I'll be joining this, if no one minds. I'm a friend of Mike, who decided to help him out a little with this. With that said...Here are my CSes:
Name: Senkai Sabath
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: As the being known as the "Fallen Angel of Deception", Senkai's an unpredictability incarnated. On the outside is a kid of the moment, an angel who enjoys life and friends to the fullest. He's Energetic, a bit short-tempered, and often the optimist. Balanced by being a bit laid-back and calm when nothing's trying to piss him off. On the inside, however, is a cold, calculating rock of a heart. A true schemer who manipulates others down the path he desires by either using the darker aspects of their personality, using their goals to his advantage, or even outright lying. The thing is, despite being called the Angel of Deception, Senkai doesn't always lie, nor always attempt at decieving others. He seems to only do it when he feels it's absolutely needed, like any other person would. Need it be to further his own ends, or to protect others. To top it off, what makes him more dangerous is the fact that that lump of rock he calls a heart just happens to be made of diamond. He's kind, easily befriends, and once he's with friends he has an honest loyalty for them.
Species: Fallen Angel
Crush: "Wha-What!? Hey! Don't put me on the spot like that, you jerks!"
Powers: Flight- As Senkai is an Angel, (Fallen still counts in this regard.) his wings are capable of flight. Because of the strength of these wings, while he can't keep himself up forever, Senkai can stay afloat in the air for a considerably long time. However, eventually he will have to come down. Even if he doesn't he still has to expose the wings in order to flap them in the air and as such can be targeted to ground him and make him not fly again for a while, if ever.
Illusion (Small)- Being trained by a friend back home, and as Angel of Deception, Senkai can cast illusions around himself and others to fool or trick his opponents. However, as he is still a learning novice in this skill, he's not very good at it. The illusionary range is small, and a good eye can see past any illusions he puts infront of them. The only exception is the wings on his back, if only because it's the one illusion he's been training with ever since starting said training.
"Corrupted" Divine Light- To put it more thoroughly, 'divine' or 'holy' light in this case, is a stream of pure positive-charged atoms, or positive energy, merged with energy coming from light, harnessing and condensing it into a form of useable energy. Mostly used as projectiles, but has its other usages, such as lighting up dark areas or healing others wounds. However, When an Angel like Senkai has fallen, that light is no longer pure. It becomes tainted with the energies of hell, or with the negatively charged atoms, or negative energy. This certainly makes the light more powerful but now most of its usages are useless, leaving a torch-light and a projectile left.
Weapons: 2 Sawn-off Shotgun/sword merges. ...Or "Gunblades" for short.
Theme Song:
"Belong to no one" ~ Lovex
Name: Sore Saige
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: The Simplest way to put it is if the scheming Persona of Senkai became exposed and exploited to heartless degrees. Sore is a cold, calm schemer who is willing to do anything to get what he wants. He has no pride, or any sense of honor, and so is more than willing to go for the dirty and cheap moves if that's what it takes to get things done. He prefers to manipulate and control others to do his will for him, but is by no means afraid to get his own hands dirty. As one might expect, against his enemies he is quite cruel, and even to his allies he can be condescending and something of an elitist. As the "Fallen Angel of Vengence" or the "Nemesis" if you prefer, Sore takes pleasure in fueling and manipulating Vendettas, sometimes even starting them to further his goals, usually as a way to move a useful pawn across the board. However, even a creature like this has positives in his personality. To start with, he is quite polite, never raising his voice, never cursing, and never directly insulting others or calling them names...not aloud at least. He is also incredibly loyal, and quite honest. Unlike Senkai, Sore just doesn't have it in him ironically enough to lie. So instead he speaks around the answers, or makes answers with half-truths, or just keeps his mouth shut. He is also incredibly loyal to Samuel, willing to do whatever is asked of him without question. To top it off, his position as "Nemesis" goes both ways. He may be a demon, but when someone desires revenge, he usually is there to help the vendetta be fulfilled. Call it a habit from his past as "Angel of Retribution", call it a hobby, but nothing makes him feel more at ease then seeing someone avenged by another. Of course, if it goes against the wishes of Samuel, he'll have to ignore it. Business before pleasure, after all.
Species: Fallen Angel
Crush: "Whatever love I had for anyone other than my own kin has died long ago."
Powers: Flight- *See Senkai* Being considerably more experienced with his wings, Sore is capable of flight without the wings being exposed or shown.
Physical superiority- Sore Saige, in particular, is to be feared as a fighter, not just due to skill, but due to his strength and speed being beyond human. While in metahuman scales, they're not the most impressive or the most powerful, Sore Saige knows how to use these to his advantage.
Corrupted "Divine" Energy- *See Senkai* Sore, however, possesses considerably higher experience and is ultimately better with this energy than Senkai is.

Theme song:
"My name (Wearing me out)" ~ Shinedown (Or as I like to call it in this case: "My name is Revenge.")
Name: Jack Hell (Real name Unknown)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: ...TBR. ...Just, ...Just TBR.
Species: Super-Human (Kind of like an Artificial Mutant)
Crush: "Plenty of people. But I never quite caught any of their names before I 'crushed' their bones to dust."
Powers: Physically-Enhanced: As a Super Human, Jack physical attributes such as his strength, agility, speed, reflexes, and so on have been enhanced to levels far beyond human capability. Even on the standard of other super-humans he is exceptional.
