Avatar of The Elvenqueen


Recent Statuses

9 days ago
Current I am kinda over living through the horrors, actually (life is still ass and my activity is spotty af bc the world and my life as I know it might be rugpulled from under me any day so writing hard rn)
6 mos ago
aight, got the tablet drivers sorted woo!! still gonna be slow on posts for a bit cause IRL be Like That(tm) and it's kinda kicking my writing muse's ass rn, but hopefully will get back into it soon
1 like
7 mos ago
Ironically, fighting with the Huion drivers was NOT what I anticipated to be the part of reinstalling all my shit that would be the most frustrating for me. Why would you do this to me? D: /lh
11 mos ago
Low activity rn (putting this up bc I've gotten a few PMs lately and I feel like maybe I need a more obvious "Closed for RP rn" notice on my profile, pls ignore if not applicable to you lol
2 yrs ago
"Lovely, big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even YOU couldn't say "no" to that!"


Elven | AFAB Genderqueer (She/Ve/They) | 25+ | {{ Polyam Aego Lesbian }}

1 x 1 Int Check (OLD AF AND NEEDS UPDATE, I WILL MAKE A NEW THREAD IF/WHEN I'M OPEN FOR RP AGAIN. nothing personal Ive just got a lot going on rn and I'd rather devote limited freetime to already existing RPs than stretch myself too thin by starting a bunch of new ones *fingerguns*) ||Guild Art Thread || N/A GROUP INT CHECK ||

(I forget to post to the Guild Art Thread a LOT...if you're really interested in my artwork it would be better to go follow my deviantART or Tumblr account(s)! I post mostly Digital Art but occasionally dabble in Fanfic writing and Animation

{{ 》Profile Last Updated :: 04/03/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}


Art (c) Allergekko on deviantART (commissioned)



FANDOMS {{ I am LGBTQ+, polyam and multi-ship, CanonxCanon, OCxOC and/or OCxCanon* friendly and willing to double, just LMK! :'D
All "levels" friendly, from Free - Advanced. I tend to match roughly what you give me!
Dark/Gritty themes welcomed and often included, open to smut but also fine with fade-to-black scenes if you'd rather, again just LMK, I can roll with it either way! <3
1x1 or Small Group Preferred, Large Group Possible, But Selective }}

*Unless specified otherwise. Please check if there is an exception listed for the fandom you're messaging me for when PMing me! <3 I'm willing to give playing most canon characters against a partner's OC a try, but there's a handful of em that I just can't seem to get a "good" inner voice/feel for!

》》 Current Status :: OPEN / CLOSED to new threads atm! Check back later ^w^ 《《

{{ 》Current Int Status Last Updated :: 04/03/2025 (dd/mm/yyyy) 《 }}

Below is a list of my current/main fandoms, for a detailed list of plot and/or pairing interests please see my actual Int Check Thread!

Star Wars (KOTOR/SWTOR era preferred, but also open to "modern"-era e.g prequels, OT, TCW, Rebels/TFA-TROS, depending on plot ideas!)
Baldur's Gate 3
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit/Tolkien
Draconis Memoria series
ARK: Survival Evolved and/or Jurrassic Park/World, Dinosaurs in general are also always good! <3
Generic Sci-fi/Fantasy (Elves/Dragons/Mages/Beastmasters/Aliens etc.)
Warrior Cats (pretty much exclusively FanClans/OCs or an AU where canon characters are long gone)
General Animal Fantasy (anything Warrior Cats/ WSD-esque with groups of animals surviving out in the wild etc.)
Watership Down





》》NB: Very low-activity rn because I'm just generally not doing very well. Writing is hard and I don't feel up to taking up any more commitments; I'd rather focus on the few I already have and prioritise getting something out to those long-term partners when they need responses <3 《《


The Silver Zephyr (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

Reverse!Zephyrverse AU (PM) -- SWTOR -- Lots of OCs -- with @Jengem

The Hobbit LOTR Sandbox -- The Hobbit/LOTR -- Lots of OCs + canon -- with a friend over discord


N/A. Not looking to add/join any group RPs at this time, sorry y'all!



