back to Drosil as the man simply invited himself into the group. Certainly, the Jasian was odd, and quite possibly not all the way there, but the Prince saw no reason to simply refuse him for those reasons. After all, it meant they'd be able to learn more about him, and keep an eye on him as well for at least a little while.

"I... wouldn't have even noticed." The Prince said this, though Drosil's lost social skills (and whatever amount of 'mind') were fairly obvious. The Prince just carried on past this though, nodding slightly at Drosil in a vaguely approving manner. "I've no qualms with you tagging along to the village. We were on our way there after all, and bigger parties are usually better, anyway. Especially one with a... Deathcrawler, you said?" The Prince adjusted himself in his seat slightly to be better prepared for riding, beginning to glance in the direction of the road. "Let's get going, then, we're losing daylight- Oh, hello?"

Alasa had been watching them coming, but this was the moment the Prince first saw anything of the two coming from the road. The one in the lead was the taller one with silver hair, dark clothes, a smile on her face, and very purple eyes, and her gaze seemed focused upon Sir Mauls-a-lot rather intently. In fact, the Prince's greeting almost went completely missed, but after a blink as she approached the woman looked to him briefly, continuing to smile as she waved with her fingers at them all, before her gaze returned to the Deathcrawler. She didn't say a word.

At a lost, Cyril just blinked slightly as he slowly looked over to the woman's companion, who wore much more light-in-color clothes. "Uh... My name is Cyril. This is Ayano, my sister, and a friend of mine Alasa. That's Drosil, who just joined up with us. Nice to... uh... Meet you."

Even as he spoke, Cyril was distracted by the first woman, the one in darker clothes. She had gotten closer to the Deathcrawler, looking up to the creature with a sparkle in her eye. Slowly, she brought her hand up, reaching towards the Deathcrawler initially, before pulling back slightly with her fingers, and then finally bringing her hand to rest lightly against Sir Mauls-a-lot, beginning to gently run her hand over the creature's shell.

"...~" It was almost a musical noise.

It was about that moment the Ayano slumped against her brother slightly to his surprise, holding her up as she murmured, "So many colors..."

It seemed today was a day for odd meetings, though Alasa wasn't really focused on them as the Prince was. To the Sentinel, something was very, very wrong, though he was sure what yet... His gut feelings were usually right.

The scene at the village that was supposed to be their goal was just like those all along the western rim of Barcea. Villages for several miles into the land were targeted by the H'kelan forces, which had divided on their march to spread out and strike several at once. The attacks were sudden and brutal. No mercy was shown to anyone, and the slaughter was complete. When done, the forces of H'kela either moved on to the next village or returned back to H'kela.

Smoke rose from smoldering homes. Debris and ash covered the ground, and what was once green and light brown was now covered in crumbling black, grey, and white. Buildings were collapsed and crops were burned. Animals and people were slaughtered and left to rot in the streets, in the destroyed buildings, and in the surrounding fields. The stench of blood and gore was so strong that it cut through the thick smell of smoke and dying fires like a rusty knife. Everywhere there were heavy footprints in the ash, haphazardly crossing back and forth.

The villagers would have had no real weapons, and tools that they did have could barely have functioned as makeshift ones. However it was woefully apparent that there had been barely been any time to prepare for the attack at all, if there had been any to begin with. Those who did fight were killed, and those who had tried to flee were killed.

There was no doubt that this was not the work of bandits. The destruction was much too thorough and the deaths were much too complete. This was not a raid for supplies, as nothing was taken, just destroyed and rendered useless. This was something much, much more; a slaughter by well-trained soldiers who were more than ready for blood. After ten short years of peace, war had returned to the East.
@Atrophy Yay!

... That is all. Carry on.
@drummer-dan After Raijin's post I'll be posting after that in a response to Raijin, Sumi, and Atrophy at the very least. That's currently my plan.

Mmk so I'm gonna talk about this from the Barcea perspective. For Barcea, its border with H'kela is pretty much its entire western side. It kind of curves and jumps back and forth due to natural formations and the like, especially due to some of the canyons and the like that are there. Towards the south, the border drops off because ocean. To the north, the borders of both nations began to taper away because that's where Gurata is. Does that help?
I, at least, have been using h3 for my headers. So, just put h3 in brackets [ ] around either side of whatever it is you want to make bigger, so like the names and locations at the top.

