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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Swipes two fingers down my arm, creating a series of yellow assistive runes ready to be activated*

Right *Grabs a massive contraption that almost looks like a mechanical claw* This should split the rift right up, and hopefully it doesn't screech like the last attempt...

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*I start heading towards the group after i finished surveying the field and working on making sure if and when the manidfestation appears, it will be met with the right kind of traps*

*side eyes Lumyiell as he approaches then refocuses on the work*
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Can we start those from within camp?

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

I, er, can't say that I do. Alexander may?

@RoadkilBanana I'm afraid not. But these cannons have quite a few building on their engine. If you want you can take one apart and use that for your weapon...

@Memory start what, these cannons? they are handheld... you carry one with you anywhere you go on the planet... what i'm looking at right now however, is what do we need to work on... maybe a soul fishing rod type thing to pull them out from the liminal indentions?... *Starts mumbling to myself as i walk around the base*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Chuckles lightly at the moment* Well, i presume that must be a gaming console type thingy in your world? WHat was your name? @The Odeoron

Yes, it surely must be, now let's not forget our mission here people... we can be all cosy once we have began even basic repairs in this universe first...
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*As you do that your runes and clothes begin glowing brightly for the first time as your cloning power is supercharged in the combination, and in a flash of light you split into two copies of yourself holding two Auric Disruptors, one for each of you - but as this was the first time you supercharged your copy power you have reverted back to the default costume that Alioth created*

@Memory *Stands there pointing a finger slacking* Huh! I presume you reverted to your conduit clothes default shape huh? Perhaps more training in channelling primordial powers is in order?
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Are you able to make an unlimited number?

But certainly, i tap into my tesseract for extra power when needed, much like Benjamin. We have the same niche of powers though our backgrounds and worlds may differ. We are mainly enhanced with reality and fire alteration powers of varying degrees, just like yours is light based time and consciousness alteration at the base, at least on top of your already Cloning powers.
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

*Runs my hand gently against the sleek weapon's surface*
This is a piece of equipment my father would have loved to see.

Well, i'm definitely willing to present it to him if we come out of this war victorious...

<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

I'm impressed... but tell me, Professor, do you have more than just this one? *I say with an analytical raised eyebrow*

Yeah, we manufacture them in heven, but... *I flick my wrist as my tesseract hovers above me and the weapon held by the soldier and alchemists begins to levitate, and in a sonic boom, it becomes a mountain of these cannons as they all have been replicated for anybody to use - then i proceed to stylishly dust off my tuxedo*
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

*Kyleen Chirped* The runes seem to be based on ancient sigils used to manipulate the flow of Undian waves. However, they have been enhanced with a really fancy technological twist!

The Auric Disruptor is designed to target the specific frequencies of the outer void apparitions' auric fields. By disrupting these fields, we can weaken their connection to our reality and potentially even banish them back to their own ... realm... if you can call it that...
<Snipped quote by Memory>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Kayleen, a tech-savvy member of the army, leaned in for a closer look, her fingers tracing the glowing runes etched into the device's golden casing.*

This is a fascinating piece of engineering, *she remarked, a spark of curiosity in her eyes.* It appears to be a fusion of magical and technological principles.


*With a hint of pride in my voice, i nod.* I call it the Auric Disruptor. It harnesses the power of concentrated ethereal energy, channeled through these runes and amplified by the mechanical components...
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*A grizzled soldier, his face etched with the marks of countless battles, approaches us with two alchemists holding a strange contraption.*

I believe we can use this...

*he said, pointing to a series of intricate gears and glowing runes,*

to disrupt the creature's auric field... It is an invention our good professor Alexander here worked on a while back

Ah! Splendid! *I rub my palms together*
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