Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

Poking my head in to express some interest.
Having held her tongue for a rather lengthy period of time after her question was answered, Elise would wait with a furrowed brow while the disagreement in policy between Scarlett and the Director occured. While she did agree that this was tantamount to tossing them down a cliff Team A had just fallen off of, it did at least comfort her somewhat that Archimedes had indeed rigged the summoning system just a bit in their favor. "Y'know, I'm glad I won't have to explain a bunch of stuff about our objective to our Servants and all, but aren't the really proud ones that reluctantly answer a summoning way stronger? Ah hell, we're wasting too much time...either way, its either we don't go and Team A dies and the Singularity gets out of control, or we go, and maybe die, and then time goes out the window."

Considering something for a moment though, Elise would look to Archimedes. "Actually, can we have a summarized report of the abilities of Team A's Servants? Maybe if we can find a common weakness, we can at least discern what has them indisposed. Anything can help, even if its as simple as all of Team A being in top form at the time of deployment."

With her suggestion offered, Elise would then move beside Scarlett and gently nudge her with her elbow, whispering: "Scarlett, I feel you on this kind of being bullshit, but its either we go and try, or we wind up never being born from the Singularity festering. And no being born means none of those sandwiches you like. Or students to teach. We can submit a full complaint to HR later, but right now, humanity needs us. ...Also, their names are Leon and Conner. Not Libra and Capricorn."
When it came time to ask questions, Elise would wait a moment before she'd consider asking her's, seeing how well-prepped her teammates were mentally. Overall they were handling it well enough, for basically being told "Team A is missing, go find out why". Elise had a couple of concerns of her own however, crossing her arms and listening to the concerns of the others before speaking up.

"Director Orson, Scarlett has a point. Team A was the best of the best, and their Servants were top-notch as well. I'm not saying I won't go, but won't we need some incredible firepower to even guarantee us making it back alive? ...Then again, I imagine the Clocktower wouldn't go handing out catalysts for powerful summonings without a ton of restrictions."

Elise would put a hand on her hip, and gesture towards Archimedes. "Then again, I imagine a genius like you has a plan in mind for rigging the summoning in our favor, right Archimedes? Having at least two A-Grade Servants would raise our chances of success."
At first, Alice was a bit confused on what Brandy meant about her being scary, until she realized. "Ohhh, that. Uh, that only happens on Full Moons, and that one already happened. Werewolves like me get crazy strong and wild on full moons, but its not like something I can control very well."

Sofia didn't look reassured at all, fully aware you couldn't just beat up a ghost and take its lunch money. But, her eyes did light up when Alice said: "We have time for some shopping. You two go on ahead though, mine's just all boring alchemy stuff. Also, here, this should help with the road-burns." Alice would offer Brandy one of her Restoration potions, which would get her back into tit-top-shape. Also, this time, it tasted like cherry.

Sofia had a pale gray blush from watching Brandy just...massage her bosom in public, saying: "P-Perhaps we should go shopping now before I have to shoot someone for staring."
No need to apologize, usually rps move a heck of a lot slower on this site.
Elise would be lying if she said that Conner's lack of culture was physically bringing her pain...but hey, hyperbole existed for amusement. But hey, at least she knew their captain was a sensible enough man to not want to APPEAR to be drinking on the job. Didn't mean he wouldn't, just meant that he was smart about it. Righting her position, Elise would shrug, saying: "That'll be for later then. And, don't worry Conner, I'll make sure to bring real swampwater so you can compare." She was probably kidding.


But then came the realization that Scarlett was on their team, not just a general member of Chaldea staff. ...How could she have missed that!? Then again, Scarlett was the kind of person to just blend into the background. ...Or maybe she just didn't want to believe that a former teacher, bodyguard, and friend all at once was here too. Though...given her memory problems, she had to assume that the blowhard Director had realized her combat capabilities and judged her to be a good Master candidate. She just hoped that if action did occur, whatever Servant that Scarlett summoned would work as a good personal aide. Maybe a Caster or an Assassin, something easy to manage and low maintenance.

"I've ALREADY graduated Scarlett," Elise insisted, crossing her arms. "Anyways, lessons aside, we should head in before the Director blows a gasket.
I was planning to last night but a previous all-nighter destroyed me. I'll get a post up today.
Smidge later than I wanted to get it done, but hey! Elise is now here to cause mild headaches!
Quick mini-collab with Enkryption

With the slightest of morning buzzes killed after spending a majority of her morning explaining things to Scarlett, Elise would take a brief walk around Chaldea with her hands in her pockets, figuring that today would just be another day spent on being the glamorous B-Team, of which only their Leader had seen active duty. ...Whatever happened to the rest of the former B-Team anyways?

Just when Elise was about to go back to her room, she'd receive the message to head to CHALDEAs. ...Well, at least she knew it wasn't disciplinary action, since it made zero sense to do that in the single most valuable facility in the entire building. That was a load off her shoulders, since she was sure that an old, grumpy man lecturing her might just make her head explode right now. ...Or...maybe it was finally some action that didn't involve a benchpress and squats.

With at least the most bare effort made to be punctual, Elise would arrive on time to see one of the other new members of Team B, Conner, poking fun at their leader for something she couldn't quite see from his back. Walking by, she'd tap Leon on the shoulder and pivot on her foot once she was past him and Conner, saying: "Finally some action, Captain? I've got some aged absinthe to take the tension off, if you're interested~"

Without warning, she'd also put an arm on Conner's shoulder, leaning on him slightly and saying: "You're invited too, Griggs. Drinking age is 18 for spirits here." ...Leon could probably tell, discipline wasn't one of Elise's strong suits, since she was already planning to drink on the job and get everyone roped in.
Sofia could feel her consciousness slipping away as her head was juggled round and round, certain that Brandy was abandoning her to her fate as she laughed away at her until her savior finally stood up for justice! And justice involved swift, violent retribution on the juggler's juggle-bits below the belt! Sofia couldn't help but let out a cheer as she was freed, before remembering that gravity existed and fully expected to need Brandy to scoop her brains back into her head with a spoon.

But then, her selfless comrade dove headlong into danger to protect her head, while her (frankly) useless body flailed around behind the crowd, accidentally shoving a few people aside while it stumbled around seeking its operator. The head took a few tries to screw her neck back together just right, but eventually Sofia would be back to normal, cheeks stained red at how embarrassing it was to be manhandled and tossed around in front of everyone. Her luck really was the worst.

Clearing her throat, the undead would say: "I'm grateful for your timely assistance...and, there are some advantages to my head being detachable. I can use it to coordinate with my body from a hiding spot...t-that is, so long as I maintain focus. My body spinning out of control was due to me being dizzy. But, maybe I should buy a choker...that way it doesn't happen by accident."

Meanwhile, Alice would beam as she spotted the graveyard job. This sounded right up their alley, since Sofia was already an undead. Worse came to worse, she could talk her way out of them all being haunted forever!

Excitedly, Alice would bring the job over and get the paperwork filled out, before charging off to excitedly drag her friends off to a literal haunted graveyard for money. After explaining, Alice beamed excitedly at Sofia, who was quivering in her boots. "B-But what if there are ghosts!?"

There would be a long pause, before Sofia cleared her throat, posing with a hand before her face, one eye shining through her fingers. "I mean, what if I have to slay ghosts!? Those poor souls have already suffered enough. I'm sure we can j-just talk it out..."

Alice would gently pull Brandy aside, whispering: "Do you...think she's scared of ghosts?"
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