(*in order of most > least activity level)

Discord: the_elvenjedi || Toyhou.se || SWTOR Fandom Tumblr || General Fandom/Art Tumblr || sheezy(dot)art (link tba) || deviantART || AO3 (Fanfics) || Youtube || Picarto (Streaming) (TBA) || Facebook (Close friends only) ||

Most Recent Posts

The devil doesn't bargain

It's useless, don't do this
It's hubris to try
He's ruthless, you knew this
I told you, didn't I?
He's abusive, elusive
The truth is he lies
I know you don't want to let go
And just like before, I can see that you're sure you can change him
But I know you won't

The devil doesn't bargain
He'll only break your heart again
It isn't worth it, darlin'...he's never gonna change
He'll never be Prince Charming
He'll only do you harm again
I don't mean to meddle, but the devil doesn't settle
No, the devil doesn't bargain
The devil doesn't bargain, mm-mm
I watched a weed usurp the garden
And it poisoned the rest of the crops...
It would take days of fighting stubborn roots
So I will leave it where its standing
And instead I will find me a match
I'll turn it all to kindling

All of the ire I have swallowed
All of the coals that still sit in my gut
I am always burning up....

Take me to war,
Honey I dare you!
I'll be the sweetest thing to ever scare you
Give me a fight, I can't resist
Give me something to break with my fists
Take me to war, oh honey, I dare you!
Listen in, it isn't when you're talkin' for your name's sake
Jesus, Mary Magdalen you are, are you okay?
Sitting by the well, Jill
You're falling down the hill, Jack
And everybody laughed:
"Don't you pray, don't you pray?"
Hey guys!! Sorry for my extended absence, I've been having a hard time with some IRL stuff and I've been injured/sick so I've been kinda out of it, but I'm back now!! :D

WillowClan Warrior’s Den ---> WillowClan Camp

interacting with: @Hazelrah's Stonefall, @savannahssu for plot/technically Fernstar for the Clan meeting! Mentions of Maplestream, Moosepaw and Duskwing and Stormheart

Spidernose had been curled up in her nest beside Stonefall’s - in fact it was a surprise they weren’t sharing a nest at this point… - and snoring quietly, peacefully asleep until their Clan leader’s summoning yowl cut through the foggy blanket that had dulled her senses for the night. Stirring with a wide, gaping yawn, the she-cat delicately stepped from her nest and paused to stoop down and nudge Stonefall’s head gently with her own to rouse the deputy with a gentle mew of, “Hey, Stone…wake up, Fernstar’s calling. C’mon.” not wanting to nag him, however, it wasn’t like they were mates or anything like that, for StarClan’s sake, Spidernose then left it at that for now and padded out of the den. However, before joining the others she also stopped to survey their surroundings. The cream and brown she-cat’s thinner fur immediately fluffed out against the biting cold morning breeze that ruffled through it once she’d left the relative warmth of the den, and she fought down the urge to shiver, instead reaching her forepaws out in front of her and digging her claws as much as she could into the partly-frozen earth beneath them to give herself some leverage as she arched her back in a stretch.

Straightening up again, Spidernose trotted briskly over to the space beneath the Highstump where Fernstar held their Clan meetings, mewing quiet “G’morning!” greetings to the other cats who had begun to gather there, she settled herself into the spot on Maplestream’s other side from Stormheart, being sure to leave enough space for Stonefall to join her once he’d woken up too. Spidernose turned to seek out Duskwing and Moosepaw in the crowd too, twitching her whiskers at the young tom too, she knew he would be having his warrior assessment today which was no doubt a time of both nerves and excitement for him, however she also knew Duskwing had taught him well, and hopefully he would pass without any problems. Then, not wanting to stare too long and make Moosepaw uncomfortable, she turned her gaze upwards towards Fernstar, and behind the leader, her den where she knew Honeypaw and Frogkit had slept that night, hoping they were kept safe from the rogues in Fernstar’s care.

