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<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Pattern? What kind of pattern did you find?

It is not confirmed yet, so don't get your spirits excited, but it seems to aim for creatures related to the evolutionary relatives of sentient beings and those sentient beings too, with anything that they may have had an emotional attachment to. It is a zigzag type strategy, and doesn't always consume anyone in that niche either, so there may still be people around, frozen in time, even on this planet if not others too...
<Snipped quote by Interface>

Creatures out there, some can be defeated, some can't. We also had several of my copies get consumed by the chaos.

*I scratch my beard thoughtfully.* what we also do know for a fact is that it consumes consciousness in almost all battles, but not indiscriminately. There's a pattern to its targets... at least from the studies done in Heaven thus far.
<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

Cyrus: "Honestly, I knew one of them would be like that..."

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Huh... I personally come from a culture that believed in such entities as fallen angels, but i personally never believed until all this happened and i was changed *I gesture with my pointer finger all around* and as a result i'm not as interested in 'vetting' these beings, but we might be in serious trouble if this one is one of them...

To be honest i think i might just know who this Lumyiell fellow is, and i don't like it one bit... but won't spoil the mood here because we currently have a far greater foe to deal with and unless he acts too much off script here i don't see a reason why we should make a scandal here yet.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Takes and exhales a deep breath*
I have to admit, I’m not as confident about this anymore.

*I step behind you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder* Listen, being too confident about such a battle, no, war is a dangerous place to be in as i'm sure you found out...
<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Cyrus: "Remember, this can only stop them temporarily, if they can find the door... Or even open it for that matter..."

*I raise my left hand as a black and white energy starts to form a sphere in the palm, slowly growing. It feels like a violent wind is sweeping the radius around me.*

*I look from the base with awe at the display* Such... wonders! Marvellous display!

*My body glitches a bit and the liquid seems to disappear, except for the crack.*

Delta: "...Huh? What'd you say?"

I think... i think that was organic slime and it came from your metallic body... Are you quantum displaced or something?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Delta stands there unaffected because... reploid, and Cyrus just doesn't care.*

*Blinks through the pain and ringing in my ears* I think that is suffice to say the thing is even more aware of us now right?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Holds my hands over my ears*

*Stands there leaning on my cane and a hand in my pocket trying to look non affected, then a bit of blood begins dripping from one of my ears*

Yup... i think I have tinitus now!
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Cyrus: "So, we're dealing with soul eaters? Or something like that..."

The one thing we do know we did encounter Outer C'thon doing in several incursions, is hunt for any and all organic life that possesses some semblance of neurons or yes even ethereal layers of being like souls and consciousness like that...
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Snatched me? What does that entail?

*Points my cane inside the building at some evident seemingly air distorting thin fissures half way in space*

I don't know yet, but it is what happened to the colonists here
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