Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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"That's a smart reason!" Fio said, having to admit that having a nice place to sleep where you didn't get bullied by other Pokemon was pretty sweet. "I used to live in the Vale of Twilight...which as you can imagine, is really rough for a grass type that needs sunlight to live," she said while rubbing the bulb on her head. Her own feet made light *pat* sounds "Totally agree that this place is nicer than where I lived. If I ever go back to the Vale, I'll tell all my friends about it!"

While Fio was easy enough to deal with as she was, one had to imagine the absolute horror of another dozen of her, given how Fomantis live in huge clusters. But, upon seeing the gate, Fio's eyes looked up at it. "So tall...do you think they have to make it so big in case really big Pokémon show up?" she asked, trotting along with Ting to the gate. "I bet your fortune would be really good, Ting! And even if its bad...well, you can always ignore it!"

...Maybe...just maybe, Fio was the kind of person that only believed in fortunes if she liked the results. "But, either way, I have no doubt that tis all good luck from here on out. Gaaaaaale~!" she said, then called out the name of their third team member, hoping he was already at the gate waiting for them.

[@Stinkgate/Food Crew]

At being thanked by Takeshi, Liliana would smile happily. A knight lived to serve after all...so she'd help Takeshi no matter what! After all, it wasn't as if he'd done anything especially wrong. Plus, right now, she'd be able to go and help Alice and Gringor on the job they'd been defeated on-

"BWAAAAA!?" Lilianna bwaa'd, watching Alice and Gringor about to come to blows potentially. This was bad...if the fight knocked them out into the street and villagers saw yokai sparring to the death after molesting each other's jubblie bits, there'd be a huge downturn in opinions of them! Not to mention...Liliana didn't want to see two people who should be allies fighting. With her sword on her back lightly glowing in response to her worries, a magic glyph would be formed in the air above Gringor and Alice.

"Summooooon! CoooowATCH OUT!" Liliana called out, before a bonafide bovine Battista bombed between the two battlers, belating the battle with body and babble. Mooing loudly, it would chew on a bit of grass between the two, right as Shizuka showed up. She had no doubt that the intrepid samurai could dodge the random cow event, narrowly avoiding crushing cow concussions. Liliana was flabbergasted, worriedly flailing her arms as she approached. "I am SO sorry! I-I was trying to break it up with a cow, but then you were already there once the spell started. Y-You're alright, right Shizuka?" the fairy asked, glad that the cow had narrowly avoided crushing the samurai entirely by accident.


[@Food Crew]

"Mm. ...Thank you for everything, Shizuka. I couldn't have completed this task myself. I hope to work with you again in the future. ...For now, I will just...attempt to pray," the automaton said, kneeling down before the woman named Saki. Maybe it wasn't her place as an inorganic life form to pray but...something about it felt correct.

Kneeling down, Eula would put her hands together in prayer, mentally apologizing to Saki. Even if she'd done wrong, she had, in the end, atoned for causing the death of her family. ...Human love was complex. It seemed as if she would never be able to grasp it or attain it, but was glad that Saki realized her mistake in the end. Family was factually irreplaceable-

"Hey, quit it...you're not replaceable at all, Eula. You're my friend. Even if I'm gone someday...you'll remember me,"

A memory, sharp and painful throbbed in the back of her mind. Right. Family wasn't replaceable. Someone had taught her that once, long ago...but she couldn't keep the promise to remember them. The automaton would spend an hour in prayer before coming to the temple for more work and to repair herself with nutrients. Despite lacking the biological need for a strictly food-based fuel source, her stomach was grumbling in protest. ...Robotic logic couldn't argue with hunger. Walking in just in time to see a cow nearly drop onto Shizuka, Eula's eyes focused solely on the massive bovine. "...Wild animals are not allowed inside by Shizuyaman customs," she said before going over and picking up the surprisingly stoic steer, and taking it outside. Dusting her hands off, she would take a seat, eager for food.
Hector Wyland

Hector would listen quietly as the squad assignments were explained...which, it seemed, there wasn't going to be strict assignment detail. He wasn't sure about whether this was a boon or a bane. On one hand, that meant he wouldn't regularly have to deal with anyone that rubbed him the wrong way. On the other, it was hard to trust people you barely knew, and if they regularly rotated out...

