
WillowClan Camp
interacting with: @PrankFox’s Stormheart, @Hazelrah's Stonefall ___________________________________________________________________________
Spidernose turned her head back to face Stormheart as the tom mewed something about heading to his nest to get some rest, the other warrior twitching her whiskers in amusement as she nodded and called after him.
“Don’t worry, Stormheart, I’ll be joining you shortly! My paws are half frozen over already!” Spidernose knew she really had to keep that promise and go and rest, soon, she wouldn’t be any good to anyone in the Clan if she caught a cold and couldn’t hunt or fight for a moon or more. But first…she really wanted to see Stonefall again, to make sure he was still doing okay. And, maybe…maybe tonight would be the night she was finally brave enough to ask him if she could move her nest next to his. After all, with the strange cats in camp it provided the perfect cover excuse, didn’t it?
It just so happened that at that moment Fernstar slid out of the nursery, where the loners had last been left, with…oh dear StarClan, was that Frogkit?! Why was she hanging around in range of these cats! That kit was going to get herself into trouble one of these days, their mother would have Spidernose’s tail if she ever found out-
But she was quickly distracted from such thoughts, after all, Frogkit seemed to be listening to Fernstar quite intently and the Clan leader seemed to have her antics under control, as Stonefall soon followed the other two Clan members out of the den. Spidernose’s blue eyes brightened immediately as they settled on the deputy and she let out a quiet little purr as she grabbed one of the mice from the fresh-kill pile and trotted over to where Stonefall sat, placing it at the tom’s paws, she mewed.
“Hey there! Want to share? I’m…sorry, if Frogkit’s been giving you guys trouble. I told her to stay with the apprentices in the warrior’s den. She never listens.” Spidernose heaved a long-suffering sigh at her sister’s stubbornness as she settled herself down next to Stonefall, fur fluffed out against the cold chill that settled over the camp.

WillowClan Camp ---> Fernstar's Den
interacting with: @savannahssu's Fernstar, @Hazelrah's Honeypaw ___________________________________________________________________________
Frogkit squeaked in alarm and obediently skittered back, allowing the older she-cat to draw her close with her paws, she perched herself on Fernstar’s forepaws, ducking her head in apology.
”Oopsie! Sorry, Fernstar, yeah! They must be pretty tired and scared, being in such a strange place.” the kit apologised, well…at least she had the sense and manners not to sass the Clan leader, even if she’d been a little argumentative with Stonefall, honestly that was probably because she had seen him hanging around with her older sister Spidernose, and therefore Frogkit felt as if she could get away with being a bit more snippy to the deputy. But she’d never dream of trying the same game with the Clan leader.
She let her mind wander a little, only half paying attention to what Fernstar and Stonefall said to the loners, something about “sorry for your troubles” and “have to hunt for yourselves”. Well, good! But what?! They got to sleep in the nursery?! Where was
she supposed to sleep then?! Just as Frogkit let out a protesting squeak and shifted her weight so she could tilt her little head back and look up at Fernstar to ask, the older she-cat answered the question before she could ask it.
Fernstar’s den? Wow! Frogkit had never been up there before, she hadn’t been with the Clan longer than about half a moon and she’d always wondered what it looked like.
So, as Fernstar ushered her out of the nursery and up to the owl’s nest, Frogkit went along with her surprisingly easily, her tail and ears up and swivelling with excitement as she shakily climbed the small distance to the den, stopping outside to strike a triumphant pose as she managed to use her developing leg and shoulder muscles to haul herself up over the edge without any help from any of the bigger cats.
“Aha!” she crowed triumphantly, then skipped into Fernstar’s den to settle down. A few moments later, Frogkit heard voices and scuttled back to the entryway, poking her head out to look for the owner of the voices.
“Fernstar…? Oh! Heya, Honeypaw!” she chirped happily in greeting, apparently none the wiser to the apprentice’s bad mood and just keen to make another friend.
“How’re you doin’? This is kinda exciting isn’t it! The new cats seem cool! D’you think Fernstar will let them stay? I bet they have uh-may-zing stories to tell!”