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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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Right here!

Enkryption has been busy but he's still interested too!
Alice would shake her head heartily, wanting no part of dressing in such a scandalous outfit when half of her materials would melt through her skin if handled improperly while wearing...jeez, could you even call it clothes when the design was sheer!? Putting the sketch back in Sofia's hands, Alice would begin walking with the other girls to head towards their graveyard shift.

After Sofia and Alice had a good laugh at the blow Brandy dealt to the cat-calling caravanner, Alice would answer Brandy's question.

"Well, the job wasn't very descriptive...just to go there and investigate some strange happenings. Might be ghosts, might just be robbers using people's superstitions to cover up their hideout," Alice explained, while Sofia tactically scanned the area around them...really hoping that the graveyard was haunted by bandits and not like...people ghosts. That would be well and truly awful.

The group would be there to find out in an hour, with Alice sniffing the graveyard for anything suspicious, resisting the temptations to dig a hole and gnaw on bones. ...Werewolves lived by instincts more than wit, after all. Sofia meanwhle would maintain a solid 20 foot avoidance of any graves, clutching her bow in her arms as if it was a teddy bear. "Ghosts are real but they're not here...ghosts are real but they're not here..." Sofia chanted to herself, looking perfectly prankable if Brandy felt mischief-inclined.

Sofia had to admit that this wasn't exactly how she'd expected to spend today. Making a choker, a headband, and getting the most touchy with someone she'd been in...what, a century? Well it wasn't exactly easy to score a date when a guy saw that you were undead but...y-y'know, true love finds all, and all that. She definitely wasn't also idly wondering if maybe Brandy could give tips on finding a boyfriend, but that conversation would only come after Brandy was deeply, horribly in debt to her for fashion reasons.

DEEP in debt.

Still, she had to admit, being hugged felt nice and she'd hug back, before very gently tugging the Satyr's horns with barely enough force to move her head, saying: "N-Now uh...we can work on outfit ideas later. We need to meet back up with Alice and begin our quest to...t-t-to go and investigate that graveyard... It was clear she was dreading it, but it wasn't like she could back out with her party already set to go there.

Meanwhile, Alice would trot along to the meeting place, humming happily as she'd bought the materials for and created replacements for three rejuvenation potions, and four vials of holy water, in case of an emergency. With her pack once more bulging with alchemical delights and reagents, she would trot along to greet her party once they arrived. "Ready to head out girls? Oh, that choker's cute. And you found a headband too Brandy?"

Sofia saw her time to shine and would place a hand atop her chest, the other gesturing towards the choker she herself had made. "Such top-of-the-line craftsmanship could come from none other than I! If you want a similar one, that could be arranged."

Alice seemed decently impressed, enough so to beam, tail wagging. "Oh wow! And here I thought you both went and spent a ton. I guess you really are a good sewer Sofia."

Basking in praise, Sofia would let out a chuckle, hiding her eyes with her hand splayed out over her face. "Hmhm! Now, if you will, I considered some adjustments to everyone's attire with Brandy's suggestions." She would hurriedly pull out a sketchbook and show off her "improved" version of Alice's outfit, which got the werewolf's tail standing on end.

"That's uh...a lot of exposed skin. ...I don't think that's compliant with Alchemy Standards and Practices Regulation code 37-B. N-Not that I'm saying its bad! Its just a health hazard."

Regarding the stuff that could be changed for the situation:

As it stands, it really feels like Archimedes is only contacting Leon directly when honestly, his warnings could also be useful for Celtchar/Scarlett in the field.

Even if you did accept Scarlett to fill up bodies, Orson and Archimedes should still probably understand where Scarlett is coming from in terms of trauma, and handle her with a bit more delicacy given that she's got psychological issues to go with her battle prowess.

Scarlett and Celtchar were scouting, and combat was meant to be a last resort. Scarlett even slowed her heartrate so they could sneak around better. It just feels odd to get randomly jumped by 20 skeletons all at once when the intent was stealth with combat maybe happening. Not to say I don't want Celtchar to fight, but they were going to try and pinch the enemy with the other Servants.

Also I'd say that in the future, Leon should be more specific with orders since if he specified "Celtchar, Scarlett, scout 200 meters ahead of the rest of us" that gives a very good metric for distance, and then it'd make sense if Archimedes was irate that they went well beyond that distance.

I hope this was helpful and doesn't come across as mean. Also, remember, its always possible to improve your writing! Heck, RPGuild helped me improve a lot myself.
Weren't Celtchar and Scarlett given the go-ahead to scout at the bridge as the vanguard?

Maybe this is a sign I should fall asleep after accidentally posting IC in the OOC...
Woop, nevermind, misread part of the post!
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