Also, if it isn't apparent yet, I'm doing the best that I can to just post in compiled posts as much as possible. I already have the details of what Joy would see as she gets closer to the village, but I'm waiting for the rest of my posts to come in before I do it. Just the way I work best usually, and can get the most important information all out at once. Don't know how obvious that was, if at all, or if it's expected, just letting you know that's how I work.
Barcea, Southwestern Region - Calypso

The woman that walked next to the Diviner was taller than her by well over a head. While Etsuko dressed in white and blue, Calypso chose black and grey in her choice of travelling attire that day. It was a leathery set of clothes that fit the woman snugly, made up of a grey sleeveless top, a tight black sort of jacket, and long black pants with boots. Besides these clothes, though, all over her were her knives. The two largest ones were at either hip, and then more down the sides of her legs that were smaller, all the way to her boots. Even more were on her arms, though not quite as many or as large as the ones on her legs. She also wore gloves, though they were cut in a way that the index and middle fingers of both hands were exposed. Her skin all over, from her face to where it briefly flashed at her midriff, was pale and had no signs of tanning. Perhaps the most eye-catching aspects of her, though, were her eyes and her hair. Her eyes at the moment were a bright, vibrant shade of purple that drew the eye. Meanwhile, her hair was a strange sort of silver, and seemed to shimmer slightly with her steps and with the light.

Her expression was one of a constant smile. It was just big enough for its presence to be noted, and it was equal parts curiosity, playfulness, and elusiveness. For Etsuko who knew her, this expression was practically a perpetual state for the strange woman. She had woken up with this smile, had followed Etsuko with this smile, and spent every day with this smile. She did not know why she smiled so much, as she would say when asked, she simply did. The fact that she had no knowledge of her previous life did nothing to make the smile fade.

It was with this smile that Calypso turned to look towards her friend and travelling companion as they continued to walk. "Mmm, it's certainly much warmer...~" There was a certain lilt to Calypso's voice, one that didn't seem to belong to anything besides herself.

The two of them came from the mountains in the eastern region of Barcea, and were a long way from home. Perhaps this was the farthest that they had gone, or rather at least the farthest Calypso herself had gone; she wasn't sure. She certainly seemed to enjoy the trips though, going around and meeting new people and seeing new things. Though the village that the two called home was nice enough, its people was just a little suspicious (so naturally she caught many stares), and it was just the same thing. Calypso liked new.

"It's a very nice change, though~"

Barcea, Southwestern Region - Cyril and Company

When the rumbling began, it was Ayano was the first to react. As the confused look came over her face and she reached out to fumble for and grip Cyril's sleeve, the ever-alert Alasa felt it next. As Alasa drew his bow and nocked an arrow against the string, the Prince finally became aware of the situation after a moment of looking to Ayano with his own confused expression, then back to Alasa quickly, and then finally towards their right, in the direction of the West.

"Ayano, what is it- What in the name of the Divines...?"

For a dumbstruck moment, the Prince simply watched the scene unfold. It was quite unlike anything he had seen before; after all, some sort of rider on some sort of... massive centipede wasn't a usual sight in the land of Barcea. While the shocked Prince watched and the Princess trembled slightly from a mixture of fear and confusion, Alasa was the one whose eyes eventually focused on the... things that were tearing up the ground behind the man and his mount. Though he had no idea just what they were, he brought his bow about, but he never managed to get off the shot initially. Instead, as Cyril yelled out, which caused Ayano to scream as Alasa swore under his breath, the three managed to move out of the way just in time to avoid being trampled by the massive beast, even as the stranger swerved it to the side at the same time.

In the very brief calm that followed, those who could see were able to take in all the details of the stranger, from his features to his equipment. The full image all of this brought together was one that was undeniably Jasian. Though the nation of Barcea saw them very rarely, the stories and what was learned from schooling was more than enough for them to pin the stranger's nationality. After all it was hard to mistake a Jasian for anything else, and this man screamed it nonverbally even as he confirmed it for them himself on his introduction.

Even as the Prince opened his mouth to return the favor to this 'Drosil,' it clamped shut as Ayano once again shrieked, the ground seeming to simply explode next to her thanks to the magic of the Jasian. While the Prince's arm went to clamp down on the reins of the Princess' horse, keeping it from throwing her, the eyes of Alasa instantly went from the Jasian to the ground, bow at the ready. Though he didn't get the one that the Jasian struck down after he spoke once again and recommended they leave, the next one was his as he unleashed an arrow. The shot left his hand the moment before the ground burst open between himself and the two royals, going down the gullet of the automaton as it started to fully emerge from the earth. The shot was enough to knock it to the side and back down to the ground, where it struggled for a moment before disappearing back below the surface, leaving churned dirt in its wake.

