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<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

What’s its range?

Significant enough i would say... Anything in the nearby 100 feet around you?

<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Do you think we can rig the scanner up to it?

I'm not entirely sure what design Lumyiell's device is operating on... and how are you doing with engineering skills?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Nods approvingly then picks up the comms* Hey professor! How exactly are we supposed to know when we are approaching a colonist... or... er... a colonist's soul?

@Memory @RoadkilBanana

*Through the comms* The Auric disruptor has an inbuilt scanner and analyser component. You should be able to scan the background radiation of the place wherever you may be suspicious of anything that could be a trace of a soul or essence or even the location where one used to walk in...
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

He means that something is staring at us from the abyss. Do we engage?

It would be best that you get one of them cannons at least, come back to the rift and fast!
<Snipped quote by Memory>

*Looks straight to the glowing eyes and visibly shivers* Uuummm... Hey DOC? *I call out to Alexander through our comms* What are the chances that local... residents... shall we say... have anything to do with the victims?


*through the comms* What do you mean by local residents?
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Let me express my heartfelt feelings about what i know... *I make a fart sound with my armpit* Whooo! I missed goofing around for a WHILE now!

*I sigh from the other side of the rift and rub my forehead in disappointment* I should have known the character wouldn't change over night...

@Memory @RoadkilBanana
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>


So Professor... *I state plainly* Anything i can do over here to help or should i go in with these prophets?

*Still tinkering* Tis up to them... but i would caution against it unless it is absolutely vital, we don't need risking more than necessary for the rescue...

@Memory @RoadkilBanana
<Snipped quote by Memory>

Yeah, there are quite a lot of dilapidated structures throughout the universe but none that can potentially spread infinitely in all directions... Shall we head in then?

*Tinkering with the rift stabilizer* Then we ought to prepare some soul crystals because i hardly think they still possess physical bodies, though i certainly pray they do...

@Memory @RoadkilBanana
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It looks sort of cozy, honestly.

*I chuckle at the statement* If by cozy you mean, half formed hotel looking hallway...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It looks sort of cozy, honestly.

Those are some... exotic tastes you got there kind sir Prism... *I smile awkwardly at the statement when looking through the rift*

<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

*I create a copy that seamlessly walks out of me and towards them.*

Cyrus: "There you go."

<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Cyrus: "I could send a clone to the labrynth to gather information about the beings."

Good! And if you mean your void tunnel, i'm pretty sure that may not be a good idea. Unless you are some sort of a god in there and can rearrange the whole place to fuel some more confusion, but be warned, you might step into the "wounded beast's" territory now that it has been starved in there...
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

Cyrus: "If it's alright with you, I'll stay behind and make sure my weapons are ready."

*I pull out two almost identical pistols from a warp. One is black with various white markings engraved in the metal, and the other is white with various black markings engraved.*

No problem in being cautions my friend! And i think this is a good strategy, but if you can send a few copies as well while you, yourself, staying here, then that'll be even better. But be ready, this mission is experimental at best, and we might pull out some locals as well on top of the targeted souls.
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