
WillowClan Camp, The Highstump
interacting with: @savannahssu’s Sunfur Mentions of Fernstar and Frogkit ___________________________________________________________________________
While she awaited for Fernstar to start the meeting as the rest of the cats of WillowClan gathered, Spidernose took the time to give herself a quick groom. She brought one of her forepaws up, gave it a few licks, then passed that paw over the closest ear. And when she was satisfied that was done, Spidernose began to do the same for the other side of her face. The she-cat turned her head as she heard pawsteps padding up to join her. Spidernose couldn’t help but feel a tug of disappointment as she realised it was Sunfur and not Stormfall. Though she didn’t treat the ginger tom unkindly, and twitched her whiskers back at Sunfur as she purred out a cheerful greeting.
“Good morning, Sunfur! Stonefall still not awake yet? I wonder if we should be worried, I did shake him when I woke up…” she mused, turning her head to look back over her shoulder at the entrance to the warrior’s den. Was the deputy getting sick? She felt her gut twist with worry, and couldn’t help but send a prayer up to StarClan that her hunch was wrong. She didn’t know how she’d feel if anything bad happened to Stonefall…
The cream she-cat’s ears perked up as Sunfur mentioned speaking with the Clan leader the night before. It had to have been about their little hunting trick that they’d tried out the night before. Her first reaction was one of apprehension,
That means having to go back up the tree, huh… That had been quite a frightening experience. However, Spidernose did believe Sunfur was onto something and if more of their Clanmates could perfect the technique then it meant WillowClan would have more options for hunting birds during winter, which would keep the fresh-kill pile stocked… This might be worth it. And Spidernose was quite sure that with more practise, leaping out of the tree like that wouldn’t scare her as much. So, if Fernstar
did want her and Sunfur to teach the others, she’d be more than happy to pitch in.
“Oh, really? You think she’ll like it? Well, we might have our paws full for a while if that’s the case!” she giggled, playfully nudging Sunfur’s shoulder with her own.
“But sure! If you need me, I’ll be happy to help out!”___________________________________________________________________________

Fernstar’s Den ---> WillowClan Camp, the Highstump
interacting with: @savannahssu’s Fernstar, mention of Honeypaw, Spidernose and Sunfur___________________________________________________________________________
Hearing the steady, growing chatter of the other cats below the Highstump finally roused Frogkit from her slumber. The little tortie-point kit gave a wide yawn, showing all of her teeth, for a second as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. Beside her, she could still hear Honeypaw snoring, and rolled her eyes a little. Springing up to her paws, Frogkit began to poke the apprentice as she called her name in an attempt to wake her up.
“Honeypawwww, Honeypaw! Wake up, lazybones! Fernstar’s calling a Clan meeting!” she frowned as her companion still didn’t stir, and gave an annoyed huff. The kit bent down and nipped at Honeypaw’s ear with her teeth, not hard enough to draw blood or leave any sort of mark, but tugging on it enough that Frogkit hoped it might wake Honeypaw up.
“C’moooon!! We’re gonna be late!” she complained, and when the older she-cat still didn’t respond, Frogkit gave up. She didn’t want to miss the Clan meeting, even if she technically wasn’t old enough to catch her own prey just yet… she
almost was and Frogkit wasn’t about to miss out on a cool announcement just because Honeypaw was sleepier than a hibernating badger!
So Frogkit left Fernstar’s den, trotting right up to where the Clan leader was waiting for the rest of the Clan, her tail shot up into the air as she chirped a greeting.
“Hiya Fernstar! I’m awake! Honeypaw’s still sleepin’ though, I tried to wake her!” she giggled in amusement, much to poor Spidernose’s horror. Frogkit jumped a little in surprise, flattening her ears at her older sister as she heard Spidernose hiss to her:
“Frogkit! Get down from there, you’re not the Clan leader!”