Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*multiple claps are heard and bolts burst onto you*

<Snipped quote by Asce>

*Twists my body in an impressive display of acrobatics and spins over the glass shards as if they were moving in slow motion*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Knowing Rhoan he might have a taste for that object you have.

*Taken aback by the sudden violent turn of events only shortly after a near reality collapsing fight, my eyes burst out blazing with blinding light and fury, my tesseract pulses violently as i begin to glow entirely turning into a being of light that burns the surounding, then with a violent shout that reverberates through the entire beach i cause a pressure that freezes everyone in place*


*The pressure specifically focuses on you @Legend Begins and you definitely feel your sudden violent and righteous intrusion has stepped on another bird's eggs the wrong way*

Theme of the new turn of events (Optional) --> Remstage - Calm Moment

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You know. I think I will.
*Reaches back in time to communicate with my own prior self*

*All you see is a void of darkness and meaninglessness... this is deeper than just a physical element, you are dealing with your own broken soul, and the pit of the void is staring back at you! A burning feeling suddenly fills all your senses with one declaration:* CHILD! FACE THE REALITY OF YOUR CONDITION OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN!!

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

What kind of person would do something like that in the first place??

*Points with a stupid grin to my chest while still holding my hands up* Hey shouldn't i ask the same question about you, nonchalantly rewinding reality? And the excuse of: "If you had the power to fix any problem with one snap of your fingers wouldn't you?" *I quoted you as a matter of fact insinuating that i fixed a problem about your mental condition*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

His name is Rhoan. I wouldn’t call him a samurai conventionally as his style of fighting more of uses the sword as a glorified stick. But he utilizes magic in a very complex and combat oriented manner. And I can definitely show you how we entered.

COOL!! Magic exists then! *I look at the tesseract conspicuously* And prolly this thing is of that domain then... *I proceed to manifest another gold ingot for Rhoan* Well then mister Rhoan! Here ya go!

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You're the one who keeps trying to carve into my brain!!

*Lifts my hands up in surrender* Hey promise i won't do that again then! -- You needed some force to get you out of the box you were looping in, but okay! No more touchy feely!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*takes it*
Thank you. It is much appreciated.

So what's the samurai guy's name? I do indeed love his style to be completely honest, and i would love to learn some sword fighting techniques... Also... since you all essentially plopped into existence out of the void, would you show me how you did that?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I’d say it’s more valuable as a resource rather than a currency, but yes.

Well then... tis yours to have mam!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I’m sick of you manipulating me!!

HAHAAHAH! ME manipulating you??? How about your lady angel of death? Are we going to fight about it again?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*In a dramatic face turn, strikes you in the cheek as you proceed*
Do not touch me!

Too late... already did... and i don't want to do that again. Damn!

*Clearly insinuating that i wouldn't do this kind of action if it wasn't due to the influence of another being*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

We fill in for each other’s weaknesses, like any team should!

*A sudden chill inspires me as it electrifies my spine* Ah, for fuck sakes! *I jab my fingers in your skull as i enter your mind space where you are currently rummaging in that destroyed cell that Misty built and drag you out then i pull my fingers out*

There! I think i saw enough in there... you seriously need therapy... and i mean the asylum kind... and straitjackets and all!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

It’s called thinking about the people you’re affecting.

Just the way Misty would think right? *I intentionally push that button again*
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