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Alright, excellent so far, You're getting it.

Unfortunately, Moros is a Persona already used. ...In a game, yes, but since this is technically taking place between 3 and 4 canonically wise, one cannot have a Persona belonging to someone else.

Fortunately for you, however, The Hermit was only used once for a character. So that means all other possible Personae (Save of course the ones used by others in this RP) is available for use. So I'd like you to try one more time with the Persona.

I should also note that you don't HAVE to necessarily use the Personae on the lists. If you can think of a Mythological deity or figure that are hermits by nature or exist and work behind the shadows, (And are not of any other Arcana like Devil or Death) then you can use them. But if you can't think of one with absolute certainty, I seriously would recommend finding one on the list besides Moros.

BTW: I stated on the rules I believe, but since there is no Calendar or Social Link system there is NO reason any arcana can't have more than one person represent it. ...Except Fool, Jester, Lust, and World of course. In other words, Don't worry about the fact someone else is using it.
Sen said
I'm on my phone right now, so I can't post it, but I finished a character for this. Just wanted to reserve a spot now. I'll post it as soon as I get home to my laptop.

Understood. No need to worry, I'm still waiting on a couple people to complete their profiles.

Cronic is in.
Alright, at least you've shown that you can take criticisms and make something better out of it. That's a good trait to have.

So I talked with my partner on it, and we both feel the Personality fits the Hermit Arcana. Read the description on the link, and then find or make a persona that fits that description and connects well with Kouichi.

Just remember that they have to have three low-level skills, regardless of what level they were starting with in the past.

@Demon: Good to hear. He's definitely in.
To put it simply, a lot. Wonderland looks much like it does in the story, and has the same landmarks and as you can see from the Neo-Shadows, it also has almost the entire roster of main characters from the A/W stories. Plus you won't be able to leave Wonderland...At least not yet. There is a hub here to use as a safe haven or a place to plan out the next moves.

There will still be character development, Personae, and the aspects of battle and of Shadows and Personae, and the fusion process. But there will be no calendar system and no Social Linking. On the plus side, It means you're not limited to one character-per-arcana.

Also, I updated the rules.

@ RPG Gamer: ...Well, it's a step in the right direction, though you could have just edited your first profile. But what bothers me now is that you seem to be finding an Arcana first, and then making a personality out of it. I personally suggest doing it the other way around: Make a personality first and then finding arcana that fits it. Otherwise it becomes a bland personality that exists solely for the purpose of fitting an arcana, the Devil in this case. Incubus is more buy-able a Persona then Nizroc was, but again, it's there because it's a devil. You also still need to work on that grammar of yours, and Agilao's a step too big in the level of elemental spells.
Omnial said Don't you just hate it when you get it all typed out, then it gets deleted due to your comp restarting? (I had this almost done in the interest section)

I feel your pain. That happened to me a lot, and the closer you get to completion when it happens, the more of the burnout it results in. ...Speaking of Burnouts...

Hoo boy. ...Ok, so I'll do this one by one.

Tyrant, and of course Petulant, is in.

@Omnial: ...Come to my office for a moment. *Heads over to the PMs*

@Silvir: As you probably already know, I can't accept the CS until it's complete. So I'll wait until it is completed.

@BlackCat: Liz is in.

@TheRpgGamer: ...I'm going to be honest, I can't accept the CS as it is right now. To put simply as to why: The Personality's not exactly detailed, and doesn't really fit the Hanged Man Arcana that well, the Grammar needs to be properly fixed, the two attacks besides Maragi, while are SMT abilities, aren't abilities from Persona, and needs to be changed, (Here's the lists of skills from Persona 3 and Persona 4 to help you out.) and Unless cooking is a MAJOR aspect of his life, the character relevance can't work well.

Sorry man.

@Demon Shinobi: You already shown me what you're missing, but I suggest posting it ASAP. Other than that, Adrian's in.

@Sen: Well, I might, but it depends on what details you need in specific.
Very well.
Mike the Bloodwolf said
Hey RedIs the Jabbawocky a persona I can get or is it following the orignal set up?In Any case I would like to reserve the Jabbawocky please?

The Jabberwocky, unfortunately, isn't a Persona Spike, He's a character. ...Well, I guess you could debate he's both. But either way, He's not available, none of the Wonderland characters on this list are. Other wonderland characters we may have missed are available... But the reason it's on the list is because it's already taken by someone, in this case, me and Omni (Petulant).

Sorry, mate.

As for you two, you're now officially in.
No worries Mina. The IC may not yet be started for a little while...

The OOC however, is finally here.

I apologize for the delays and being so late with this, I still have some work to do, but it's really with just due to a profile. So it's just about ready to go.

Everyone who has posted a Profile, please copy and paste it to the OOC.
Come little children,
I'll take you away
Into a land of enchantment.
Come little children,
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of shadows...

The date is September 2010, Months after the supposed "Fall" of the world was suppose to happen as Japanese Cultists of Nyx predicted. As expected, it didn't come to pass, though the world never knew how close it was to doing so, and what had to be sacrificed to prevent it.

