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Actually OrangInk, I've been meaning to ask, just out of curiosity, That signature banner of yours, ...Is that your work? No real reason for asking, just, drawn signature + the name, OrangeInk, ...Easy to make the connection.

Also, out of curiosity, How far back into said old guild did you join? I ask this because I too was there during the old Guild. (Didn't make the Old Guild name solely because I didn't see the need to, since my name's the same in both cases) ...And maybe because I joined in 2011, or because I was in the casual area of this place later on down the road before the Old place got...errm, 'decommissioned' for lack of a better word, but I've seen the anime fans all over the place even back then.
Ollumhammersong said
Believe me I am the first to jump into the D&D band wagon. Swords and sorcery and fantasy can be incredibly fun. But even magic has to have it's limits and boundaries. Even it (and I know this may sound strange) has to make sense. There can't simply be shit happening "because magic" That only goes so far, and if done properly not necessary. if magic is explained in a cool way with reasonable weakness and strengths even if magic is this great and powerful force that only a few can command. There needs to be a sense of balance.

I love deamons, I love sorcery, I love angels and heavens and a vast plethora of gods and goddesses and anything inbetween. But if it is there simply 'because' than it adds nothing. It has to have reason and background, Even a god needs boundaries but that being said our characters shouldn't just be able to walk u and bitch-slap them whenever they feel like it. It's also a lot of little things.

Like omnipotent teenage characters. There are no words to express how much I loathe these. Now admittedly any style of story telling can have these teenagers who conquer everything because everyone else but them seems to be retarded and not born from the womb of some demigod. But anime style games and stories, you all have to admit can take this to brutal extremes.

Other things like Wielding weapons larger than they themselves are. Can a 100lbs girl who's 5'1" really carry around a 20mm hand cannon without completely severing her shoulder when firing it? Or a 15lb battleaxe with a 4' long handle and a blade nearly as broad as her arm is long? it's safe to say, probably not. For that matter can anyone?

Mouths as large a peoples faces when open, Fuck nearly everything that exists in anime can piss me off to some degree. I just don't like it. Now I may get some flame or hatred for that but oh well. I'm sorry and I hope sincerely you continue to enjoy yourself watching and playing anime games. But I will still sleep well at night with my decision.

I don't want dragon born characters in just any setting, and anthropomorphic dog people running around. I can't take it seriously. Well not usually. If a cool realistic explanation and justification can be given for a animalistic race then I am all ears. But If I see any cartoon shit then i'm sorry but that is almost always my queue to leave.

Well at least you're sincere about it. I thank you for giving me an explanation of what you mean. While I love anime personally, ...I don't entirely disagree with these opinions myself. Still, I tend to keep an open mind when it comes to anime and the qualities of it. As I believe I also told OrangeInk via PM, My mind sees things in anime style more often then not nowadays. Based on what's said by OrangeInk here, I suppose a lot of people see the same.

OrangeInk said
I'll be blunt and say this, I agree 100% with ollum, I've been on RPG since the beginning and RP used to be amazing and realistic, however it has now been taken over by anime fans and almost every RP is now anime-esque, anime characters should only be used for a fandom RP that is based in a anime universe, in my opinion anime ruins good RP's because I honestly just can't take the concept seriously. All I can say is that if you really want a true, hardcore sci fi RP like the ones I used to make, drop the anime. Just my opinion.

And Academy RPs among other...contagious genres of which I won't name for respect reasons, and among other things. ...Of course since Academy is mostly an anime genre of RPs, I think that just proves your point. Now if by Drop the anime, you mean the style. Sure I can do that. If you mean drop the anime images, forcing everyone to not use them, ...I'm sorry, but that I can't do. I've already stated I'm not picky with images' art styles, and I don't intend to be.

Windstormugly said
Ok, if the thing you are annoyed at is the illogical and downright stupid stuff that some RPs have... I don't see your problem with this one.If there comes something you want an explanation of, I am sure the Jest will be happy to tell you how and why it is that way.

