Enterprise name: Church of Cosmology Mining Venture
Leader name: Minister Raymond Starr
Enterprise bio: The Church of Cosmology has always been a very controversial organization throughout its existance. It was started in the late 20th century by astronaut, biologist, fiction writer and self proclaimed prophet Allan Wright. Cosmology claimed that the big bang that started the universe was one of many in the universe's infinite cycle. They claim that we are repeating past lives in this infinite loop and that they have methods to discover our memories in our past lives. This memories are said to make one almost superhuman by tapping into the advanced knowledge of our former selves.
However the church had been notorious for their religious practices. It has been claimed that the church used psychedelic substances during gatherings, forcing members to contribute to the organization and using their financial wealth to tarnish the names of anybody who speaks against them.
If anything however, the church's influence only increased with its infamy. That was until few years before the coup on Earth would take place. Several high ranking members of the church were accused of tax evasion. Soon a number of other charges were filed from extortion to money laundering. The church had its assets frozen and most of its most influential members, including the Head Minister of the church, arrested.
After the Federation came into power, with almost no capital and members left, Minister Raymond Starr lead what was left of his flock out of Earth. He decided to move with his loyal believers to the very edge of known space where he could start a new. To the red-rocked Eden of Ember. The natural abundance of baltuskite on Ember would make the rebuilding of his church that much more easier. With everything at stake and nothing to lose, Minister Starr led his followers into the stars.
Starting crew: Six
Start-up capital:Transportation Tickets x6 - 1500
Magnetic resonator - low sensitivity - 450
Inflatable structure x2 - 200
Pneumatic jackhammer x2 - 100
ATV - 40
UTV - 100
Solar recharge station x2 - 500
Pistol - semi-automatic x2 - 50
Assault rifle - 120
Surveillance camera - motion activated x6 - 60
Remaining capital: 20
Starting location: