1. Yes.
2. If you like to have multiples. In terms of Guns...Personally, I don't mind them, but a friend of mine advised that, since this is a technically a fantasy RP (More like a modern-day RP in a bizzare fantasy setting, but I digress), and things like Magnums and modern day pistols might ruin the immersion, to at least make the games Flintlocks. But don't worry, Much later in the RP, those Flintlocks will be evolved into Modern Day guns. As I also have a character wielding a gun, I also await that point in the RP. XD
3. Now THAT'S an excellent question. No you are not going to have your weapons at the very beginning. Any weapons you have in the physical plain, are useless when you're not exactly in your physical body. That said, the Ethereal Plain, and especially Wonderland, aren't under your control as you're led to believe. Have you ever had control of your dreams irl? Ever made things happen of manifest in those dreams? Even if you could in your own dreams, in Wonderland, you have no such power. But don't worry, you'll each be given your weapons of choice soon after the RP's start, by a certain character.
4. ...The best way to answer that is...Both. Everyone will experience the same event at the same time, but it will probably effect everyone differently.
BlackCat said
Name: Lisanna Adams
Nickname: Liz
Age: 8
Gender: Female
Appearance: She is 3 feet 9 inches tall. Has really long red hair that reaches her ankles. Liz normally wears a black sleeveless dress with a denim jacket over it. Her skin is quite pale and she has sapphire blue eyes.
Arcana: Moon
Weapon: Two black katanas with a jade dragon on each sheath. Liz normally carries them around in a violin case, so until she fights no one is aware that she actually has a weapon.
Personality: Liz is "blessed" with multiple personality disorder.Liz has three very different personalities; Liz, Robin, and Raven. Liz (her primary personality) is a brilliant healer (she can't fight or come up with brilliant strategies). Liz is very kind and innocent but also very blunt. Robin (Liz's second most common personality) is a great tactician and strategist ( she can't really fight or heal). Robin is very diligent and mature but if you can get to actually talk to you she listens very carefully.Raven ( the rarest of the three personalities) is a great fighter (not on e for strategies or healing). Not a whole bunch is known about Raven, since she has only appeared once before. What is known is that Raven is a jerk. She will quickly observe just about everything about you and then insult you on the most touchy subject she can find. She also is able to lift up two hundred pounds (no one has any idea how she got that strong) easily.
Backstory: Liz is an amnesiac. She appeared in a church with a violin case and no memories. The church took her in and taught her everything a seven year old should know. On her eighth birthday She learned chess for the first time. That was the first appearance of Robin. Since then whenever Liz does something involving strategy Robin emerges. Besides her amnesia and multiple personalities Liz is a relatively normal girls. The priest at the church she lives at has homeschooled her and takes her to the park to socialize often.
Name: Acheloise
Appearance: TBR
Skills: Cleave, Double fang, Media
Character Relevance: Acheloise is often shown wandering halls at night curing anything and everything of its ailments. It portrays Liz's desire to heal the world, but Acheloise (when not summoned in battle) will heal both friend and foe. Liz does help others a lot but not to this extreme. It is extremely hard to summon Acheloise when Robin or Raven are "out"
Errrm....One major problem that comes to mind with this is the age. I accept any age so long as they can fight, true, but the exception is either an age in which one just can't fight...Or age 4-12. Remember, the current crisis in this RP is the P3 Syndrome which effect any and all kids in the Vicinity of this area, no exceptions are made. She'd be locked up in Wonderland months before anyone else got there, and in a coma in reality. So I recommend jumping her age up to 13.
Also, There's not alot of excuses for a kid, regardless of her personality, to be capable of holding 200 pounds. So I recommend also toning that down a notch.