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<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Puppets of order? We’re just visiting here.

Dyklothiath Derbyloth Fine, i guess if you are looking for your friends i will send you to them... *Snaps my fingers as both this version of me and the older man facing Prism and Cyrus, Eklipsis and Benjamin are, and hugs him like he's my grandfather... despite the fact that that is just another instance of me*

She was looking for you, i guess she is your Misty i kept hearing you babble on... oh right, you are welcome, she is now no longer just a memory ghost! Bye! *Disappears in a flash of light just leaving the older me there and now with Midnight added to the party*

@Memory @Sp00ki
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*Laughs to myself, staring down from the floor of the office building*
Don’t give in, Aunt Mid. This just got fun.

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: You stink! Get away bug! *I snap my fingers and you are separated into another world entirely, again re-created where this is no longer just a mind prison, and the normal bleak dystopian cyberpunk city, and you can't seem to quite put a finger on who those people who you interacted with for so long are, or you can't really remember them at least. However your aunt still feels slightly linked, though you don't know why, all you know now is that you have to fill out paperwork... hold on... why again?*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

The two who came with me... I—I don’t understand, who are you?

???: Ugh!!! AGAIN with that question?!? What's with identity and asking for who somebody is, that all you puppets of order seem to like to ask... FINE! I guess i'll tell you... my name is Dyklothiath Derbyloth... or i think it is. uuh... yeah name, that's what that is supposed to be.
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Shudders and recoils*
I just want to find my friends and leave here...

???: Uhm... what does leaving mean? And which friends? i mean i could definitely send you in the inner space where you seem to come from... or at least a place like that... and would you like the idea of being a real girl again?
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

What do you know about him?

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

I, er, I don’t know?

???: So should we tell him what we are or not? Shhh! he doesn't need to know, he'll just run away and then what am i going to eat for dinner? Ugh... could you please be less cliche Derbyloth? *Mumbles outloud seemingly thinking this is how one thinks to himself, yet his mumbles are deafeningly loud and echoy*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Not—not very well.

???: I'm learning the concept of what you call funny, so just stand there for a sec... *Proceeds to blip right in front of you as i lick your face then blip back where i was prior - And the after smell i leave is strangely minty... yet off somehow, like it tries to be minty but is only 90% there* see? Funny! And you definitely taste like what you would call a strawberry... What can i do you for then? I definitely want this girly of yours to forget you so there's that...
*Picks myself up off the street after the commotion of the city reconstructing itself, finding myself bound to Misty’s consciousness*
Ngh... oh no. Oh no oh no.

Metalstep - "Holy H3LL" - The Enigma TNG

*Suddenly one man stands looking indirectly at you, you see him, dressed in all grey suit, trentchcoat and tie and shirt, with sunglasses and a long white brightly glowing hair, so bright it glows that even for a dream space it is nearly blinding, yet his suit emits an allconsuming darkness as the world around is now a chilling ashen burned out lifeless nightmarescape, the man has a face that almost looks angelic yet not quite right - he just stands there disinterested and sighs at you*

???: Hello there... hmm i wonder how does a memory ghost like yourself taste like?
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

I—what kind of question is that?

???: Hmm? What kind of question, is a kind of what question? *Laughs demented again*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

"Oh, how pleasant..."

*Makes two warps on either side of him, collapsing them in.*

*reappears behind Eklipsis*

???: Oh well... you just wasted a perfectly good meatsuit there, this one is the last one and then i'm leaving you all here to figure everything out for yourselves... also funny seeing specimen that comes from the inner zone, using one of my toys... *You definitely get the implication that the void power you were using all along was not as safe or good for the natural multiverses as he just addressed your warp power*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

"Not a friend... Not even close..."

???: DON'T SPEAK BACK TO ME YOU IMPUTENT STENCH OF A CHILD OF ORDER!!! *Suddenly roars with a guttural reverberating voice as you are suddenly clasped by the neck and held high above him with an almost triple times elongated arm of this mystery man*
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