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Just here to have fun, make some friends, and improve my writing!

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@Redmarshmellow@TheHangedMan Both of my brothers surpassed my dad in height by the time they were in their teens. My dad is about 5'10 and my brothers both are easily over 6'0. You could see the hope in my dads eyes fade each inch they grew.

Meanwhile all the women in my family are very short. Up until now I didn't know many girls grew over 5'5.
@TheHangedMan I wouldn't underestimate the short people if I were you. We do some crazy things to reach what we want, including using furniture in some unconventional and probably dangerous ways. I've seen short people actually use tall people as jungle gyms, so you tall people might wanna sleep (or stand) with one eye open. :)

@duskshine749 Perfect! We will begin reviewing your CS as soon as possible.

@MechonRaptor Don't worry, you've got time. This is for you and everyone else here as well, but the other GMs and I have discovered some issues, and we are currently trying to work things out. So it might actually be best if people hold off posting for just a bit while we continue to figure things out.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
We forgot to tell everyone, but after a minimum of 24 hours, if the first group hasn't finished, the second group may begin posting.
Bumping! We're pretty much always accepting, so feel free to pop on by!
Hey all, we'd just like to know if anyone else would like to drop? It'd be easier to rearrange partners before the ceremony happens.

@Sylph We also just need to confirm you are dropping. Thank you all!

Beatrice gave Richard a half smirk as he started stuttering. She should probably feel a little bad for making him so flustered, but she knew he'd get his revenge somehow. Talia also responded in the negative, looking flustered as well, though not to the extent that Richard was.
"Alright alright, I'm just curious, that's all" She stuck out her tongue at Richard at his glaring, before turning back to listen to Talia. Richard talked about her huh? That was normal, they were each others closest friends after all. Still, that didn't mean she couldn't give him some more light teasing about it.
"Aw, Richard, you talk about me? I'm honored." She teased, smiling up at her unfairly tall friend. That was for making fun of her height all the time. She was at a perfectly average size for a young woman, and she was in no way a midget like her best friend constantly suggested! She glanced back at Talia as the other girl fixed her hair.
"Yeah, Richard and I have been best friends for a long time. He's like my brother! He even gives me advice about cute girls! Not particularly good advice, but I guess it's the thought that counts." It was all true, and she had the words practically memorized by now. Pretty much everyone who had met them was confused about their friendship, and she couldn't blame them. They had started off hating each other after all, and even she didn't completely understand how it lead to them being so close.

When Beatrice was done with her mini-rant, she readjusted her grip on the trunk and began walking with them. She hummed cheerfully, taking in the surrounding scenery. She stopped humming however when Talia mentioned her ability. So hers hadn't manifested either. Beatrice hoped this would encourage her friend to be less disappointed at his late ability. She always reminded him that it was normal to not develop until the sacramentum, but since her own ability had developed fairly early into her first year, she doubted he took her words to heart.


Monty watched as his twin practically tackled their friend, laughing and raising his eyebrows.
"Careful not to crush poor Nancy, we do want her to stay alive!" He commented, walking up and giving Nancy a light pat on the shoulder. "But it's great to see you, we really missed you."

Monty walked a little faster than usual, trying to keep up with his twin. He smiled fondly as the two chatted back and forth, Felicity asking most of the questions and Nancy answering. He couldn't fault his twin for being excited, between the first day back at school and having their little group together again, Monty couldn't stop himself from smiling stupidly himself. At Nancy's question, he perked up, happy to share the details of his own summer.
"Yeah, I had lots! I've been practicing with those recipes you gave me, and I think I'm getting better! As for the mage part, uh, I'm not sure. I hope I don't get someone too disagreeable, but if I do I’ll just have to make it work I guess.” Before he could say anymore, someone called out to the three of them. Looking back, he saw a girl he recognized from the previous year.
"Oh, hey Elena! What's up?" He called out to her, slowing down so that she could catch up easier.

@Redmarshmellow@Invader Len@onenote@Holy Grail

“Holy crap, Bee! What the hell is in here, rocks?! Did your parents pack you a fricking boulder for school?! What even is this?!”

Beatrice looked sheepish at Richards comment, averting her eyes
"Well I mean, dad did put some of our garden stones in here, so yeah I guess..." She trailed off, watching as he too struggled to help keep the trunk from falling.

“Yeah, no shit, Shylocke. Let’s just hurry up. If my arms get tired, I’m leaving you in the dust. I’m not gonna be late to disappointing my mage because you bit off more than you can chew. Again.”
Beatrice snapped her head up to look at Richard at his comment, her jovial grin disappearing as her face morphed into a disapproving face.

"C'mon Richard. First of all, I know you wouldn't leave me, so don't even try pulling that crap. Second of all, we talked about this! Your mage isn't going to be disappointed in you. Is this because of the ability thing? Because we both know that these things happen, it's natural. And I know whoever it is is going to love you! Now help me finish-" Before she could finish what she was saying, she was interrupted by a girl running up to them. She seemed to be talking to Richard, but Beatrice couldn't understand what she was trying to say.

'RacingMahoganist23_3? T-Nitr0? Were those some kind of code names? Wait no, I know that first one... That's Richards online handle! So that's what this is.' With her thought process ending on that note, Beatrice looked between the girl and Richard with a smile.

"Sooooo, is this one of your online friends Richard?" She nudged him in the ribs, winking. "Or is she something more? You got a gaming girlfriend you didn't tell me about? I'm feeling a bit scandalized right now."
She turned back to the girl, all teasing gone from her face, but smile still in place. "So, Talia right? I'm Beatrice, Richards friend. It's always nice to meet Richards friends." Beatrice glanced around, watching as students walked past them towards the school.
"We should probably get a move on though, we're going to be late at this rate. Want to walk with us? You and Richard can catch up on the way."

Monty's eyebrows steadily rose at the growing amount of people around them. The two that had joined the girl in front of them seemed content on ignoring them, so he turned back to his sister and the strange looking boy. Who had a snake. Monty glanced at the snake as the boy spoke to it, confused, before shrugging it off. He had seen stranger things.

Monty was snapped back to his sister by her scolding. Monty felt sheepish as she explained the situation, raising his now free hand to rub at the back of his neck. He gave a half smile and a small wave as Felicity introduced them, and shook his head fondly when she started rambling. He knew she did it when she was excited about something, and felt a bit bad for the other boy. Monty decided not to say anything, as he had already embarrassed himself enough for the day. He kept some attention on the people in front of him, but for the most part just stared out at the city of Enklen. His admiring the scenery was soon interrupted by a familiar voice calling out. Monty turned his head up, a grin spreading across his face as he recognized the person walking towards them.

"Nancy! Hey, it's good to see you too!" He glanced towards Felicity and the other strangers as Korrey left, and then up to the crowds of people walking to school. Felicity had already nagged him about time, and he wasn't too keen to get yelled at again just yet.
"We should probably get going, don't want to be late. Nancy, do you need any help with your luggage?"

@Invader Len@Redmarshmellow@onenote
Ok, just got back. Everyone's posts are looking good! We will get back to reviewing CS's today.

@Raijinslayer I feel bad for Korrey, so many people giving him the evil eye.

@Discontent I do the same thing. Started yesterday, but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
Well, I'm gonna head to bed. Everyone is doing great so far!

@IceSolstice The other GMs and I will review your CS in the morning!
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