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<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

And now I get to choose life or death for all of us. That’s so fun, right? Aren’t you glad I’m free?

You do not actually believe i would set someone like you free just like that right? I simply prevented the outer void from consuming you, but that freedom you think you have, still does not exist... And won't till you are worthy of it...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

Talk me out of it.

*I stand there for a while, exuding an aura of calm, yet undeniable power. The blinding light from my cosmic eyes, now further add pressure and begin cutting through the haze of your chaotic mind on top of what was already done through the conversations and interventions thus far.*

Misty, your words carry the weight of someone who has been bound by the chains of madness and torment for far too long. I do not seek to talk you out of anything, for I see that your mind is not one that can be easily swayed by the logic or reason you once might have entertained.

*Continues standing tall, resisting the incessant pressure from the new enemy that was awakened beyond this mind-scape*

But let me share with you something that perhaps you have forgotten during your long drifting through countless realms: freedom is not found in the embrace of chaos, the unfair hurting of the undeserving or the defiance of those who offer peace. True freedom, Misty, lies in the ability to choose—unhindered by the chains of vengeance, unclouded by the desire to inflict pain upon oneself and others.
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

But how could we tip the scales in a way that wasn't possible before?

*Speaks to one of your copies that has already been relegated most of the info by Grandfather*

Hey... uummm... Prism? Your Misty is about to commit Seppuku and drag this whole new multiverse into oblivion with her... now i can either pull a piece of her sane soul from the depths of her unconscious, or i can telepathically connect you, more specifically you as this copy to her mind and watch where this is going?
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Sighs and clears my throat, and the mental universe begins to compress and peel away from the physical one*

<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*The two dimensions suddenly glitch and thump almost like a broken heartbeat, reaveling they fundamentally resist your ability to manipulate them*

*sighs and looks intently at @Stratocracy*

I definitely don't see like that's the case... she keeps messing up! Still!
@Etcetera @Stratocracy

*You hear a clicking sound almost like a pen has been closed as i adjust my voice from that chair*

Ahem... Do you all got this or...?

*Keeps walking silently behind you, like a distant star in a starless sky*

A pit in the depths of the unconscious layers, where her truest of identities has sunken into a prison of darkness... hmm...

*I mutter to myself thinking still*
<Snipped quote by Spiritblitz>

*Nods and then keeps walking*

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

This is the person?

*In the distance, i seem to keep a watch around the scenery as if i'm making sure, nothing else comes barging in aside from the current goings on,if you were to look my direction*
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Seems unimpressed by anyone’s display*

*Just sits there... watching...*
<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

It’s a friend’s head.

<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*A distant explosion rips across the land*

*Doesn't really seem to care about that... it doesn't seem as valuable of a maiden in distress as you*
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

Since we’re being honest here, I can say with full confidence that that wasn’t my assumption. But I had no idea what to think it was, and I still don’t, really.

<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>


*Returns to a thinking pose while no longer looking at you, while you definitely feel my wish to help in any way i can is intense, yet i simply can't figure out the best way to at the present moment*
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