Surely, they were younger and therefore just a bit slower to rouse than their older counterpart and the Clan’s warriors, and the fact that she hadn’t seen them yet this morning was no reason to worry, she kept telling herself. But both Frogkit and Honeypaw were quite important to her, even if Honeypaw had only been her apprentice for a day and a half so far, she’d still found herself developing quite the soft spot for the spunky little she-cat. And of course, she’d promised her mother that she’d look after Frogkit so she couldn’t let anything happen to her little sister…
But she was worrying for nothing, Spidernose reminded herself, even though the rogues were still in camp, there was no way they would have been allowed anywhere near Fernstar’s den! So there was no possible way they could have hurt the younger she-cats.
So...to rub the salt in the wound my computers hard drive just crapped itself. At best it'll cost me 300 bucks to repair which I don't have atm since I have to replace ALL my furniture due to a mold problem while I've been away so I now have no method of typing quick and easy.

I MAY be able to make posts on mobile but it's gonna take me a lot longer to type them out so I will be even slower than usual lmao
I can't fake it, I'll just make it on my own (on my own)
I can't blame them, I'll just maim them on my throne (on my throne)
I can't fake it, I'll just make it on my own (on my own)
I can't blame them, I've just got to
Get to my throne

Oof yeah, I feel ya there, its tough as he'll QaQ but awww, don't feel bad you're not a shitty GM, we're all still here & chugging along :'D

Fernstar’s Den

interacting with: @savannahssu’s Fernstar, small interaction with @Hazelrah's Honeypaw

Though the kit seemed very disgruntled and annoyed, she didn't appear to be hurt, though her fur was spiked out in annoyance. "Mm-mm. I'm okayyy!" she promised, sitting surprisingly still (for Frogkit, at least) while the leader checked her over - at least she was being gentle, and Frogkit seemed much more willing to do what she was told when spoken to patiently and handled gently and with respect. At the mention of her being out of Fernstar's den and being scolded as such, however, she did pout and huff crossly in protest. "I was at the den like you said, with Honeypaw, till Blackpelt came stompin' in and just…just picked me up and started yelling at me!" Frogkit whined, though this time didn't protest and did hop her way back into Fernstar’s den and plop down with an annoyed groan as she looked across at Honeypaw. "Ughhhhhh! Why're the grownups so weird!" she complained.

By the time Fernstar joined them, Frogkit at least had the sense to stop whining about how much she didn't understand the grownups' "weird" behaviour about the strangers. Surely talking to them if they were nice wasn't so bad?? She was quickly distracted by the fresh-kill that was pushed towards her, however, squeaking out a "Thank you!" before she dipped her head to take a few small, delicate mouthfuls of the bird, plucking out a few of the feathers to play with later, which she tucked against her chest, then purring warmly and nudging it back towards Fernstar and Honeypaw so they could eat, too.

Fernstar’s Den

interacting with: @savannahssu’s Fernstar, @Shadow Dragon's Blackpelt

"Hey!! Put me down!!" Frogkit shrieked in protest as without warning and completely uninvited the medicine cat interrupted her conversation with the Loner and carried her away. "I'm not a baby anymore!! Stop carrying me around like one! I was talkin' over there!" she hissed, flailing around in Blackpelt's grasp and refusing to stay still. How DARE he! As he set her down in front of Fernstar and began to chastise her, Frogkit's tail bushed up as far as it could go, her fur fluffed and the kit very clearly annoyed beyond measure. "You're not my ma, you can't tell me what to do!" Frogkit spat back at him petulantly, her back arching and teeth flashing. "Maybe if you want me to listen to ya, you should stop bein' such a meanie! I was only talkin' to 'em, they weren't doin' anything bad! The warrior code says we should help other cats in need, they're hurt and scared and they need our help!" she pointed out, in her young mind believing everything that had been told to her about the strange cats in WillowClan's camp at face value and assuming they were telling the truth. Because why would they lie? Huffing in annoyance, Frogkit plunked down onto her bottom, her fur still puffy, and craned her head back towards their leader, pouting as if hoping Fernstar would take her side and tell Blackpelt off. "Tell him, Fernstar! Tell him he's being a meanie!"
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