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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That's an option, but it could make them leery of the military.

Tis not the first time this has happened, and besides, the people never fully trust the government and military anyway, never have and never will, which i think is healthy in my honest opinion...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

At this point? I don't know if there's any getting away from the dimension being in disarray. You can push it in some direction if you want to, but I think chaos is inevitable.

Soldier Boy: Or... Or... hear me out! We do the old military trick and just come out and say this was a secret technology that the military has been working on and now saw an opportunity to use it

Soldier: I mean... that could work, in fact it doesn't even sound like a total lie with all the tech we do have at our disposl...

*Commander Greyson scratches his chin while looking between the four of us*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That... could go poorly. Chaos.

You're not wrong there... say anything you can do or have any suggestions? Or... eh... Misty maybe? ah, i forgot, she does not talk but stab...

*I chuckle dryly*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Do any of you have a video we can show him? I think he’s going to want to see this.

Soldier: I... uuuh... *He just projects a holoscreen in the air with the entire event without even waiting for Greyson's approval, to which clearly he's not pleased*

*I just grab my chin in shock and look intently at the entire action*

Soldier Boy: So the Tesseract speaks... and it does indeed sound like the voice of god or something i can understand Grey here... but damn...

*Commander Greyson stares daggers at the soldier*

Soldier: I mean, the entire omni-net knows about this event sir! It's not like we could keep it a big secret even if we invested all the funds in it... it just went viral...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Did they not show you any footage of what happened two weeks ago?

I guess they forgot...?

*I look intently at Greyson*

Commander Greyson: Well what did you expect man? you never asked what happened, and then again we don't even know how you wielded such power in the first place!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

And you’ve been awake since you made the planet like this?

Wait... wait... wait... what do you mean I made the moon like this?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

What about you? Did you not see him?

If i had been communicating with any kind of entity, i would not be freaking out right now my guy... so no, I have not been talking to anyone...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

He gave me some new abilities in order to try and save Misty. I’m not sure how long they’ll last, but I’m going to make the most of it. But apparently that took place over a two week gap.

*A residual echoing voice passes through your mind*

As long as you are alive? I have activated your inner self's full potential, i do not intend t... oh... rem... oh... veh... *Then silence*

Soldier Boy: Riiight... *i just look at you then at Misty then back at you...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

We all could use a counseling session now. It's a good practice to have, no matter the circumstances.

*Commander Greyson looks me daggers in the eyes but then relaxes and chuckles in agreement*

Yh... yeah, the military does offer such free service and in fact it is mandatory to do at least once every two weeks, and especially after a battle.

But then again, so what happened to you? Why are your eyes glowing with fire? And why are you dressed like ah... a king or something? And those biceps much? You say there's a guy living in my tesseract but all i remembered and i told this to Grey to, is we killed that colossal abomination, and then it all went blank for me... only for me to wake up 10 days later to a verdant jungle of a moon to Mars...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Probably for good reason, I would guess.

*I glance at Greyson with one eyebrow up*

You need therapy Grey! Like seriously... i think stuff has gotten in over your head finally... ahem... SIR! ... i mean!

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