For now he'd put it out of his mind, intently considering what jobs were best suited to his skills. As much as he thought that he might prove a match for some of these tougher missions...he was certain his lack of actual Reaver experience would spell the end of him. He wasn't intending to die so soon after nearly dying just a few months ago. He'd shamelessly accept doing the lowest level of work while he gained experience. If others wanted to throw themselves at the feet of genuine monsters, that wasn't his problem.

In spite of his misgivings about Scarlett...at least she tore some sense into that Evelyn woman. As for the rest though, she seemed as unstable as she'd shown herself to be just minutes ago. Luckily for Hector, most of his "registered headache inducers" weren't going on the simplest of the missions. "I feel best suited to the ZoHo Marsh mission," he said, only rivaled in his lack of words by Tilnak. Slaying wild animals that had gone on a rampage wasn't exactly difficult work, but it would let him get into the groove of Reaver work.
"Thank you very much! Have a nice day!"

Fio was pleasantly surprised that the Kecleons proved so...nice! Really, really nice! Fio would carefully scoop up the berries and coins, smiling with her eyes at Ting. "Mhm! Oh, and here's your coins back," she said, using her back two arms to carefully give every last penny back to Ting. Now, they could wrap up those four Oran berries for safekeeping and meet up with Gale. Their first real adventure as adventurers! "I don't mind leading the way! Thissaway!"

Trotting along happily with berries in tow, Fio would skip a bit, just enough to not mess up the berries in her bag and bruise them badly. She'd feel bad if they'd just spent money to buy these berries, only to wind up ruining them before the adventure had even started. Fio had like, a gajillion questions to ask her new friend, but felt it best to keep it to just one.

"Hey, Ting? Why did you want to become an adventurer? You didn't really say back when everyone gave their speeches," she said, a bit happy as she admitted: "Its alright if its not a big important reason too! I just joined because I thought the adventurers that saved me were super duper cool." Shallow as it made her sound, Fio definitely wore her heart on her sleeve. She'd probably never even lied once in her life, with how blunt her questions and answers were. It might even be that she couldn't fathom a complex reason for someone to be an adventurer...just because they were the coolest.


"Well...when you put it that way..." Liliana said as she considered Ayu's words, before straightening her back and pounding a fist on her own chest. "I guess I can't let a little thing get me down! A real Knight and a real Fairy Knight will fight misery wherever they go!" With the fairy knight's wisdom so low that she could be depressed and un-depressed over the course of two minutes, she would fly before Takeshi and present her sword proudly. "Don't you worry Takeshi, I promise that no matter what, we're here for your people and you! If you wind up being exiled, I know some good human villages back where I come from. Or if you feel like bumming off of nature, I know a lot of poison plants to not eat."

At hearing Kerry mention that she'd join Gringor and Alice on a quest, Liliana wheeled around. "Count me in! Now I'm motivated to-" she started, before seeing Kerry by Grimgor and Alice, the latter-est of whom had her hands down Gringor's pants. ...That...was...was that what Kerry meant when she said "having a third member"!? Liliana's face grew pink and a tiny bit of steam escaped her ears, before she shook her head and grew to human size. Did someone spike the water with horny juice!?

The knight would bury her face in her hands and stand behind Kerry. "I'll come too! Just...um...l-let's go before the villagers see. Or, before these two start fighting." ...This was getting more awkward the more Alice opened her mouth, honestly.



"Testicles are the source of human semen. Your 'balls' as they are colloquially known." Eula said, making her threat a lot clearer. The automaton would listen intently to the bandit leader's words, before nodding in silence. "I see," she would finally say, before picking the large man up with one arm as if he weighed nothing. "Regardless, thank you for cooperating. I am unsure what the penal code is in Shizuyama, but I can only assume that I will never see you again."

