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<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Lymbo: "Oooh, I love a good show! This will be a most excellent payment, indeed."

*He says while clapping.*

*With a guttural roaring voice emanating from the rift*

Lymbo the clown! Get back into your domain before you anger me! This is no place for a treacherous liminal merchant as yourself!
<Snipped quote by Memory>

I'm prepped for combat alright! But not for combat against... all this!! *I wave my hand at the rift, monsters, pines made of flesh and then some...*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Uuuuh... did that came from the sky rip we made?

<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I'm going to pretend i understood that and move along...

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Uuuugghh!!! *I moan flustered and disturbed at the same time* For crying out loud!! *I multiply in over 100 copies as all of us combine our powers and manipulate the 4 fundamental forces of existence and pressure the counterfeit Cupid into a pancake or at least try to...*

@Memory@RoadkilBanana@Threads of Fate

*The reverse cupid begins screeching an unholy scream of a wraith that seems to drain you all of energy and any positive thought and feeling as it opposes the attack and with a flick of her fingers, the whole forest of pines elongates out and up into the skies, and what previously were just pines, now are wobbling tendrils of darkness and ichor with a top that still looks like the foliage of a pine...*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

We need to.
*Sends a dizzying array of scouts toward the entrance*

*Pitch dark tendrils filled with red glowing stars, manifest out of the void upon Reverse Cupid's shift of her hand, and all of them are entangled and absorbed instantly, nullifying any attempt at reaching the rift!*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Cyrus: "Theory test!"

*I blurt out as I pull out Artemis(the white pistol) and unload a few bullets at it.*

NNOOO! *It shouted with guttural reverberating base voice as your bullets simply stopped existing. You shot alright, but you just shot air after its declarations...*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

*Turns around and grins at it*
*Points at it so that my finger is an inch away from between its eyes*
You... are lucky I made P mad and not anyone else.
*My wings fall to the ground, lifeless*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Spins from my copy to face you*
Mhm! Everyone who's anyone knows of you.

YOU... *A she attempted to copy you again, this time her voice began reverberating across and through the entire barrier currently made by Eklipsis @Interface 2 as she also tried to put a finger between your eyes only to be further resisted by the barrier. At that instant the 'YOU' word became translated in an infinitude of languages both spoken and unspoken throughout the entire realm as it rippled out from Reverse Cupid's mouth and her finger managed to go through the barrier just enough as the barrier wrapped around her finger like a sheet of plastic. Then her finger began to be replicated across the entire barrier, up, down, left and right. Now this entity's eyes suddenly explode in a blazing black light with red glowing contour as it stares daggers at you*

@Memory @RoadkilBanana (mentioning everyone concerned with the scene)
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Oh, right. Well, that makes things anticlimactic.

Oh, right. Well, that makes things anticlimactic.

*Behind you, you see a version of yourself, perfectly inverted in colors that has just manifested as a streak from that colossal crack in the fabric of this dimension, shot in the vicinity of your aura. A perfect replica of yourself, overflowing with the powers of the outer eldritch void - she looks at you blankly, emotion-less and empty. Yet somehow, it feels like it is peering straight into your very core of your being.*
@Memory@Interface 2@The Odeoron@Threads of Fate

*Throughout all the chaos, and incessant pressure to break this entire dimension apart, a massive, gaping crack opens up in the distant, like a bleeding gauge in the flesh of a demon, oozing ichor, and what looks like starry skied looking transcendent liquid, as deep within it, Prism, you seem to hear the bored groans of a Misty that seems to be able to speak in there, but are not entirely sure whether this is real or not, but from the echoing conversations you gather she's been there working as a secretary of sorts for far longer than any sane person could like*
@Threads of Fate@Memory@Memory@Interface 2

*The whole place begins to glitch in several locations throughout the sky and even in the distant horizon as a massive earthquake forces you all to fall to your knees due to the shaking, as a guttural growl of pain echoes all across the region, as from those fissures Prism created, black ichor like goo begins oozing out and falling into the ground*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*I begin hovering up as i levitate and i shoot out thunder strikes in all of those piles of tendrils and horror*

To hell with these things already!

*One tentacle lashes out at Ben as it rips a leg out from one of Ben's copies and absorbs it, and another tears apart in two halves one of your copies Prism @Memory*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

For us yeah it was easy, but think for a normal mortal person... i'm pretty sure not many of them have godlike lightning weapons and dimensional cannons at their disposal... and -- *I get interrupted by a moist sounding crunching of flesh as i look horrified at the piles of shadow and rotten flesh* I don't think we are done yet

*The corpses of the monsters sprout out slim and long black tendrils and some of them begin showing white glowing bulbs of light that blink and turn to look at us*
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