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<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Runs down the street and hops a fence, hiding underneath an HVAC unit*

*Police droids hover about the area with alarms and lights*

Police droid: Criminal! Stop resisting arrest! You have defied ᕓꝊ𐌓'𐌕𐋅𐌵𐌋𐌀𐌊𐌕𐋅𐌀𐌓 𐌋𐌋Ꝋ𐌓'𐌕𐋅𐌵𐌋𐌀𐌊𐌕𐋅𐌀𐌓 𐌀𐌀𐌌'𐌕𐋅𐌵𐌋𐌀𐌊𐌕𐋅𐌀𐌓 𐌌𐌌𐌌𐌵𐌵𐌵'𐌕𐋅𐌵𐌋𐌀𐌊𐌕𐋅𐌀𐌓!!
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*After the cloud disappears a void pit is left in its wake and, Phoebe is nowhere to be found*
*Wanders away into the city*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: *As you seem to have escaped already - i just turn towards the space with a blank and bored expression* And they keep complaining about me intruding on them... no sense of who's who here, i quite like this level of insanity... *Talks to nobody in particular as i pick up my comms and call for police backup*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*waits for anything else to happen and turns to the dead path again and proceeds on*

*And... indeed, nothing at all happens this time around - did you banish the being with your resistance? it certainly was too easy*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*slips through your grip and gracefully steps back, and you notice my form is different*
Leave us be. You presence is not welcome nor necessary.

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: *resumes the more beautiful form again* quaint... go on then, scurry about this place! *Slams fist in the ground as it explodes in all directions and i disappear*
<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

What are you getting out of following us??
*An opaque purple cloud rolls in and covers us all*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: I take it this is resisting arrest you criminal scum?! *Proceeds to shoot from the weapon, and surprisingly nothing comes out of the blast, but your shield simply seizes to be* Oh... i guess i must have missed the part where such a weapon actually shoots something ey? *Looks down its barrel seemingly not even paying attention at you two anymore*
@Stratocracy@Legend Begins

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: *Suddenly appearing out of a sleek cyberpunk hover-car that looks like police comes out holding what looks like an intricate weapon of sorts* Hold up trespassers! You crossed the border of this planet without prior permissions! You need to come with me now!

Theme -->

Begin - Intervals


The End - One Man Band

<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*my veins begin to move visibly in my arms and neck as I get further away from you and the cat*
Leave me alone.

*You bump into me again, for incomprehensible reasons as i pick you up and hug you to falsely calm you*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: There there... shhh, shh, shhh, shh, shhhh... everything is going to be alright child *My hugging becomes tighter and tighter as my face suddenly turns into a horrifying maw that begins biting into your head*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*steps away from you*
Why are you here?

My post still is relevant enough despite the correction of the typo hahahahah
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*steps away from you*
Why are you?

*a black cat suddenly appears behind him as it meows and purrs at your feet*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: Because of love! and order! and peace! *A hushed 'phhhhh' is heard sourcelessly from the distant corners of this scenery*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*stumbles on a body as I quickly turn around*

Dyklothiath Derbyloth: *Hurries up and helps you up then looks off into the distance with a determined heroic stance* @Fractured there's a living skull i see in the distance!

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