The chill in the air felt especially crisp this morning. At least, that's what the cloaked tiefling tried to convince himself into believing to ease his nerves. Kythor hadn't set foot in a city in quite some time: anytime that the tribe was in need of supplies and a run to the town needed to be made, it was always someone else who was sent. Not that he minded at all. All the noise of the city irritated him, and everywhere he looked, he quietly wondered to himself how much of the natural world had to be sacrificed to bring this vision to life. Within his own tribe, the rule was that one only took as much as necessary and gave back when they could. Much of what he saw just entering the town itself seemed to be excessive. He could only imagine it would get worse the further he continued into the heart of the town...
As the tiefling wandered the streets to familiarize himself with the immediate area, one question floated to the top of his mind. Why had he come here? He himself wasn't sure. Perhaps it was because he'd spent so much time alone in the wilderness that he'd just about forgotten how nice it was to have someone else to talk to. Maybe it was because something - or someone - had ravaged his campsite while he had gone hunting several days ago, picking it completely clean. It could have even been because this was the first conscious, free action he'd taken in weeks, one unburdened by the lofty ideals of his tribe's elders. In his heart, he believed all three of these suggestions held a nugget of truth to them.
After a bit of quiet contemplation, Kythor's eyes finally settled on the town's mead hall. Only two places of interest had caught his attention: the town's mead hall, and a shrine to Tempus. Kythor had never held much reverence for the gods himself, and saw no reason to start now. Visiting the town mead hall, however, seemed a much more appropriate choice. He was a stranger in a strange land within the city of Good Mead - it was only logical that he head there first to educate himself on recent events, the people he should acquaint himself with, as well as any other useful tidbits of information he could pick up. After all, who knew how long he would have to stay here?
"No sense in wastin' away outside in the cold," Kythor muttered to himself.
"What are you waitin' for? A written invitation?" Adjusting his bow so it was strung more comfortably around his chest, the tiefling approached the mead hall.