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I apologize for the Double post, but I have an update:

Rule number 4 was originally to post within one week of the last post made or get left behind. This way there's a bit of leniency, as I understand that nobody is free all the time.

However, My Fellow/Co-GM, Petulant, has brought to light that perhaps that rule is a bit TOO lenient, and we prefer to wait until as many people posts as possible before we post and progress the plot. Worse case scenario: Everybody posts right at the due date each time, which means about 5-10 weeks without the RP technically moving. While that is indeed simply the WCS, there is still the possibility of this taking a while to move forward.

Ergo, Unless a better suggestion is made, The deadline is a week after the GMs (Me and Petulant) post.

As a way of Apologizing for this inconvenience, since I posted a couple days ago, I'm giving you two extra days this time to post, that way you have 7 days, a week, rather then five.

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.
Cheshire, of course is in, and I have posted.

But I'm posting here to report that Tyrant from the West has lost interest, and has dropped.
The Rabbit observed their reactions carefully. So far, of the ones that were still sleeping only one remains like this, and one of which the Rabbit honestly wished stayed that way, given how hostile she appeared to be. My, my, what a colorful bunch though. At least one of them both evidently hostile AND under the stern belief that this is simply a dream. Understandable emotions given where they are and how they got here, but alas, not entirely true. He saw one of the people who were already awake...clinging to the tail of his red coat like a child, somewhat annoyed, but said nothing as he looked at a girl comforting him. He then heard the others, most of them basically said the same thing in their own ways: that they'll comply and follow but that they want everything explained to them immediately afterwards.

"Typical humans, but I suppose it's understandable enough." He thought as he then looked at the one who clung to the tail of his red coat.

"I intend to, do not worry. Unfortunately I can't give you much more comfort then that reassurance, ...not like 'she' can." He said to Axel.

Alice and Adam simply watched everyone's reaction. Adam heading for Connor and Evette.

"If you think this is a dream, how about trying to make believe all us to go away? Surely we're nothing but white noise to you." Adam asked Evette, knowing fully well that if the kid who tried to carry one of these people is of indication, this is a place that, dream or not, they have no power or control over it. He then turned to Connor.

"Hey, you're a london cop right? I've seen you patrol my street practically every night." Adam told him, before extending out his hand.

"Adam Smith, I'm a junior." He said to him.

Alice on the other hand went over to where the White Rabbit was, noticing Chase waking up and asking his question to him.

"Yes and no. While you came here from the ethereal realm, with your physical bodies still in your world, this place is one that is beyond the land of dreams. It's just as real to you here as it would be in your world, and that's why treating this as if this is a dream you can awaken from will be what meets you to an untimely end." The White Rabbit told him, but it seemed he was also referring to Adrian and Evette, though it's an easy guess in his eyes that it fell on deaf ears. No matter, they'll have no choice but to learn soon enough.

Just as he thinks this, as if responding to his thoughts, a voice, disembodied and all too familiar could be heard in the ears of the rabbit, as well as everyone else's apparently. The Rabbit looked up and, sure enough saw the cat-like human, ...or should it be human-like cat, standing in the air directly above the Rabbit.

Adam and Alice looked at this new face as it began talking, and it seemed to be talking with the rabbit in specific. But...Peter? ...Rain? Are either one his name? ...Are both of those words his name? If so, why would he have two different names? More importantly, she heard him mention "Her Majesty". ...Wait, if this is like wonderland from those books, does that mean the one he's referring to is, the psychotic head-chopper of a queen from the books? If so, then wouldn't that make him...

"She can't hear you Cheshire. She's asleep right now, but if it's all the same to you, I'll answer for her. ...We'll endure whatever we have to if it means dragging the royal 'majesty' from her throne. ...That said, I don't suppose you came just to observe us." The White Rabbit said.

"She? ...What on earth is he talking about?" Alice asked. Adam observed the conversation as well between the Rabbit and this...eerie newcomer. For what it's worth, at least it now gave a hint as to what the Rabbit's goal is, and possibly why it came there. But if that's true...

"Does that mean he summoned us to be soldiers against some form of Monarchy? ...But why these people in specific? The cat-guy mentioned something about our potential. But potential to do what? To fight? No, that can't be right. Why not summon actual soldiers if that was the case?" Adam thought.
Mike the Bloodwolf said
I'm not copying SIn character at all, that personality of Samuel is his normal one which I type up myself. I don't want to make him a psychopath, being a cold and somewhat distant is how I normally play him

Being someone who has RPed with Mike for years, I can vouch for him in this regard of personality. The similarities in this particular case to Isadora, I assure you, are mere coincidences. ...Though that's the only thing I'm going to vouch for in Sam's sake.

