Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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Sofia would follow Brandy, somewhat forced to as she was yanked hard enough for her to need to relocate her arm after it was done being tugged, a sickening pop being audible before she rolled her shoulder, the undead bone socketed back in its proper joint. Sofia was just glad to be out of the slums and back into the city proper.

When the question came up of where Sofia lived and the intimacy of the contact was made, a pale grey blush lit up her face, not used to the feeling of...bosom to bosom contact. "P-Please, respect my personal space!" she requested, trying to back up, only to fall over from her poor luck, head soaring off and landing right in the hand of a showboating juggler.

Being spun to and fro, round and round, Sofia's head was spinning in more ways than one. "Braaaandyyyy heeeeeelp!" she called out, her body fumbling around without its head, thankfully only having a comedic bone as the exposed tissue...though it was alarming some of the men who had been gawking at them.

Meanwhile, Alice wasn't one to be discouraged as she, of all things, started sorting the jobs in a way that the smoking receptionist likely hadn't seen done in years. "Let's see...slaying requests should be here, cleaning here, favor requests here..." she said, eyeing the sparsely populated monster slaying quests, and spying the troll. A troll! They'd killed a troll! She'd blown one apart with her specialized bomb, and now she could cash in the reward!

...That would be if she hadn't neglected to bring its head. Or teeth. Or ears. Fat couldn't be readily identified...

Pouting, Alice would say: "Oh trust me, I'm aware that the jobs here are largely bogus. But, there's got to be something viable enough for an adventure." The werewolf would turn around, having picked out a deceptively well-paying job for peeling potatoes. "Back over in Gromril I held about three jobs a night, so stuff like this isn't any issue. We'll be heading back to Litroot to be sure, but not until we have a teeny, maybe sucky adventure of our own here."
Posted to answer Gammaton before the post cycle refreshed.
Every comment coming after Levia's had her dreading her decision to say that killing them all was the answer. After all, her logic stemmed solely from having the role of being a living, thinking recycling machine...so asking her for a strategy was a bit of a futile line of questioning. She would kill whoever was necessary, take everything they had, and break it down to make it useful...but here, she was being forced to think and consider the consequences, when her work has always been the least consequential.

Though...Levia did have to admit, she had to keep herself from laughing at Gammaton's offense at Cockroaches and humans being put on the same level. She strongly agreed, especially after seeing how efficient Gammaton's workers were. Insects were scary when organized. Thinking that Gammaton heard Levia almost laugh at her statement prior, Levia paled a bit as her friend turned to her and asked what her thoughts were about everyone countering her suggestion to annihilate Anzelgard.

Clearing her throat, Levia would pose herself with one finger raised on a human hand, with another raised on a draconic hand. "Its not that I'm against just annexing the place...its just that I'm worried they're going to be slower, needier, and less obedient than ANY of our factories. ...I mean, I guess they have thumbs which is more than my slimes have, but I'm working on that in the breeding process. Not to mention, humans are judgmental. The moment they know what we really are, they'll find some excuse to try and kill us. But...everyone here is a lot wiser than I am. And I trust all of you," the Chimeric Dragon said, smiling softly as she looked to each and every member of the new council.

Then, she would raise a fist to the air, before saying: "Therefore, I will only resort to absolute extermination once the humans become uncooperative! If you want, I can even scare them with my Dragon Form into accepting protection!"
Wow! A dump!

Alice wasn't all that surprised that the Adventurer's Guild was in the slums, but Sofia looked mortified. "This used to be such a nice neighborhood..." she murmured as they went inside the building. It was...well...a place, to be certain. After splitting the pay evenly (with Alice needing to make change for them to split), Sofia would go over to the job board and investigate as to what jobs were available.

"Let's see...runaway cat...engagement ring missing...beating up a loanshark...cleaning bathrooms...ditch digging..." Sofia listed off, looking over the jobs in place on the board, sifting through as fast as she could to try and find something that wasn't the equivalent of fixing public neglect. "No wonder this area of the city looks in disarray...nobody's been doing any jobs around here."

Alice would roll her sleeves up, marching over and saying: "Y'know, I used to do a lot of this stuff back at home. Minus the sewer diving and loanshark beating. You two can go ahead and look around town, I'm going to check and see if there's anything we can do that isn't trudging through poop." At the insistent look Alice was giving them, Sofia nodded, saying: "I suppose I wouldn't mind walking around for a bit. But if you don't find anything, do not push yourself. The road to Litroot shouldn't be as dangerous with that Troll dead. Meet us at the square when you're done."

Sofia would look to Brandy and smile, saying: "What say we go back and see the street performers?" As much as this place sucked, Sofia trusted Alice's more veteran (by 2 weeks) adventuring instincts that there had to at least be something worthwhile that they could do here.
After a modicum of discussion between the two members of the party with enough braincells (both of which were not Brandy), they agreed that delivering the letter would have to take priority over sight-seeing. After all, it was barely any actual work, but their client would be irate if they had to wait past a few hours of their arrival. As such, the duo would walk up to Brandy, link arms with her, and begin carrying her off to the guild hall.

"Before we get all caught up in the town's hub-bub, we should go deliver our letter."

"Indeed. If I recall, the guild should be this way!"

It was, however, not that way. And after a fair bit of polite asking, the girls would find themselves coming upon the threshold of the guild. Alice, ever the responsible one, would have the neatly preserved letter already in her hand, entering with her companions to say: "Special Delivery!"