Turning her head back towards Shizuka, she would say: "I am...uncertain on what to say once we return. May I trust you to bring this to light? ...Humans tend to view my species with trepidation, due to how we speak and act." In truth, the automaton couldn't fathom how to explain this. It sounded insane when she mulled it over. ...He was just a bandit. Even if he saved her, why would that woman take an illogical action like sacrificing her family?

...Her heart hurt, in some capacity. She couldn't understand it, in the slightest. Processes kept trying and failing to find logic, parse solutions, find alternate paths...there must have been so many. Was it selfish or selfless? Amoral or moral? Love or desire? 0 or 1? ...Did it even matter? Victory was theirs, and the automaton couldn't muster the will to savor it. She only hoped that the shell around her heart could hold long enough to meet her final directive, least it tear itself apart considering humanity and its issues.

Still...she was glad to have at least made a friend on this mission. Shizuka was capable and steadfast, a worthy ally in combat and conversation. Perhaps once her arm healed up, Eula could accompany Shizuka on missions like this. They made a surprisingly effective combo of strength and speed.
Seeing as how the blacksmith had a fair point about their gear, Alice and Sofia would take it upon themselves to drag Brandy away for some weapon shopping so she could get off the focus on her weight. Nothing livened a girl up like weapon shopping! That was totally what ordinary girls did for recreation, right?

In the process of finding especially deadly looking weapons that they could handle, Alice would grab a small circular shield and a shortsword, seeing as she already carried a lot of junk and wanted something that could fit easily into her inventory of seemingly endless bag space. Sofia was mostly fine, but did settle on buying a dagger in case of them needing one...and also to lick it menacingly. When it came to helping Brandy shop, Alice was mainly looking at the blunt instruments on sale. Clubs, maces, blackjacks...even a couple of quarterstaffs of simple make. It wouldn't be good for either of Brandy's friends to assume what kind of weight she wanted on her weapon.

Alice would hold up a greatclub, tail wagging as she held the ginormous stick. "M-Maybe this one?" she asked, having to hold back the urge to drool, dog instincts in full effect as she eyed the chest-sized club.

Sofia would shake her head, holding up a simple spiked club. "I think it would be best for her to stick to something of similar weight. A mace might be a touch too heavy for her to hit as well as she normally does...besides, maybe a shield could be useful for Brandy as well," the Revenant said, eyeing a buckler on the wall. "Perhaps, something where you can quickly deflect a blow and smash someone's head in?"

Alice would be of no help, hugging the greatclub and rubbing her cheek against it.
Apologies for the wait, been swamped trying to get stuff set up for a potential new job .
Fio was glad that, at the very least, the trio would have enough food and water but...it was clear that Fio had shown her worry from his reaction. Quickly perking herself back up, she'd accept the pouch and nod. "Y-Yeah, sorry...we're awful small compared to a lot of other Pokémon," she said, before scampering off to purchase the necessary food for the journey. The two Kecleons manning the stand seemed like good merchants, definitely not the type to buy someone stuffed in a sack.

Looking over the prices and doing the math, she thought it would be prudent to not go and spend all of Ting's money if she could help it. "Um...excuse me," Fio said, managing to get the two's attention while raising a leaf within view. "Can I buy Four Oran berries?" While asking, Fio would count the coins one by one, quickly checking her mental math while getting the necessary sum.

It was clear to both of the brothers that Fio wasn't very used to buying things, though her difficulties may also have come from being shorter than the counter. Eventually she would pull herself up just enough for her head to show by using her leaf arms. She'd blink a few times at the two Kecleons, looking back to the sign a couple times before down at her piling of coins. "I-Is this enough? Sorry, I'm not so good at money math things!"

The country bumpkin of a grass-type would really, really hope she knew that 6 came before 7 in terms of counting.
Hector Wyland

Ah, and so it seemed the savage girl was brought back down to earth with the speed he'd expect from any organization that took itself seriously. Hector wanted to bite back at the Belua saying they were all late, but was already aware of seniority being a key part of any organization. His military rank didn't mean anything here, so he'd just have to bite his tongue and bear with it. Wordlessly, he would follow along for the tour of the tower while Herne coiled around his left bicep, somewhat "pulsating" in layers of transparency while he relaxed.