However, another bizarre crisis hits the capital of the United Kingdom. As of early April, Children with ages ranges between 4 and 12, on the stroke of Midnight are falling into a deep sleep from which they don't seem to ever wake up from. In one night, 6 children fall into this coma, in another night 7, then 8. Because this only seems to effect said children, the doctors are calling it the "Pied Piper Phenomenon" or "P3 Syndrome". Physically, these children are fine with the exceptions of a few and have no real reason, mental or otherwise, to fall under this coma. While most are well enough and alive in this coma, there have been a record of a rare few children who have sadly died while in this coma. As a result, a new level of fear and worry comes over the families of these children.

However, naturally, they only see and believe what's on the physical plain. What's happening is something within the Ethereal Plain, the plain of dreams. Within the world of Dreams, a mysterious white rabbit, who seems to take the form of both a human boy and girl on occasions, have entered into their dreams and led them through a window to another land, a window known as the "Looking Glass". The land it leads to was an amazing place of fantasy, a land of wonders beyond one's dreams or comprehension. But once they enter through the looking glass to this wonderland, they could never leave it. However, the White Rabbit seems to have vanished from his role as Pied Piper of these children, leaving other creatures to take his place.

Months of this happening has made it a point to have no one really come with their children to London anymore, and those who were born in London were immediately moved out to protect them from this epidemic. Needless to say it worked...temporarily. But as the number of children claimed grow, the range from which the creatures can claim them grew with it. At this rate, no child will be safe no matter where he or she is.

As said before, the P3 Syndrome seems to only effect children of ages 4-12. As such, no teenagers or adults seem to be effected and are safe from it ultimately. London is still a place to go for people without any young children of their own. Because of this Politicians in this capital city aren't too worried about it, minus the fact of needing to address it, and are in fact covering it up from the world as best as possible to not cause any unnecessary searches from countries like America.

However, things are about to strike as unusual when an exception to the rules so far happens. For a group of teens, and maybe even some adult, on the stroke of midnight, shall be pulled from their sleep by strange invisible force, through the looking glass into the Wonderland beyond, and their ultimate destiny shall begin.
Now for the Rules: (More may come.)

1. No God-modding
2. No Flaming
3. Your spelling and Grammar must be decent.
3. Respect the decision of the GM (Myself), and the Co-GM (Petulant).
4. Post within one week of the GM's (My) post or get left behind.
5. You must start of with three weak abilities. Then you shall gain up to 17 new ones as you progress. Me and Petulant will be the judge of when and how far.
6. For now, the RP will remain open until the IC begins. Anyone who attempts to join afterwards will be put on standby until there's a vacancy.
7. Only skills from Persona 3 and Persona 4 (The rare exception being Persona 2 By rare, I mean these skills will only be given if we feel it's warranted.)
8. There is no Social Links, and no Calandar system whatsoever.
9. Because of Rule 8, there is no limit to the amount of people under one arcana to have. However, Fool, Hunger, Jester, and World are not allowed.
10. Persona 2 style fusing can happen, where everyone, not just the fool, can fuse personas together. However, They must be personas of the Arcana you hold.
11. General forum rules apply

1. Alice Crowley/Dorothy Gale
2. Adam Smith/King Arthur
3. Evette Rossen/Af
4. Axel Ainsley/Dullahan
5. Tryggvi Sverrir/Salamander
6. Chase Rivers/Bacchus
7. Connor Morgan/Bahamut
8. Lisanna Adams/Achelois
9. Adrian Gray/Uranus
10. Cronic Crystalis/Saturnus
11. Kouichi Kihara/Kapre
12. Mina Scrios/Hati
13. Nathaniel Weiss/Faust
14. Eve Schults/Anahita
15. Kenneth Sharp/Bres
16. Arthur Blackburn/Honos
17. Hayleigh Blackburn/Virtus

Shadows: (Anyone making a Neo-Shadow still has to make a Persona with)

1. The Queen/???
2. The Mad Hatter/???
3. The Cheshire/???
4. The Black Rabbit/???
5. The White Rabbit/Sisyphus-Shirousagi
6. Dorm Mouse/???
7. March Hare/???
8. Jabberwocky/???
9. Bandersnatch/???
10. The Caterpillar/???
11. Tweedle Dum/???
12. Tweedle Dee/???
13. Ace of Spades/???
14. Ace of Clubs/???
15. Ace of Diamonds/???
16. Ace of Hearts/???
17. Jack of Clubs/Titan

Backstory: (Optional)
Theme Song: (Completely optional.)

Persona Name:
Persona Appearance:
Persona Skills:
Character Relevance: (Basically, how your Persona represents you. Possible not to be, in which case choose unknown, but I'd appreciate the effort if you could.)

Power: (If any)
Weapons: (If any)
Personality: (Self-awares' only)
Theme song: (Again, completely optional.)

Enjoy. :D
That's fine, I'm delayed with my OOC, so I think we're even. XD

And Demous I'm already discussing with regarding that CS.
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