Sofia meanwhile would regret her aged knowledge of the town, embarrassed at having to ask for directions a few times along the way.
Levia was given pause on the current situation. And...given more pause to think she was replacing her creator's position. It was a lot to process...and for her, it felt unearned. What had she really done to deserve his position? What work had she done save for destruction that, even she knew, anyone could have gone and done themselves?

Clearing her throat, Levia would straighten up, with her draconic arms on her hips and one of her human hands resting on the table. "Um...I'm really not used to being in charge of much of anything but breaking things, so...that's what my suggestion is going to be. I think that despite the undertaking it would be, disposing of Anzelgard makes the most sense. Even if we take it by force and leave them alive, humans are tough and will rise up again and again. And like Gammaton said, they're not good for hard work. The only thing they're good for is their numbers, and Gammaton can outdo that with enough resources."

After giving her speech, Levia would scratch the back of her head. "Planning things like this isn't really my strong suit but...even I know that wiping them out will make everyone else in the area want to attack us. ...But, no one's ever taken this place before, and with Lady Faetalis' renovations, no one ever will!" While NotEvenHere was a man that focused on pushing esoteric monster breeding and taming to its limits, Levia inherited little from her creator, probably due to the complex process to create her leading to burnout. This wasn't living up to his legacy...but then again, his legacy would likely have been to use base, stronger humans as breeding stock to intermix human-specific class levels with monstrous racial levels to create hybrids.

Faetalis would probably not have preferred the equivalent of turning the kingdom into one of those 18+ games on the black market of dubious moral content.

Struggling to come up with more to say, Levia would raise one of her draconic hands in sync with the corresponding human hand, a finger raised on each as she said: "I could do fly-by poisonous attacks on their capital to kill their leadership...or uh...draw their attention by thinking a Dragon is coming from a neighboring country?" she was really stretching herself thin with ideas, before the chimeric dragon would plop take a seat with her tail as a support, hoping someone had a better idea. Or at least, someone to confirm her idea was good.
Alice was shocked that Brandy genuinely thought they were just going to walk for two straight days. As tough as werewolves were, that was...well, kind of a terrible idea. You'd be far too tired to defend yourself, or do much of anything but sleep if you even made it to your destination before collapsing with jelly-legs. Alice would reassure Brandy that they'd camp out for the night there, since the troll had rather generously cratered a big area for them to setup their camping gear. Oh, and the crater from the bomb could make a neat little firepit.

"It isn't often that you'll find roadside inns between areas of little renown. Litroot isn't exactly a hopping tourist destination...but, I imagine the Gnarlton-capital-road would have an inn upon it. I remember it just like it was yesterday..." Sofia said, reminiscing and mostly talking to herself after a time as Alice stood between her and Brandy, getting a fire going for them to cook dinner on and warm themselves with. "This reminds me a lot of when I was little...my Papa used to take me camping the night before a full moon. Said it got the 'wild' out early, and broke less furniture," Alice joked, roasting a couple weenies on the open fire. Thankfully, Sofia had killed that dumb stag that was grazing near the site of their battle, and now they had some delicious venison for use tonight! (No deer were harmed in the making of this roleplay.)

Their travel pace would have them set to arrive in Gnarlton after their 2 day journey, arriving sometime in the mid-afternoon...at which point, Sofia looked absolutely confused. She'd inspect the sign, read a map, and scratch her head hard enough that it almost fell off before saying: "...Are you both sure this is Gnarlton? I mean...I know it HAS been a century or two but...it looks completely different!"

Lo and behold, booty-cheeks! And strip performers! Oh wait, no, that was a typo by an illiterate satyr. Boutiques and street performers were abundant in the town.

"I have to assume it is from the sign," Alice noted, pointing at the giant "GNARLTON" sign that was suspended over the arch of the gateway into town.
So, would anyone like to go first? If not, Levia could impulsively slam her hands down and assert that war crimes are the best crimes, and most certainly applicable to this situation.
Sofia would gently tug on Brandy's cheek after she finished her yogurt, saying: "Consuming delicious yogurt daily helps me retain my flesh in a...well, if I didn't eat it, let's just say I'd look a lot more like a corpse than I already do. Its a preservative." After she finished speaking she'd release Brandy's cheek from the tyranny of her index and thumb fingers. "As for my favorite food though...I must admit, when I was alive I was a fan of berry pies. ...Too bad now that eating fruit makes it ferment in my stomach quickly."

Alice would finish tearing apart a piece of jerky with little effort, grinning happily as her tail wagged. "Werewolves like me are mostly carnivores, so I'm a big fan of meat. Beef, Chicken, Pork...though if I had to pick one..." the werewolf seemed lost in thought, but then eyed Brandy and realized it was...probably goat meat. Probably. But that was kind of a horrifying thing to say around a satyr. As such she would giggle and tap her index fingers together. "Definitely pork."

When the question of what Gnarlton was like came about, Alice would be without any answers. She'd traveled little after reaching Litroot...but Sofia would stand up and put her hands upon her hips. "I was born and raised in Gnarlton! Leave your questions to me, and I'll answer each and every one!"

There were no fancy booty cheeks or strip performers, but there were a fair number of people living in Gnarlton from Sofia's recollection. Of course, by and large her information was a few hundred years out of relevancy, but...it was probably worth something. Probably. They still had a small leg of their journey ahead after their little picnic, but one could rest assured...Sofia sure was sure she knew what she was talking about.
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