Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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Alice felt her ears fall flat against her head as she heard Brandy scream bloody murder, and wince at seeing her punt that thing like she'd invented a new sport out of it. She'd run after the rabbit's corpse, knowing they'd need it to prove they had done the deed before returning to hear Brandy compliment her on her work. Puffing her chest out, Alice would say: "I'm pretty handy when it comes to stuff like this. Comes with being part dog, I think. Also, thank you, I brush my tail a lot."

At being questioned whether or not the bunny had messed up Brandy's face, approaching her companion and getting a good look at it. "Its only a small mark. It should heal up by tomorrow morning, if I'm going to be honest. You're lucky he didn't try to gore you with his horn, like he tried with me," she said, putting a hand over the small gouge in her tunic, stained with a bit of her blood, yet her skin beneath was completely healed. "Being a werewolf is kinda cool sometimes, since that didn't even hurt all that bad and now I'm healed. But, anyways...time to get paid!" she would say, holding up the rabbit by its legs, looking proud as hell at their successful job.

It was pretty late, admittedly, but Alice wanted to get the job done and over with...and besides, after that loud bang and squabble and scream, the farmhands were probably awake. As such, Alice would present their rabbit to Dooch, and hopefully get to keep the body for stew and...research purposes.
With the assets on display being squished asserted, the Elven Paladin would turn his head away, just in time for Gram to look at him. "I am glad that you're expressing discretion, Vani. Please refrain from your usual foolishness with this one," the draconic woman would say, smiling back at the golden girl before her. "This is Vani, a Paladin of Freesia. He fancies himself a lady's man, but he's trustworthy. Now then..."

Gram would circle around the girl, amazed at her lack of general confusion. "I'm surprised that you're taking this so well, all things considered. You really are the hero of legend," she would say, stopping behind her and asking a relatively simple question:

"Would you like to go somewhere warmer? It's below freezing outside, and with attire like that, I imagine the chill will be getting to you soon." With a glance she looked to Vani, who would remove his cloak and drape it over the yet unnamed heroine to give her something moderately warm. It also smelt like cinnamon.
If I make a Take-Over magic user, what's the general limit on the number of Take-Over options? And is it limited just to beasts?
Cera would look on in horror as a guard dog emerged from the cabin...though from the way it was slithering, maybe it was part-something-else. Cera would steel herself to hold off the beast, but in her current condition she wouldn't last long. With footwork serving as her main means of fighting an animal like this, she'd sidestep its lunge and launch a kick at its side, knocking it back only slightly before she made her way towards the mast.

The reality of it was that she didn't even want to hurt this animal, and even if she did, she was in no condition to incapacitate or kill it on her own. Such would be apparent to Kukui from a glance, as Cera was spending most of her time just trying to avoid getting mauled by the thing, yet retaining its focus on her.

...She felt like, maybe, this was how she was going to die. Getting ripped apart by one single dog after managing to escape a pirate fleet with numerous injured people depending on her.

What a way to go.
Your life is over.

Your life has begun.

Your "self" has ended.

Yourself has begun.

Words echoed in the dark as a girl was ripped from home and hearth, and deposited onto the cold stone. Or rather, it was as if she had always been there, lying comfortably upon a bed fit for a statue, or perhaps a very wealthy ancient ruler with a tomb fit to lie upon for eternity.

...Of course, the chill and hardness of it also meant that after consciousness was gained, discomfort replaced that sensation. Footsteps could be heard approaching as well, along with the sliding of stone. The dark of this place was nearly impossible to see through, but with each movement of stone a tiny bit of light would shine in...and the silence after each movement would soon be exstinguished by the rhythm of an ongoing conversation.

"Are you sure this is the right place? It was crawling with undead...doesn't quite seem like the kind of place some heroine from another time is going to be," a man's voice said, sounding a bit tired and insistent.

"That would be because of the curse placed upon it. We couldn't risk graverobbers stumbling upon our champion and plundering the Pillar of Worlds. It only works once, and if some plucky bandit dropped it, our last contingency would be shattered to pieces. Or worse," a stern, mature woman's voice would say, dry of mirth and emanating a tone of being "all business".

"...Noted," the male voice would respond.

"...It would seem we were a moment late. Our ward has awoken, the woman spoke again before the light clack of her shoes echoed across the stone floor. Followed closely behind, the man's footsteps were heavy and metallic, sounding like he was wearing some metal boots or armor. As our heroine's eyes adjusted to the light, she'd see that the woman was anything but an ordinary sight, a vision of binary design in how her hair was split down the center, black versus white, with twin sets of horns of those two colors perched upon her head. A cape that matched trailed behind her, making her, quite literally, a living monochrome as she approached.

The man following behind her was a tall figure, and possessed a head of hair that was grayish white, with a tanned complexion that stood out against his sterling white armor. And...pointed ears. Both would approach, with the elvish man lifting an eyebrow.

"...She's made of gold?"

"Yes. It would seem so. You must be confused, young lady...I am Gram. And...you are somewhere that you've never been. How do you feel?" she would ask, her tone dropping a bit of seriousness as she displayed concern, showing that she wasn't quite the icy bitch that one would imagine from her expression and manner of speaking.
"What...is that thing!?" Steppe Archer asked, visibly confused at seeing that...thing, sloshing towards them slowly. It sounded vaguely like wet slop being poured over and over, or like mud being stepped on. The direction it was coming from was where the rats had been...and the rats hadn't come back this way.

It was like a mass of disgusting liquid, seeming to know exactly where the group was. "I think we should go back...I don't know what that thing is, but I don't think we can stab something made of water to death." The pragmatic hunter in her deemed that a creature she knew nothing about was unbeatable, and with the lack of rats or roaches in this area, it was likely that this thing's territory was clean of them. "We can double back the other way, and try to find Rats and Roaches elsewhere."
[Reserved for stuff!]
Similar to how Brandy had screamed in bullet-time, Alice would gasp in slow-mo, shocked that the rabbit was still able to move so well even after getting its ears hurt by the bomb. Maybe it was a lot tougher than they anticipated...but that didn't matter now! Alice had no choice but to square up with the horned rabbit to preserver Brandy's dignity, and so that they could get paid!

Alice would flash her claws and take up a fighting pose before dashing in close, using all four of her limbs to keep up. It was a dog eat dog situation, and thankfully, she was half-wolf. Which was like...a super dog. Clashing with a fellow beast wasn't as dramatic as it sounded though, as the rabbit kept delivering swift kicks to her hands each time she'd try to reach out. Its legs were powerful, but they weren't designed for attacking. That horn on the other hand would prove dangerous if it gored Alice...which, judging from its sudden mad dash at her, that was exactly what it intended to do.

The werewolf would grit her teeth and grab the rabbit like it was an incoming football (The cultural sport of werewolves) and slide back as she caught the speeding bullet of a rabbit, struggling against its powerful momentum. The horn just barely poked at her stomach, the rabbit stopped and forced to squirm before a swift blow was delivered to the back of its neck, a death sentence for any rabbit. Sighing, Alice collapsed back and onto her back. "THAT WAS SCARY! I WAS COUNTING ON THE FULL MOON TO FIGHT, AND ITS CLOUDY!?" she yelled aloud, before remembering Brandy. Brandy! Are you alright!?" she asked, after raising a club and unceremoniously bashing the rabbit over the head to make sure it was dead.
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