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<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Hits the ground, scraping my knee across the ragged terrain*
Tcchhhh, agh! What is that?

*Sees it happen and I widen my eyes in annoyance and surprise* You just got and yeeted more people off the table didn't you? *I say through my teeth addressing the Cthon apparition*

Hey Kid! *I shout down towards you as I currently am still restraining the monster's power with great difficulty* Get back to camp NOW!
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Cyrus: "Permission to open a void tunnel?"

If it is not to the outer void but to a side-dimension of this universe or anything related to a underbelly type void residing in the branes of reality, then it is granted, if however that void is the outer void... i think here is the last place you want to try and open it...
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Cyrus: "@Memory@The Odeoron@The Monitor@ArGavryiellI would like to point your attention to the masochistic tentacles creatures!"

*I say while fending off the attacks by opening rifts in front of the incoming attacks and sending them back at them.*

*Snaps my head at you in unison with everyone* YEAH WE KNOW! *we all say*

*Then I proceed to chuckle at the amusing situation that I just spoke alongside everyone with the same idea*

Listen kid! Masochistic tendencies is the least of your concern, anything that will disturb or threaten to essentially cook your brain and consciousness down to a good soup, it will pull. we are all food on the platter for it! And he's the chef of consciousness!

@Memory @RoadkilBanana *We all hear those last words*

*I look at the sight below and scoff* It never has been easy with this thing...

*I grit my teeth in pure rage* NEVER!

*And begin falling like a comet made of blazing gold and fire as I paralyse several of the manifestation and even making my veins reveal as my muscles tense and I seem to be pressing on with an authority that is nearly unholy upon even the m onster*

That should make you reel back to wherever you came from!!

Hey Gavryell just get these rookies back to the camp while I hold it off and regroup!!
@Memory@RoadkilBanana@The Odeoron


@Memory@RoadkilBanana@The Odeoron

*I sigh and begin running unbelievably fast towards the scene* When are my aids coming already? *I seamlessly begin jumping in the air and with a few swings of my sword and a cocky grin, I slice through all the entrapments of the being seemingly forcing it to reel back in what can only be interpreted as some panic*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

And what was that anomaly i saw over your head? *I ask as he returns*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Opens mouth to talk but I'm interrupted as he begins talking over me, I just storm off to begin reinforcing the defences*

What anomaly? *I seemingly ignorantly tap my head and run my hand through my hair* This thing sure does love its tentacles *I stick my tongue out in disgust redirecting the discussion to the event in the sky*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

What about before this, though? Previous battles?

We'll talk later about these issues alright? *I take off flying as I leave several rifts of my blazing energy everywhere around then with one swing of my sword I slash in half the crack in the fabric of space from seemingly miles away as it just began spilling some tentacles, but they are incinerated before too long...*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

How much luck have you had in pushing it back like we're trying to now?

We only just began kid here, we barely did anything but piss it off... *I look at the eerie sky as seemingly a black oozing crack seems to form in the sky* And I sorely think we did too little thus far, but it's chaos so can't really evaluate! *I gulp as I point with my blazing blade at the sky*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Oh, you've fought him before? That'll be very valuable.

Yeah... we fight it constantly, every time, every where. it is probably the only war that seemingly never began, and doesn't seem to want to end... like ever...
@Memory @The Odeoron *a slight glint of light is seen in my left eyes as I side-eyed you for a second*

<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

<Snipped quote by Memory>

<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

What seems to be going on in here celestial ones? *I ask with authority and curiosity*

*I chuckle nonchalantly* A minor argument over certain events that took place in the past when dealing with C'thon also...
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