@CriticalHit Always happy to have a fellow P5 fan: Yes. there is space left. ^_^
@The Jest It's neither shocking nor incomprehensible, you speak like having my opinion is stupid and I'm stupid for having it, but I'm pretty certain if you were to ask random people if they wanted to live in this world, most of them would say yes.
Ok Humanity was so evil that god himself had to put an end to it, but the angel's came and fixed the world, so the Angels create a perfect society where every ambition is fulfilled, everyone is happy, and everything is perfect, and we're trying to change everything so that people can be evil, crappy human beings again.
Wait..Are we technically the bad guys?.
<Snipped quote by The Jest>
oops ^^ well @Ryouko@The Jest maybe Lord Metallix reprograms him after Aion try's to fix him starting the weapon systems leading to the terminator attacking
@Letmehaveone2hey for my terminator I kinda want it to be found and reprogramed by someone think anyone would want a pet terminator with only slight malfunctions and anger issues? *Evil grin*