"He's right. We need to go."

"Clearly!" With that, the Prince gave a slight whistle, letting go of the reins of Ayano's horse. With the whistle the horse moved, sticking close to the Prince's. The Prince grabbed his own reins, and with a brisk flick he gave out a slight shout. His horse surged forwards, breaking out into a gallop as Ayano's did the same, imitating Cyril's horse and following it as it was trained to do. Behind them, Alasa's horse charged forwards as well as the archer turned in the saddle slightly, bow still at the ready.

Like this the Sentinels (and assumedly the Jasian) shot along the road, trying to put distance between the automatons and wherever they came from at the same time. Towards the southeast the Prince led them, cutting away from the road briefly from the segment that ran north-south to head straight towards the part that ran more in an easterly-westerly direction. Not only was it the direction that they were heading originally, but it would also get them away from the automatons faster. While they rushed through the fields and the automatons tore through the ground behind them, Alasa's eyes kept back. Every so often he shot an arrow to dissuade an over-eager automaton, just trying to keep them away from the ground.

At first one by one, then two by two, and then more and more of the automatons began to fall away, disappearing from sight back into the earth. For a little while longer the Prince kept them at a full pace, before Alasa finally shouted:

"They're gone!"

The Prince pulled back on his reins then, slowing the group down. He did not bring them to full stop, as they were just a little away from the road and still needed to get back onto it, but the pace was such that it was more than easy enough for the royal to turn to look to the Jasian and centipede. He did this after giving a sigh, eyebrow raising slightly as he looked back to talk.

"Thanks for not running us over. It's greatly appreciated. Ayano, are you alright?" Cyril's gaze went to his other side to look at his sister, who sat with her hand to her chest as she tried to calm her breathing. She nodded in response, so the Prince looked briefly glanced back to Alasa (who nodded) before he looked to the Jasian once more.

"I suppose I should welcome you to Barcea. I'm Cyril, this is Ayano, and that's Alasa. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting to have to run for my life today, so... Glad none of us got killed." Briefly, the Prince glanced back as if looking for their mechanical pursuers once again, before looking back to Drosil. "What were those things? I've never seen anything like them."

"Why'd you lead them to us?!" Finally Ayano spoke, clearly more than a little indignant now that the fear was gone and the danger had passed. Cyril's hand went out to gently pat her shoulder, her humphing slightly.

"It's alright, Ayano, none of us were hurt and it made us make better time."

"That's one way to look at it, I guess... Sorry..."

Alasa didn't speak, his gaze still travelling around even as he glanced to the Jasian once awhile. Though Drosil was a stranger, he was more worried about the immediate threat of the strange automatons, and whether or not they were really safe. He did not see any automatons, but in the distance he saw there were at least two figures upon the road approaching their direction.

Barcea, Southwestern Region - Calypso

To the northwest of the Diviner and her travelling companion dirt began to rise into the sky in clouds. With a confused blink (but that smile that never wavered), Calypso looked off into the direction the commotion came from. Very faintly, she could see several figures moving very quickly, but exactly what they were doing she wasn't sure. They got closer and closer going at full speed for a while, but eventually they slowed down while still a fair distance away. To Calypso, it seemed as if there were three people on horses... And one on something that wasn't a horse.

Gently, her hand came up to pat Etsuko's shoulder with the tips of two of her fingers, before she gestured in the direction and dropped her hand. Her gaze went from those who were now slowly approaching to Etsuko, though her attention remained on the new group of travellers.

"How strange~! Is that usual around here, Etsuko~?"
@Atrophy@drummer-dan@GenFungus@sumi desu@shinigami94@Io@Raijinslayer

Aaaaand the first post is up, we're rolling!

Besides my own characters, I also posted details that tell the situations in various regions, depending on what was requested and planned with me. Those in Barcea, especially on the roads/away from civilization right now, can sort of think of my characters as a rallying point for the time being. For those who start elsewhere, the private plots you go through and circumstances that you'll experience will lead you to join up with everyone soon enough.

Let's do this guys! Hope everyone likes the first post!
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