"Aftertouch"- Because of said attributes, his speed alterations have created an unstable temporal flux around him. In other words, his speed screwed up the time around him. As a result, Jack's every movement leaves an after image behind, even the slightest twitch creates a shadow. However, the afterimages are just that. They as themselves cannot harm or touch anything and are simply used to confused the opponents.
Weapons: To be more of a killing machine, Jack surgically implanted swords onto the wrists of his arms.
Theme Song:
"Thankless Job" ~ Repo: The Genetic Opera"Unstable" ~ Chaotica
Name: Kain Fertar
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Personality: I think it's best I keep this TBR, at least for now.
Species: Dark Dragon-born
Crush: "...Do I look the romantic type to you?"
Powers: Dragon: Like his siblings, Kain has the natural ability to change himself into a dragon. What Mike probably didn't tell anyone is that a Dragon-born's true form and power lies in its dragon form. The human form a dragon-born is born with is merely a sealed disguise designed for social interaction and weakening the dragon-born for the purpose of underestimation and a way of training their powers as a whole. Think of it as a kind of metaphysical weight they must wear and fight with everyday to further progress their power. When they become the dragons they are meant to be, their true power will be unleashed. But there is a catch: A dragon-born is often use to the human form they have, and so are cursed to stay in that form once exhausted of their power and energy. Once they go back to their inferior forms due to exhaustion, they cannot go back into their dragon forms until they are restored completely.
Darkness Manipulation: Just as how Mike had the power of Fire, and Sashia the power of Water, Kain's element is darkness. Much like Alistair probably is, Kain is a Master of this element. Using it to merge with the shadows, charge up his power in the darkness, heal his wounds when in the darkest of areas (The speed depends on the Quantity/Quality of darkness), and use it as an acidic energy for blasts. (Meaning an energy that, once hits, attempts to devour until nothing is left.) These Abilities are doubled in strength and power when in Dragon Form.
Master Illusionist: Like Q, Kain is a master of illusions, though his taste in what illusions to use might...differ, compared to Q's. While he likes to often use people's heads to his advantage like any good illusionist knows how to do effortlessly, 'for the fun of it', Kain's taste in illusions comes from his own emotions and personal hell, narcissistic in what he hates you could say. As a result, the illusions are more...unstable, unusual, and most of all, Eldritch, compared to what a normal illusionist would create. Incomprehensible creations and environments, as if sent into the bowels of a lovecraftian hell. He also has a rather large range, an entire building or (Literally) god-forbid, a city block could be effected. However, since it's made by his own emotions and nightmares coming to life, he has a rather hard time controlling it, and as such when enough range is casted, his creations can't factor out friend from foe. Like his other power, his illusionary powers are doubled in manifestation and control. The eyes on his wings becomes the source of the illusions, and enforces the illusions take physical shape, essentially turning it into the closest thing to reality. But with the power boost there comes a weakness, for if the eyes on his wings were gone, so would the illusions.
Theme Song:
"Disconnect" ~ Digital Summer
Name: X, or Sky if you prefer. Real name: Unknown
Age: Unknown Appears to be around 16 by appearence.
Gender: Male
Personality: 'X' is somebody that might be qualified as a benevolent enigma. While he calls himself X, or Sky, he doesn't care what the others call him. As the Medic for these mercs, he's intelligent on medication and surgical procedures, and has a dedication to ensure the health and safety of his allies and anyone who needs it. Outside of this, X is a kind, polite, friendly, and overall gentle person. He doesn't seem to have any intention of harming anyone or thing, his weapon and powers merely being a self-defensive protocol than anything. He does however appear to be naive to the ways of the universe, appearing to have been found sheltered away from it for a long time. As such, he's not very bright to the scientific technology of the universe (He bought his sword, but doesn't know what any of its switches and nobs do ^^; ), though is more than compensating for that in his knowledge in medicine and ancient writings. He seems to have an interest in the demonic and angelic cultures and leaders, Samuel especially considering that he was a demon sealed up and strong than any other one analyzed.
Species: Unknown (He'll explain it to the team if asked.)
Crush: "...A crush? ...You mean if I've fallen in love with someone, right? ...Well, there was someone I met before that you could say I've fallen in love with. ...But her time came long ago."
Powers: Wind Master- Sky appears to be an incredible user of the wind element, to the point where you may mistaken him for an Elemental. He can condense wind into a blade-like form, create maelstroms and tornadoes aplenty, even condense the air to create pressure to basically increase the gravity in a room. Of course this creates energy sapping issues like attacks like this should, but in addition there's also the weakness to the Element of Earth.
Impregnable Mind- For one reason or another, possibly because of his species, it is virtually impossible for X's mind to be controlled, played with, or even read. To anyone who tries, it'd be as if he has no mind at all, and to those who try to go deep into it, they'll be getting a rather unpleasant surprise in store. His soul however, someone like Zayne can probably detect from miles away.
Shape-Shift- Like Ryan, X has the ability to change his shape at will, all of the strengths and weaknesses of this ability that Ryan has, so too does X.

Theme Song: *Still finding*
(Note: Senkai will probably be like Prozest, a boss at first but then might join the mercs after their fight.
Another note: I'm not sure how this is decided, so I apologize if I'm taking too much liberties here by requesting this, but in order: I'd like these three to be Boss 5, 9, and 8.)