And if I can't, I will have my scientist *Coughwindpipecough* or one of you two suggest how and why it is that way.

I'll be making the OOC soon enough. So unless my freedom of appearance is a bother, (I'll understand if it is.) what say we wait until it's done, take a look, and make your final judgment call then?
Ollumhammersong said
Seeming anime esque is not just with character pictures. If it's limited to that I can usually stomach it. But anime esque is the style, The way the rp acts and reacts. The boundries and even the amount of 'realism' that I can feel is present. if the Rp feels 'animated' Like it favours somewhat ridiculous proportions, unrealistic phsysics, and disfavouring common sense in favour of things looking or just acting 'cool' and various other characteristics like many, many animes do. Bascially if I feel like I am going to be playing out an anime show instead of a more seriously minded and proportioned rp. That is anime-esque

I see, and permit me to ask out of curiosity: ...But, Angels, Demons, Sorcery, ...and perhaps deities, assuming these were the only ...unscientific, rediculous elements, would these be too far within that boundary point, or would you be able to handle that?
Razil said
is it a problem is we use anime characters for our appearance? i like using my appearance as it is?

As I do for mine. Like I said, I'm not picky when it comes to appearances. You want to use anime-esque design? You want to use realistic, or even real photos? Go right ahead.

I think the problem is, like Ollum and Orange have both said, because of the...popularity - for a lack of a better word - of anime, some people can't take things that seem anime-esque seriously.

I like to thank Ollum, however, for at least considering this RP, and I like to thank Joe and Aristo for their interest alojng with everyone else for theirs. I'm gonna still need some time to get the OOC done.
Ollumhammersong said
Well I was tossing it around in my head for a while but in the end I have mostly the same opinion that Orangeink does. Once something starts to seem anime-esque to any degree it automatically deflates some of my interest.

That and I do prefer realism in my sci-fi games. Less swords and sorcery and anthropomorphic characters. They just hold no appeal to me and I have trouble taking games seriously if anime styles of rules and bounderies are involved.

Also I wasn't aware that I could be forced to stay? All I said was 'potentially'.

As I have explained to Orangeink via PM, I am trying to make this as "Hardcore Sci-fi" as I possibly can given the circumstances. I know how people can be turned-off by the previous RP's quality, No offence to everyone involved in it, ...and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't expected. But I am trying to fix that by converting the things I can convert from Fantasy into Actual Sci-fi. As for the Anime-esque part...Well, I'm not picky with appearances, but that also has the down side, in this particular case, of people using Anime-esque in addition to the more realistic images, and Sorcery is a thing in this universe as are Angels and Demons in addition to alien races. Plus, I don't know what exactly are within or out of said rules and boundaries, so I can't really promise we'd not be within them.

So with that said, I do understand if you feel it doesn't match your criteria in that regard.

As for the "Forced to stay"? The "I won't force you to stay" line is merely a formality.

@ Stryder: I've edited my first post to give a CS for everyone to use while waiting. ...Ignore the "Planet of Residence" part, as I've yet to make a list of planets. That'll be made with the OOC.
I thank you all for showing interest. I'm currently making the OOC right now, but it may take some time, as there's a LOT I have to write about.
I'll be happy to welcome you all aboard. It might take a little bit of time, but I'm currently making the OOC now. ...Unlike this Interest Check, this shouldn't be nearly as difficult, as I know where to start and finish. ^^
Because the interest check will be up, and by the time the new RP is complete this RP will be obsolete. ...I'll be unsubscribing to this topic soon.

Before I do, I'd like permission from Mike to Seal the deal, by making one last IC post to canonically erase his timeline for a smooth transition to the other.

I'd like to stress that no, no one will remember crap from this RP, I apologize for that in advance, but I would like this to truly be a restart of this series.

Here's the Interest Check. I sincerely apologize for how long it took. *Bows*
That's a nice way of putting it, AcerRo. ^_^
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