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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Glances across your new outfit*
Didn't we just separate back at the entrance to this place? How long have you been here?

*Klisp’Anarion gently approaches you and whispers a blurp* Prlrrlrlrlrrl... *psst... i don't know if you were introduced to the concept of a multiverse right? that might not be your actual friend... just saying...*

Soldier Boy? : My apologies good sir and an evident fellow prophet of Grandfather! i must have forgotten to introduce myself, My name is Alexander Mcclain, and yours? *I extend my hand in a handshake gesture*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Frowns, perplexed*
Um... what happened to you? You look... completely different.

*I look at you a bit perplexed and as if i'm looking to a stranger, then you see me analyse your countour as if i'm looking around you scanning something, with a glint in my golden eyes*

Soldier Boy? : Mmmmh? Hello sir! Pardon my dillemma, but have we met somewhere? Perhaps in a past reincarnation?

*I continue with the same over the top knowledgeable and knightly tone -- But then something you notice, is that my tesseract is not cubical, but more like a dodecahedron...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>


*As you turn the corner, you see... me? Benjamin? Soldier Boy? I'm far more stylish here, less gruff, more disciplined and charismatic looking, my hair is on glittering angelic flames that don't consume me, and my eyes are lightly glowing in gold... my tesseract is on the side sitting on a small pile of books... and... i'm wearing READING GLASSESS?!*

Soldier Boy? : Well hello there kind Quizean and loving Numakhiim Ma'am! What can i aid you with my brethren in God? *I speak with a strangely sophisticated and intellectual tone to my voice... something feels odd here*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Is the answer here somewhere?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Yup, but mind you it will take some time to learn it, you can always talk to us about what specifically you want to know, because the details around a situation are far more complex than just knowing the location of a soul, it sometimes involves literally understanding the very nature of space-time and such... which is... a lot to say the least!

Klisp’Anarion: Blrblrblrblrrlrlrl... pprrrprprprrrlrrlrlrpl, YKLR!! *Well let's start then, here just around this coroner there should be a section on galactic maps... OH MY!!! Hello mister! OOH Another prophet of the Grandfather!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Are they automatons?

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Nobody really knows the full story behind them... they have as many myths about them as there are lessons in consciousness and soul and emotion... it only makes sense, my stance is that they are the neural activity of God and Grandfather... y'know those electric sparks that communicate between brain cells... yup those are God's...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That’s an involved process. How long did it take you to learn it?

Klisp’Anarion: Yyyyuuupprprprpr.... Lrlrlrrll...!! *It doesn't take that long when you want to become an Akashic Scholar... you have fellas like.... uuuh where are they, aha! look up there! Those are the writing hands of God and Grandfather... they are essentially the librarians here that guide and teach us how to navigate the place better*

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: *She just stands there oogle eyed, clearly a fangirl*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Is the way forward hard to decipher?

Klisp’Anarion: Prlrlrlrrlrrlurp... *No, if it only were just the way forward and not taking corners, checking panels that say what general info is here, looking up level sections, etc...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Puts my hand to my chest*
Okay... okay... I’m good.

Klisp’Anarion: Plllblblup... Plrlblblup... Pllrlrlrlrl! *already starting to look for the right section regarding maps and dimensional and hyperlane geometries: Nnnooo... not this one... Ye!... noooh... AHAH! Here we go!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*My stomach gurgles*
Consider this a victory then...

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Yeah, but he has a totally different digestive tract than us humanoids... do the thing, you know, Breathe in! Breathe out, relax, breathe in, breathe out!

Klisp’Anarion: Puurrrrr... *Fair enough! ahahahaah!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Trying... not to puke...

Klisp’Anarion: Brrrlurlrlp! Prrlululululurrlrl... *The equivalent of LOL and then: Totally get you, i actually did puke the first time i began my scholarly journey!*
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