They would soon be meeting with the head of the Tower, a man who looked the part of a mage. Though, he did seem rather young...but then again, a Veyonist was likely born practicing magic. Hector was certain that, in terms of magical expertise, everyone in the room far outstripped him. But, expertise didn't matter compared to lethal efficiency. Monsters didn't get easier just because you were more knowledgeable. At the question of whether any had questions, Hector would say: "Only one, sir. Will squad assignments be permanent, or will we be rotated out on a regular basis?"

Hector had a sneaking suspicion that, just due to the way the universe seemed to love playing cruel jokes on him, he'd already imagined himself being stuck with Scarlett for a long period of time. He has no doubt that she had the social decorum of a cactus...or perhaps, of ivy would be more accurate given her penchant for climbing. He also would hate to have to stand more than ten minutes of Evelyn's boasting. In fact, one of the only people in the room that he wasn't developing a distaste for was the young woman he'd overheard introducing herself as "Asterlope," a man who had introduced himself as "Aldin Rei" who carried himself with a good amount of dignity in both his words and posture, and the...other young woman(?) adorned in green who seemed as apprehensive as one could expect of a novice.


Liliana felt her heart break a bit when Alice looked ready to cry. ...Had...they all made her uncomfortable by making it seem like this was a bad thing? ...It wasn't. It really wasn't. It was just...a good thing at the wrong time. Takeshi's culture made it bad so...it was just something they'd have to deal with. Liliana would look a bit downtrodden, growing to her human size and looking to Alice. What could she possibly say to make this better?

...Nothing. Nothing at all. "I...um...maybe we should leave Alice alone for a bit. Takeshi too," she said. Even if she didn't have a lot of smarts about her, she did at least understand that calling so much attention to it was a mistake. She couldn't even approach Alice for fear of making her nervous breakdown worse. She'd never expected to see someone from a Wonderland look so afraid of people.

Turning back to the crowd, Liliana said: "Yeah...everyone, we should give Alice some space. Mr. Takeshi, whatever you want to tell people...give it some thought." With that, the fairy would start to float off, feeling a bit glum after all of that. It was hard to get a fairy down, but she sure was flying lower than normal.



Eula would begin binding the hands of the various bandits that she'd managed to take down, honestly amazed at how well the fight had gone. She herself hadn't gotten a scratch, and Shizuka had handedly disposed of many bandits from behind them with the rest running away in terror. They'd won...even if she would have liked to capture far more than they'd ended up with. She'd have to bind each of them together with rope to ensure that they couldn't get away, tying them to a sturdy tree. It wasn't like they could walk a dozen or so men back to town, so they would have to be left here for proper authorities to pick up. Perhaps they could at least take back the leader however.

At Shizuka's praise, Eula would bow her head. "If it were not for you, I would have been heavily damaged by the crossbowmen. Perhaps even fatally. At the mention of her arm's damage, Eula would undo the binding covering it and examine her circuitry in detail. "Luckily, a simple fix due to damage being to the circuitry and not the joint." She would keep watch on the two bandits that Takeshi tied up, believing that they would take these three back.

Once everything was ready, Eula would look at the Bandit Leader. "Be aware that refusing to answer my questions is not an option. Query 1: Were you tasked with slaughtering the home of a woman who professed her love to you? Query 2: Can you describe this woman if she does exist in detail? Query 3: Have you encountered any Varjan patrols since your criminal activities in the area began?" Eula knew that humans could be stubborn, and as such looked to Shizuka. "Shizuka, if he does not answer, are you comfortable with torturing him on my behalf? I am incapable of grievously harming humans...but, I suppose he is strong enough that my parameters could be loosened."

Seeing that as an opportunity to demonstrate how outmatched the bandits were even now, Eula would pick up a decently sized stone in her good hand before crushing it into pebbles with one motion. "Non-vital body parts may be optimal for targeting, including: Hair, pinky fingers, and testicles..."
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