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<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*stares for a moment then turns around looking at the bodies and walks towards*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: *Reappearing in between you two @Fractured@Spiritblitz* I want to play this game with you little kids! This is fun! Also grownup Misty has lots of paperwork to fill up there in the surface consciousness layers... she's been doing it for the last 100 years from her perspective...
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

What about a wager? A bet?

<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

Channel those memories into the staff. If she's close, it can light the way.

*Ground fissure in the rock under your feet suddenly closes as if it was never there and you feel it stopped talking or paying you all any specifically individual attention as it returned to its mind rupturing nature and may not even see you anymore*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Why do you want us to fail?

Dyklothiath Derbyloth true form: *Bubbling reorganizes in half comprehensible words then they become fully comprehensible again* Ah... because she's my meal, a true fruit from a garden beyond that not only pushed an entire realm of my arch nemesis into my jaws, but then proceeded to launch herself in here too... i protect my meals from future ones... that said... you feel tasty too *Cackles echoingly among the impossible geometry in the horizon*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

What do you have against us?

Dyklothiath Derbyloth true form: Hmmm... what does that mean? *proceeds to continue the question in incomprehensible bubbling noises*
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

She's lost?!

*Haunting moans and screeches echo forward from the previous constant mind destroying bubbling ocean of eldritch words as you say that*

<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

*Takes a breath*
She'll wake up on her own eventually, if nothing else.

*The earth cracks below you as it seems to speak and that crack moves like a mouth*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth true form: I learned enough from you... and not if i don't want it to happen
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Stays next to Eclipse*
You got in the way.

*Despite it still wearing those sun glasses you are certain it is looking at you in particular*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: Hmmm... the desk work has not gotten this deep yet, how curious... Well then carry on your conversation, i'm just here to watch...

*As i say that with a falsely friendly grin you suddenly get an intense flash of what @Legend Begins@Stratocracy are currently facing, and this is the only one layer of your consciousness that their memory is slightly clearer to you, but the mind fog put over your previous memory interacting with them is certainly still there*
@Legend Begins@Stratocracy

*Despite the seemingly hostile advancements of this putrid horror, it does not seem to proceed to attack more than it was until now, and you get the feeling this is just the way it is, and never truly attacked anyone yet... but if that is true... then you definitely don't want it to attack now*

*Suddenly a very oppressive yet somewhat deceptively benevolent presence manifests behind the two of you*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: Interesting team you got going here mind drifters...

Same theme (Optional)--> Giger Effect by Enigma TNG
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Materializes a girlish purple wristband and hands it to you*
I have to go. If you decide you want to feel better, wear this.
*Taps my staff twice*

*You vanish from this place, and as you travel you definitely feel you are being laughed at by the same being that gave you this pseudo-real body ability, almost as if it would say - really? so you are returning to imagination just like that? - you can't tell for sure, but you definitely begin feeling like it would be super hard to return in contact with the guys you just met again, unless they would be dreaming lucidly somehow

Yet throughout it all you are now in the vicinity of @Stratocracy Phoebe and are witnessing the sheer horror she is currently doing her best to resist... this is definitely the true form of that mystery man Dyklothiath Derbyloth*
@Sp00ki @Memory @Legend Begins


<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

Same theme --> Giger Effect by Enigma TNG

*The horizon now reveals impossible geometry and shapes, structures larger than what one presume to be the planet this ocean is on, amidst grotesque tendrils of diseased flesh bursting from ichor-filled waters, ichorous bubbles clinging to twisted coils, as if summoning apocalyptic gateways - the continuous babble and gaggle and bubbling of fractallic words only continue on incessantly decreasing your ability to stay focused by the second*

*As you all stand there in the counterfeit Mundus Universe, there's suddenly this off-putting and disturbing rustling of leaves and wind that blows all over, it almost feels like a realm of imagination is seeping into this attempt at a real world, as you all begin hearing seriously mind numbing and disturbing rustling fractallic words almost like white noise, yet no way near as intense of an experience as @Stratocracy Phoebe is currently. However @Legend Begins Midnight, you hear almost like a reverberating echo across a cavern Phoebe's words "Any time now, Midnight!... " almost like she is in serious trouble right now*
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