Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Alright, eh...
*Tosses a rock into the air, and when it reaches its peak, freezes it in time*

*Blinks in surprise, then looks at you, then looks at the frozen pebble, then looks at you again*

Akella: Is that, telekinesis? wait, you are not actively focusing on it... you just willed it to stop up there... what the?...

*She approaches, jumps a bit to try and touch the stone... can't really reach it, she chuckles, then whips around to you in a cartoonishly fast way touching her chin*

Akella: *Opens her eyes wide with awe* COOOOOOL!!! *She claps her hands super excitedly* Some sort of space-manipulation ooooooh!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I don’t have a shared mind with my copies, but a lot of people seem to think I do. I figured it was the more common experience. How many different abilities do you have?

Akella: Just these two extras, to be fair, these are already considered OP... well not as op as my husband, heh...*She sheepishly chuckles* In fact I'm basically a pebble compared to what he can pull out sometimes... So show me your new power developments! And here's a hint from personal experience and some courses we undertake, we try to focus as much as possible on the present moment, by focusing on how we feel our body and how we perceive the world around us, then we relax and detach from emotions and put full focus in the exact intent on how we plan to use the powers, eventually it becomes habit and we master the evolutions like it's second nature...

*She looks at you with intent and curiosity with a couple more of her nearby*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

But you don’t share simultaneous experiences either? Curious.
*Looks between your copies*
Sure, we can do that. Is super speed the evolution to your own ability?

Akella: *Blinks a bit at your answer* Wait you mean that if one of your clone is hurt or experiences some strong emotion you all feel it? Cool! or not cool, depending on how you see it... no, mine we are all individuals until we remerge and a collective pool of memories is registered in the main consciousness; in a way this makes me really hard to kill, because even if one of me dies or most of me, if only one remains, then that will be the surviving me!

And yeah, i just remember a couple of me were chasing down a group of Killian raiders on Jupiter's Europa moon, and one launched a mini-nuke my way to try to exterminate us, but somehow my adrenaline kicked in and both of us shot in oposite directions leaving behind a trail of lightning and we were miles apart, i don't know how it happened, or why, but my intention was to split super fast in as many copies of me as possible to avoid the blast radius...

*As we walk outside, one of me approaches a really large rock and picks it up in one hand almost like it is a movie set prop and not a real stone... several creepy crawlies drop from under, causing me to eek and drop the rock back down sinking it further into the sand*

Akella: Super strength was my first evolution, and it happened just as i graduated law enforcement academy...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I doubt we’re related. I come from a distant land and a distant people. Do you share a hive mind with your copies?

Akella: *Also chuckles* Uuuh, do you mean that once we merge the remaining one of me shares in all the experiences of my clones? Yup, that is pretty much how this power works, at least for me...
Hey! I'm curious about your new powers! While he's sleeping let's go outside on the beach and we can make you practice the control of them better? I know it took me months to master my superspeed development... *She sticks out the tongue jokingly*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Believe it or not—
*Splits into two, and the copy on the right speaks*
That’s also my bread and butter. But I may have left the battlefield with more than when I entered.

*She just blinks in surprise and another one of her zips by and stands next to her equally as baffled, however this one is in a red swimming suit*

Akella 1: Damn... i mean i heard the V-serum sometimes gives same power to multiple people but never seen one that shares my ability... Unless you share in my ancestry which also was a cloner supe about 2 generations ago...

Akella 2: Yup we are overthinking again... also dont worry sweetie, power evolution is common thing, the more we use them the more they... uuuh, fractal up? evolve? anyway...

*The second one turns around and undresses her swim-suit, then proceeds to merge back into the original with a blur not realy giving time to see even a hint of her body - dignity'n all*

Akella: Yup, sorry about that, can't have only one copy of a favourite clothing line vanish in with the re-merging... heh!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You could call me that. I just call myself a traveler.
*Motions around the room*
I see you are as well? And to answer your question, it was an awe-inspiring moment.

