"Sofia!" Alice cried out, seeing their friend get swatted away like a fly and slamming into a tree, her neck turning at an odd angle...and a leg definitely didn't bend like that. ...Wait, she was undead, so...
An arm would extend upwards as Sofia let out a shaky groan of agony, frothing at the mouth as she struggled to stand back up. "Pray...do not worry...I am...deathless..." she said, using a tree to remain stable.
...Well, that was at least one death off Alice's mind. But as it stood right now, Brandy was likely to be beaten do death and swallowed by this troll, even if she was faster than it. Speed only meant anything as long as he didn't hit her. As such, Alice would hurriedly dig through her bag in order to find something that could be of use to them. Her sling was placed beside her feet, along with the most powerful thing she had in her possession...the Thundercracker. It was as big as Alice's head, and had enough firepower to blow a boulder to smithereens, let alone a troll. Hard to regenerate if you're ashes, and all. But she only had one...and as such, only had one shot at this.
Brandy's distraction gave Alice more than enough time to set herself up, the alchemist having her bomb ready. It would detonate from a strong impact, and the force of her sling would make that happen...but first, she had to make sure Brandy wasn't going to wind up as burnt mutton in the process. With her sling at her shoulder, Alice would have tied a pot with twine to a nearby branch, and was banging upon it with her fist.
The loud noise would draw the troll's attention. The wolf woman wasn't anywhere near as fast as Brandy, at least at a glance, and the troll's hunger demanded satiation. As such, he would let out another disgusting roar before charging forth. "DOG MEAT!" he would shout, while Alice ran back a bit. Now, he was at least far enough away from Brandy that Alice would begin spinning her sling. He was gaining on her fast, but an arrow nocked from Sofia would slam into his arm, giving him momentary pause to roar again.
That pause was all that Alice needed, her sling letting loose the spherical bomb that sailed gracefully through the air. With a turn of his head and a drooling mouth, the troll would be none the wiser as the bomb slammed into his mouth and slid gracefully down his throat to his gullet...before the loudest sound the three had ever experienced would erupt, a splattering of troll flesh and blood hitting the trees while the rest turned to ash, the severed flesh momentarily trying to regenerate, but, lacking any other cells to do so, shriveled and died.
Alice would be knocked flat on her back by the blast, literally every wild animal within a mile radius fleeing from the explosive sound that had not only slayed the troll, but leveled a large area around it, trees turned to splinters rocks to pebbles. Some of the bushes were even still smoking by the end of it. Not enough to start a fire though, since the bomb had also instantly incinerated all of the oxygen in the area of the troll's demise. It was more a "flash singe" of plant matter.
Either way, Sofia would hurriedly crawl back to her backpack and uncork a vial of green liquid and swallow it, her limbs gradually returning to normal positions. "That...was close..." she said, hurrying to Alice's side. "Lady Alice, please be alright! Lady Brandy, how do you fare?"
Alice looked to be unconscious, ears twitching. It was likely that her canine hearing had suffered greatly from the bomb, though Brandy might also have some ringing present in her ears.