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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

This counts as a planet?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: I dunno, does it? It makes it simpler... though it is definitely the size of a solar system... heh! What do you make of it?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

So this is the place, huh? Fancy.

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Oh yeah! And it goes all the way to the planet's core, wait till you see the inner city levels!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

There’s some kind of equivalent though, it seems.

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Yup! Just be careful if you try... if you spend too much time just learning, i don't know how that can affect your psychology...

*As she says that we land on a fairly surprisingly luxurious looking surface platform*

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: RIGHT! this is, uuuh, platform 78 Trillion 9X Zeta... Sub-dimension 3.1... heh!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Does anyone accelerate their own experience of time so they can finish them all?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: You know... uuh, one tried, and became the devil... also time as a property doesn't really exist here? i don't know how to put it, yes i know we seem to be moving forwards in time, but it is a different type of function to this realm that is similar for our sake but much higher than the classic concept of time...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Does anyone actually live here?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: HAHAAHAH! yes! The writing hands of God and Grandfather and all the books mostly! hahaha, it is ridiculous i know... but yeah it does have habitats for The Numakhiim (Nuh'Mao'Ka'iim) and all the scholars and those who love to learn
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You know, I will, uh, I’ll do my best!

*As you do try to imagine you are wearing super protective sun glasses they just appear on your face... and suddenly we begin decelerating visibly and before long we are now facing a super massive white hole, specifically the Sagittarius White Hole with an equally colossal artificial ecumenopolis planet orbiting it*

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Were HERE! *She chirps excitedly*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Is there some kind of index? A way to quickly look up information?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Yup, i'll show you when we arrive, speaking of which, we are nearly there, prepare to decelerate, and focus on the idea of the centre of the Galaxy, picture a bright blinding white light as that represents the white hole, and imagine you are just slowing down from a fall as if you have a parachute... at least is how i imagine. Also you might wanna manifest some light filtering glasses, not that you'll be damaged by the INTENSE brightness, but for the first time you will se a White Hole, trust me... it is brighter than a billion super giant suns!

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Every thought? And it’s all open and available?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: I KNOW riiight?! There's a reason we call Him Good Father and Caring Grandfather! If we have the patience to learn, He encourages us to learn as much as possible because thru knowledge and wisdom we grow and mature!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Maybe that one was obvious, but you never know... I assume it has recent events too?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Yup, It is an ever expanding record of every thought of God and Grandfather, every new development of creation... like... like i once found a book called "Why the color white?" Literally describing how and why we perceive that specific color and all details around its nature, it was MAD detailed all the way to the very foundation of consciousness and reality! About 2000 pages!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Who writes it?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Guess silly! *She giggles*
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