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<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Hey! W-wait for me!

*Out of nowhere, you suddenly feel a gentle push from the back as you ar thrust in their direction @Legend Begins@Spiritblitz*

Hey! Don't forget to take these when things may get... crazy...
*I speak with a sourceless voice as you suddenly find yourself holding a small pouch with that looks like purple looking leaves*

They are a type of anti-psychotics... trust me... the longer you'll be here, the more you'll need them... better learn to replicate them too with your magics in case our communications are severed.
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

You're right. We need to go.

Hmm... Well you'd better find a way to rescue her both here and on the outside, because i'm not entirely sure what this new thing is all about and i'd rather you don't get pulled under this kind of waggon... *referring to the higher infinity entity*
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

No... a long time back. He's not the same man...

@Memory Well... i don't know much about the two of you, but id better return to the issue at hand back in stable space for now...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Looks at you with sadness and compassion*
His heart is not bad. But he has no strength. He can't save her now.

I... uuh.... i wouldn't be so quick to say that... that's right, you weren't present to see what he did with the universe you were previously in, in order to summon a higher power's attention!
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

...He's the one who left. The one who can't help her now.

NO! HE DID NOT! *I shout righteously against the emotional lie you believe in* Misty recklessly used her world altering powers in a place that was already broken, and has awakened C'Thon. SHE is the culprit! SHE sunk you all into darkness... all Prism was doing until now was asking about your location and searching for you constantly! Don't believe the lies of the darkness!
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

Er... woah.


Well, i'm not sure to what level are you familiar with this little one, but this is probably the best layer of her mindscape you can start with.
*I say with a disembodied voice*

@Fractured Little one, Prism wanted to come see Misty personally, i brough one of him here, things are a bit rough right now outside...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

*Looks between everyone around me, pained*
...Gghhhhh fine! Take me there!

Right away!
*As i say that i snap my fingers and this particular copy of yours finds himself in the presence of Lullaby*
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

There’s no way to triangulate her physical body??

I'm sorry Prism, but all things considered, this is the best i can do right now...
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

Thank you! Maybe another time, another dream...
*Turns to Phoebe*
Let's find Eclipse and get out of here!

*Waves warmly with a sombre smile*
<Snipped quote by The Multiverse>

Yep! That's Misty alright!

So then... i take it you want me to plug you in then?
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