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<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

I bet you thought it meant death.

<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Sighs to myself*

*Doesn't move from the chair one bit but inclines my head to the other side as i ponder your situation*

<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*Raises an eyebrow inquisitively before glancing in that direction*

<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Glances toward you very briefly with a side eye*

*As you do, that familiar magnolia scent manifests again, and it simply brings more clarity as you inhale, also helps you understand Misty's plea in a way she clearly refuses or is presently able to fully grasp*

Hmm? Oh hello there! *I say with an innocent wave of my hand*
<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

*Rolls my eyes*
You all know. My best days had weight on me. Once the last bit of good dies, that pain will be all that's left. I hope so.

*You see me, through my intense yet distant analysing posture, that i'm somehow rewinding the conversation to this particular argument, not quite a hologram, but not quite a screen either, almost like an overlayed rewinding reality that plays to the side and next to to two of you. @Stratocracy*

So tragic... this much pain, endured for so long, so much so, that it is the main desire now of this woman.

*I mutter to myself in disbelief but clear compassion and empathy of a piercing depth that is nearly painful in and of itself, like a drop of ointment disinfecting a festering wound - even so, my voice being that far away and so silent, is barely audible... or it would be, if this place was not so deeply connected with your own deeper being @Etcetera and mixed in due to Derbyloth*
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

*Eventually, we reach a massive arm with a black sleeve, holding up the platform and suspending it*

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

*looks at the arm*

*Amidst the scene, a glimmer of light is seen in the far distance, glowing defiantly and resisting the darkness, even this deep in the consciousness realm*

<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Consider me all ears.


*Now you both begin to see my form, sitting not too far away, on a chair in the broken realm just looking and thinking - there's not even an ounce of threat or stress coming from me, in fact the amount of safety and peace and serenity overflowing from my direction is like a sore thumb in this nightmare, perhaps an offence only to the evil of this place and the constant suffering and chaos.*

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Circumstances change *Keeps on talking while you are flying through this baby new universe that is still presently devoid of, but planets with goo and primordial soups of chemicals* The position he's in, is a position of self sacrifice. He cannot quit being a God, because all of these new worlds depend on him for his protection and guidance.

It is a position that can be abandoned, but if the circumstances surrounding this new multiverse don't change, the whole place might just be a soup for the forbidden one to eat.

That said, he will be able to pass on the torch to even a simpler more willing avatar of himself while he returns to normal. Omnipotence is... very complicated discussion to have...


*My voice also is heard in your mind now* I see... but you see Grandfather, the reason i kept rejecting this responsibility in the past was because i simply do not trust myself with such power. I don't know how long i won't go the way of SOME Gods i've read about in the higher tire heavens under Father Yaldabaoth.

<Snipped quote by Memory>

*grunts audibly in all your minds*

I think i may have found a replacement for Alexander here... phhhh.... say whaaaaat?

*one of your copies begin lighting up in immense power*


Grandfather please... he's not a local, please don't?!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

If there's anything I know, I don't want to be a god.

*Suddenly you both here an amused chuckle from me in your minds as you travel my ether given to me to watch over and manage by Alioth*

Hey... if anything, i'm going to advocate for myself here, cause there's really no-one presently available to, but, i didn't either. And i still don't and i truly still pray i'm demoted eventually, this is more a burden than a blessing... seeing and comprehending infinity sucks! And i'm a scholar! So that should say something...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

Is... is it over?
*Sighs in relief*
I hope the girls are safe.

*What's more, the ever-present, near melody sound of singing crystals almost, imbues this half dream world with a sense of defiant serenity as the whole place can't decide between glitching or turning into pure light*
<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

*Sips on hot chocolate above the liquid, looking down on all of you*

*For whatever reason, as you do that, all you sense is a soothing sourceless presence that seems to have raised the oppresive aura of the creature posing as a human in the form of Boss Johnsons, and quickly followed with a magnolia scent from nowhere in particular as a whisper reverberates across your mind*

Hmm... such complexity... intriguing...

*But before you can even notice this clearly that presence has now faded out leaving you with a breath of fresh air in what would have been one century of dull oppression*
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