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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
1 like
5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

In Curious? 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Here is an actual question to pose, @RoseBloodBorn, how did you come to use the name you do on the Roleplayer Guild? What is the idea and history behind it? Does it have some greater, obscure meaning?
Greetings @Lark Mills,

That is quite some time you have been roleplaying then, as that name is a bit of rarity today! While I cannot speak for everyone else, I am glad to have you join us, especially with that kind of experience in roleplaying; a few of us are from those times and before even in odd cases. All the same, there is a great variety of roleplayers and a diverse number of topics. While this may be somewhat different than email roleplaying, the Roleplayer Guild is fairly straight forward once one browses it a bit. That in mind, if you have any questions, please do ask them as you will.
You would be correct, the majority of users do not blog but there are ways for you to do so technically, such as by creating a Spam or Off-Topic topic on it and denoting it that way, although do be prepared for comments to appear on it as users, especially Spam regulars, will interject whatever is top of mind. Generally speaking, broadly at that, users at most use the status bar or the associated Discord, @Hazardous Siren.
You should find the "Edit Avatar" section just below the "Edit Signature" section and just above the "Gender" sections, @Hazardous Siren. The site does not have available avatars so you will need upload one using the button attached, with the image being limited to the following:

  • Max dimensions: 150px width, 200px height
  • Images larger than these dimensions will be resized
  • Animated GIFs often break when resized by the system, so you may want to resize them yourself before uploading

On the note about roleplaying topics, I suppose then that comes down to how much you enjoy writing in terms of amount. The Free section tends to be a few sentences and at most a paragraph, Casual is a paragraph or two, and Advanced is several and more. Generally speaking, high fantasy is quite common, much more so that low fantasy as sword and sorcery and the like, as well as fandom based fantasy.
Greetings and welcome to the Roleplayer Guild, it is a pleasure to have another member.

To answer your first question, outside services and accounts are not at all required, and you can simply bookmark the forum to access it. To adjust your account here, all you need do is look to the upper right corner where your name is displayed alongside "PMs" and "Subs". Clicking your account name there will lead you to those options, as on your user page you will see "Edit" just below your name and that is where you need go; this includes your avatar upload, which answers the second question.

For your third and last question, that all depends on just what you consider to be exciting. What sort of topics are you particularly interested in as far as fantasy goes? There are plenty of interest checks and new threads beginning at large. Other than this, we do have a Discord chat service, which can be fairly lively depending on the time of day.
Despite my love of winter, with all of its white blanket and what it stands to offer for some, I must admit I do look forward to spring, if only to see how many of the wild flowers planted will return. I enjoy the change of the seasons, to include those elements physical and attributed.
There is a difference,@Superboy, between saying "Wizards are studious souls who use magical reagents and implements, words of power, and strange gestures to evoke a wide variety of magic." to set the tone of just how said magic works rather than spell all of it out for players every single possible detail and rule of it. It is not terribly hard for a reader to then use external and topic sensitive context to determine just what is meant by the word "wizard" in this case. If there is a failing, it is on the reader's behalf or the context of the rest of the world is not being presented sufficiently. If something is so unclear it can be revisited with examples.

The other issue you defined later with clashing themes and understandings falls under one universal failure of most players, thread owners too at times, and that is communication, as well as the fact that said characters should be vetted in the long run. The former is the fact players should be obligated to question things they do not understand and or work directly with the Game Master to formulate a suitable outcome. Likewise, a Game Master should reject any character, as the latter superhero example, if it does not fit the theme.

The matter I am speaking to is not some general summarized history, it is the habit of defining every major event in history and outlining the content of each individual element. Again, let me repeat this another way, this is the difference of giving the general history of the world and writing several paragraphs of extremely specific events for each element; the story itself versus a synopsis. Only certain characters should be privy to certain information, spelling it all out grandiosely in the interest check or out-of-character section is the issue I take.

For the last example, if said player is so unfamiliar to their own character and hasn't defined loosely anything at all about what they can or cannot do, or has fallen into a game where a Game Master would impose such a penalty, perhaps they should look for another game. Harsh as that may be, individuals have their own responsibilities. It is not that difficult to summarize a fireball as, "A spell that creates an explosion in a small area with magical flames. It can reach a medium to long distance but has no pressure to its detonation." To loosely encapsulate just what it does, leaving the rest to be defined in the game.

Again, let me reiterate, my issue stems from those topics - which are in no short supply as of now - that feel the need to define everything in their world. No less. I am fairly certain this cliche is not likely to disappear soon as I believe the issue to be firmly nested in the idea that in order to be "grand and epic", many are under the illusion that more is more, when less is more in some cases, particularly fantasy.
Another, notably shorter cliche I have taken note of an issue with. When writing fantasy roleplaying, not everything needs an explanation. The whole backstory of the world, the events, the mechanics and philosophy of magic, the effects and express details do not need to be stated; implications of it should be. It should not feel like there is a manual being written about them, about how "X magic does Y things, but when it happens to be here it does Z." or the details of every race and the entirety of the history of their people leading up to the current era. The players, unless relevant to their character, do not need a history lesson on every major event that has transpired over the past few hundred years and the minute details working in it.

I suspect the reason that this is so common is that in order to make the prospect seem larger and more relevant, Game Masters go through tremendous effort to lay out everything verbatim, in the process destroying much of the mystery. The second reason I suspect this is, is because players have a difficult time grasping just what they wish to do or fleshing it out without delving into the mechanics of it. We, fellow players or readers alike, do not need to know your fireball magic costs three points of mana, burns at this specific temperature, was learned from a college of wizardry and requires the phrase, "Ignatorio!" in an obscure language's specific dialect to be cast. This is an issue of "Show, do not tell." failing to be adhered to.

Likewise, a related issue spawns is that every player under the sun seems to want to develop their own intricate system; there is no need for three different forms of wizarding magic, warlock pact magic, sorcerous bloodlines, rune magic specifics, then spheres of magic used by some. All of them are "arcane" and it has become a cliche to try and stuff as many disparate things into it, almost all of them loaned from media, for the sake of appealing to the audience rather than just say, "You tell me how you manage it, I will decide if that seems reasonable or not in the world."

Summarized, the cliche of spelling everything out in fantasy and eliminating the mystique and wonder of it is dreadfully overdone.
So I have heard it does change but like with you, there is no knowing until knowing. Personally, speaking only to knowing who and what I am as an individual and my particular, obscure perspective on the world, I am fairly confident it will because some amount of influence and control can be exerted. All the failings there will inevitably be by and large my own doing or the partner's, which shifts much of the weight to being a good patriarch for my role.
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