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<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Moves and climbs up to the very top of the cliff face, as high as I can go*
Any time now, Midnight…

Same theme --> Giger Effect by Enigma TNG

*The horizon now reveals impossible geometry and shapes, structures larger than what one presume to be the planet this ocean is on, amidst grotesque tendrils of diseased flesh bursting from ichor-filled waters, ichorous bubbles clinging to twisted coils, as if summoning apocalyptic gateways - the continuous babble and gaggle and bubbling of fractallic words only continue on incessantly decreasing your ability to stay focused by the second*

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Uses my hand to keep the intense wind from blowing my hair over my eyes as I look out into the stormy waters when you leave*

*The waters below the cliffs begin turning into ichor and bubble up as gargantuan tendrils, accolades and arches of putrid flesh rise up into the sky endlessly screeching with unholy noises and bubbling blasphemies beyond any comprehension*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*The aura I had previously shifts its flow to you from the now-gone Misty, as your force is surprisingly resisted before I fall completely to your desired position. I stand up straight once more from my knees and look at you straight faced*
That's low. I expect a little more respect as a guest in what you claim is your house.

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: By your own standards visitors should be welcomed in ones home... fortunately i only use your language for your sake, because my true words will show you that i'm both larger and smaller at the same time than what would be deemed a god *You feel like the reason you could get up was because i only released the pressure or wasn't really trying*

That said... rudeness is my style baby! *In a blinding flash of light i dissapear leaving you in this bleak nightmare-scape*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Annoying bumps in the road pretending to be obstacles to accomplishing a goal.
*Continues my walking unfettered, shoulder checking you as I do, then stopping and side eyeing you*
Sound like you?

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: *Sighs disinterested and almost feels more amused* Name's Dyklothiath Derbyloth since it seems that to you, these things are so important... *You are immediately facing him again as his demeanour and atmosphere just became ten times more intense and oppressive* well, i would definitely say you fit that description, you and your little puppets of order...

Theme of the primordial unspeakable one -> Giger Effect by Enigma TNG

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: And you got the information incomplete, those called gods are beings that are usually worshipped by their creations and the whole spiel *Says with utter contagious disinterest but then as he stands there shuffling about almost like a ghost, you suddenly are forced on your knees in a prostrating position before him* And since you called me that, i think this is a better position for you no?
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Looks up from my staff, which radiates with new energy*
Trades are even more orderly than names. What’s more chaotic than unnecessary mercy?

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: I... damn... such complicated information you puppets have! Mercy? i presume that means i would consume you but decide not to? Ah... still good point, oh well... I'll at least make it easier for you to get out... not like i want to meet Alioth anytime soon! Blegh!! *I stick my tongue out in disgust then proceed to vanish leaving you all to regroup in this copy realm for now*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Lands on my knees on the other side, panting*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: HAHAHAHAH! Yeah, nah... not so easy to escape my domain fools! hmmm... interesting world you tried to return to...

*Looks over the yellow monochrome frozen in time copy of the Mundus Universe as the younger version of me that interacted with Midnight, is just standing there with hands in the pockets all nonchalantly*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: Still... should i just truly let you go? what would i get in return?

@Sp00ki@Legend Begins
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>

*Looks between you and the warp, and then jumps in*

@Sp00ki@Legend Begins

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: *Sighs as you all try to escape and just lets you all do the escaping until Eklipsis also tries to escape, at which point, i flick my hand a bit and she is frozen in space revealing her true demonic form* Well... i'm keeping her as payment for her master's meddlings with my essence... as for the rest of you, wise move!

Eklipsis: NGH!!! NAAAAARRRRGH!! *With a guttural ragged voice she snares like an animal now that she is no longer that beautiful seductive woman and as she is frozen up there she just tries her best to escape but fails*
@Memory @Sp00ki

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Guys, i'm serious right now, this entity is something that is VERY close to C'thon Himself! And this is UNUSUALLY aggressive for it to do something like this here, we need to return to normal space ASAP! *I say while i'm still shaking in fear*

@Memory @Sp00ki @Legend Begins

*Suddenly Dyklothiath Derbyloth stares daggers in your eyes Eklipsis and everything begins smelling like smoke and sulphur making the air nearly impossible to breathe*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth You pathetic devil! You come in here thinking you're going to gain the trust of these beings and then behave as if i'm their enemy? And how DARE you pronounce that whom shall never be formed?
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Puppets of order? We’re just visiting here.

Dyklothiath Derbyloth Fine, i guess if you are looking for your friends i will send you to them... *Snaps my fingers as both this version of me and the older man facing Prism and Cyrus, Eklipsis and Benjamin are, and hugs him like he's my grandfather... despite the fact that that is just another instance of me*

She was looking for you, i guess she is your Misty i kept hearing you babble on... oh right, you are welcome, she is now no longer just a memory ghost! Bye! *Disappears in a flash of light just leaving the older me there and now with Midnight added to the party*

@Memory @Sp00ki
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*Laughs to myself, staring down from the floor of the office building*
Don’t give in, Aunt Mid. This just got fun.

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: You stink! Get away bug! *I snap my fingers and you are separated into another world entirely, again re-created where this is no longer just a mind prison, and the normal bleak dystopian cyberpunk city, and you can't seem to quite put a finger on who those people who you interacted with for so long are, or you can't really remember them at least. However your aunt still feels slightly linked, though you don't know why, all you know now is that you have to fill out paperwork... hold on... why again?*
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