Akella: Yeah! L O L ! hahah! My usual name in the law enforcement is Replik8 -- they still kept the tradition of giving us supes cringy names but whatever... your supe name is cool! Prism Stream! What are your powers? My obvious ones are cloning and light-speed... and super strength... heh -- ALso did you come from battle in this club costume? Sleek!

*My snoring intensifies annoyingly*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I met him recently, actually. On the battlefield.

Akella: On the battlefield of Phobos? Yeah, i heard all about the secret weapon the military used to psionically force all the pirates to surrender... mad wasn't it? How did it look all up and close?

*She sits down on a nearby bar stool and starts sipping on some smoothie -- By her statement, it seems the news had already been covering the sudden and mysterious pacification event on Phobos in the military way of doing it*

Akella: Are you a supe too? A super Human i mean?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Thank you for the invitation. My name is Prism, Prism Stream.

Akella: Nice to meet you mr. Stream! *She formally welcomes you with that warm behaviour then another one of her clones zips by and proceeds to blur towards the beach and jump into the sea*

*I just begin to snore so loud on the couch that Akella just cringes at the sound*

Akella: Heh!... so how long have you worked with Ben?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Staring forward*
Yes, precisely. I agree completely.

*The warm Martian sunrise washes over the sea's horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. A gentle breeze carries the salty scent of the Noden Sea, mingling with the sweet fragrance of exotic flowers blooming in the estate's meticulously manicured gardens. The sleek, futuristic architecture of the estate stands in perfect symbiosis with the city behind and the jungle covered Mount Olympus, a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of luxury, even on this alien world.

As you approach the main entrance, the shimmering glass facade reflects the vibrant colors of the sky, creating a kaleidoscope of light and shadow. The building seems to blend seamlessly with its surroundings, its organic curves and flowing lines echoing the natural formations of the nearby cliffs and dunes.

The entrance opens into a grand foyer, where a cascading waterfall spills into a reflecting pool, its gentle murmur adding to the tranquil atmosphere. The walls are adorned with intricate mosaics depicting scenes from Terran mythology and Martian landscapes, a fusion of cultures that speaks to the eclectic tastes of the estate's owner.*

*The expansive lounge opens up before you, a panorama of sleek lines and warm, natural materials. Floor-to-ceiling windows frame the breathtaking sunset over the Martian sea, casting long shadows across the polished wood floors. Plush couches invite relaxation, while a state-of-the-art entertainment system hints at lavish evenings.

As I collapse onto the sofa, your eyes are drawn to the figure emerging from the shadows. A radiant woman with fiery hair approaches, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of amusement. Her voice, melodic and warm, breaks the silence.*

Akella: Oh my! Sweetie! ... He's out cold, isn't he? *Her gaze shifts to you, her expression a mixture of curiosity and welcome.* Don't worry, dears. You're safe here. Welcome to our home.

*Before you can respond, a symphony of identical voices fills the air. Another Akella appears, her movements a blur as she effortlessly multiplies, her forms scattering across the estate. The original Akella smiles warmly.*

Akella: My apologies, we are Akella... well, I'm Akella, Ben's wife. You are more than welcome to stay here and relax until he awakens. Perhaps you'd like to refresh yourselves with a bath in the sea?

*The invitation hangs in the air, an unexpected gesture of hospitality in this surreal setting. The warmth in Akella's eyes is genuine, inviting you to embrace the comforts of this extraordinary home and the mysteries it holds.

On the beach you already see other friends of Soldier Boy coming out of their lodges and beginning to party out to a loud music that plays from a nearby hut on the smooth sands, it is clear now more than ever, Ben is an overt reveller and a king debaucherer whenever his off duty*

Style of music starting to playing on the beach --> Clear Blue Water (Original Mix)
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You appear to need rest. Once we arrive, you’ll have your opportunity.

*I just keep drinking until we arrive at the same scene and i stumble out the cab and fall forward while strangely barely keeping my balance wobbling towards my beach estate*

Bfthiss ij jupht so nnnn--nnormal to you... *hick*
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