That being said, Mike, the fact that there's two people with similar personalities on this very small team, might be a bit of a problem. So if Master Kurai, and Master Wayward don't accept this one this time, you might want to consider another villain trope to get behind.
If only a little.
Minarawr said
Omnial, I interacted with you, wasn't sure if you meant Mina, but I just went with it if you don't mind xD

For the record, I can tell he was going for Evette. Your character, to my knowledge, was already awake by the time I made the post.

I understand what you mean, Omnial. So perhaps from now on, I'll refer to Omni as Petulant, for the sake of reducing confusion.

Speaking of Evette: MasterJay, Mopsock, Silvir, Demon, and Petulant are all we need to continue.
The Posting cycle begins with my post, and ends with Omni's. ...Or if Omni can't post for some reason, I begin and end it.

But yes, we have gotten through everyone's first post...Save for Tyrant and Omni, which is why they're still asleep. I apologize for the first cycle being a little...too merciful for lack of a better word.

It seems I'll have to PM everyone to post again now, but besides that, it should flow smoothly from here on out.
Alice and Adam both looked at everyone, realizing that, sure enough, they weren't the only ones here. Adam particularly notices three (Chase, Evette, Tyggvi) that are still asleep, or at least seems to be asleep. ...Wait, they're asleep? But it's the dream world, how is it possible to dream in a dream? He then looked at the Rabbit again, who seemed awfully...agitated not only from the asian hugging him but a girl petting him, as the rabbit tries to release himself from Koichi's grip, his legs twitching at fast speed. To Koichi and Hayleigh, the rabbit's soft fur, its small physical frame, it all felt real like and rabbit would.

"Get, OFF!" He yelled out as he body, color, and texture began to change. His entire small body turned from a small white rabbit to a blob of some kind of black, inky goop that melted away from Koichi's hands and moved, on its own, away from the others before reforming itself into rabbit shape and regaining its colors and textures again, much to Alice's shock and Adam's surprise.

"...These are the ones with Potential? They're more childish then the children." He thought as he sighed, dusting off his red coat as he looked at the group.

"...What...What are you?" Alice asked.

"Listen closely, we don't have a lot of time, so I can't explain everything right now. I am what you may call a Shadow. Through the Looking Glass, I have summoned you all here, to Wonderland. This place is a plane only accessed by the ethereal realm, or the planes of dreams if you will. In other words, you are still asleep in your world. However, this is still a dangerous place. Reality and its boundaries are irrelevant in this world, and while these woods somewhat safe, they are not going to be for very long." The White Rabbit said.

"Woods? ...You mean, these aren't grasslands?" Alice asked. Adam looked up to the blue sky, and noticed something.

"Those are some trees..." Adam said. Alice looked at him and up towards the sky, and sure enough, the sky was being covered with the branches and leaves of giant, colossal even, trees, about 50 times bigger then normal trees.

"...What in the world!? Those trees are huge." Alice said.

"No, we're all just small." The Rabbit corrected. Adam looked at everyone else and noticed their....'variety', for lack of a better word. He knew at least one of them as a Police officer he's seen patrolling the city of London at nights. But he can't seem to find a good reason for why to choose them instead, literally, anyone else.

"Ignoring our size for a second, As everybody else pretty much asked, why are we here?" Adam asked.

"I'll explain later, right now we have to get to the Bastion. Like I said, it won't be safe here for very long. They should already know you're here by now." The Rabbit said.

"What do you mean 'They'?" Alice asked. But the White Rabbit looked at the four still unconscious, seemingly ignoring Alice's question.

"I need three of the strongest of you to pick these people up, I would like to avoid anyone having a guilty conscience of leaving them for dead." The Rabbit said to them.
Very soon. I apologize for the delay. Both Tyrant and Mina are now on hold until they can post.

Omni shall post the next part soon.
X listened to the two explain what happened, Mina to Sashia and then Sashia to him. He looked at the two, and then at the floor in contemplation.

"A manifestation...of the essence of an entire netherrealm? ...How strange. I've been studying angels and demons for quite some time, I don't think I've ever heard of a case where an entire realm personifies into a physical incarnation before." He said, mostly to himself. He then heard Sashia state what they have to do with the newcomer of the crew. X nodded with his calm smile.

"Very well, if it's alright, I'd like to tag along as well. It's customary to perform a physical examination of new crew members for recording's sake, plus I would very much like to hear more about this being... To start with, did anyone catch its name?" He asked the two. He then looked at Koat. ...So this is Jurano's long-lost sister. Being of the same blood and species, she probably has the same physical attributes as Jurano, save for perhaps a smaller physique. But all the same, an examination must be done to be sure.
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