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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I’m serious. We should be able to recombine our memories with merges and quickly become experts at whatever we choose. Just be careful to not burn in any bad habits. Those are hard to get rid of.

Soldier Boy: So how do i spot the new memory or experience once i merge again? Do i think really hard or... what? Before i became a replicant it was pretty easy to remember stuff and i haven't checked to see if i have new memories since the fact...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Let's be on our way.
*Turns to Soldier Boy*
It should allow us to accelerate our learning millions of times over, assuming yours works the same as mine.

Soldier Boy: You serious? I don't know how it works, all i know is whenever i think two of me... *Proceeds to split in two as we both speak simultaneously then look flabbergasted in each other's eyes* we become two!

Klisp'Anarion: PRRPRPRPRPP!!! *Arrives with a bunch more quizeans from across the library and seemingly a lot of writing hands of God in the form of the Quizean* *GOT MORE TEACHERS!! My people are a culture of artificers and arcane engineers as tradition sooo yeeee...*

*Multitude of pprlrrprlprlrpl and blblbllbbltlb and ollllollololrorlolrorlr heard everywhere as if we suddenly find ourselves in a hall filled with turkeys and seagulls at the same time*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

All at the same time? Are there enough teachers?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Certainly! Let's go to the surface first and find a suitable spot in orbit to begin building the platform, it will certainly be a good addition to the library too!

Soldier Boy So do i do the multiply thing too now? It is freaking me out to be honest and i don't know why the Tesseract copied it for me!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

If we think strategically, we can figure out what knowledge has what dependencies. Then only do partial recombinations, based on what disciplines are grouped prerequisites. Then we can avoid recombining everyone every time for efficiency’s sake. The more we limit those, the more we avoid huge time sinks.

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: So what do you want to learn first? High Arcanna? Soul Consecration? Perhaps some martial arts with Ar'Gavryiel?

Klisp’Anarion: *Lifts a massive suitcase that he just happens to have brought from somewhere* Prlrlrlrlrrlrl!!! *Alchemy!!! Arcane engineering!!!*

Alexander McClain: *Hovering his tesseract in is palm* Reality altering illusions? or actual reality altering macics?

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I’ll have millions of copies train with each other and then reconvene. I’ll have another set meditating.

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: Good! Then we're going to need a bigger space than the Akashic library... think we can create a training platform in orbit around the white hole somewhere Ar'Gavryiel?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: I wouldn't see why not...

Soldier boy: I already know how to fight though... what i need to learn is some of that magic tricks of yours!

*At me saying that Ar'Gavryiell suddenly appears in front of me looking down at me due to his shear size, but when i look past him he's still next to Myallah*

Soldier boy: Uuuuh....

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: You don't know how to fight beings of the outer void, nor do you master all fighting disciplines of Earth or any remotely humanoid planet, and then there's combining your fighting with Spirit Techniques!

Soldier boy: Okay, chill big fellah! and can everyone multiply now or what is happening?

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: Mmmh? Ah no Ben! We Numakhiim have many abilities but what Ar'Gavryiel did is excersize his omnipresence aura. And yes if we want we can replicate, as we are guardians of many things, but it is unnecessary for us, he's just being in two places at once right now...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Splits into four copies*
I need as many base lessons as you can muster. Same with physical training. We’ll learn them in parallel, recombine, and do it all again. It should open the door to rapid skill growth.

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: *Blinks in surprise* Oh this is going to be WONDERFUL!

Klisp’Anarion: *Jumps from one of your copies to another, to one he grabs the arm and measures it, to another purlurlrls in his hair amusingly, then zips to another and stands rubbing his tentacles...* Prlrlrlrrlrlrlr! OOOOORRLLRRLL! *Ooooooh! This is going to be... there's so much we can explore WHOOOOO!!!*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Wonderful! *Manifests a wodden staff in his hands and throws it to one of your copies* Always fighting with a staff is the best basic first lesson, and then i'll teach you some FLux Martial Arts!
Why don’t we have her fighting off the otherworldly threats, and our team regroups with her?

Sure! It sure will be interesting!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Really? It’s hard to believe that could be true...
*Flexes my hand, one finger at a time*
In that case, it may be time to use the emergency technique. I never thought I’d have a need for it...

Soldier boy: Sooo... can i learn also then, cause this is clearly no longer just technology if GOD of all things exists, and the afterlife and souls...

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: *Chuckles cutely as she gently touches her lips* But of course dear Benjamin! You could work with Alexander as he's a master arcane lord here...

Soldier boy: Ah... maaaan!! Why hiiim?

Alexander McClain: I am not rushing to that particular task either soldier! *He snickers under his breath*

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: Mr. Stream... please do tell me more about your emergency technique. I'm curious to know more so i can better plan your lessons!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Er, um... what does that imply, in this case?

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: It means you have the potential of becoming an Archmage even capable of creating entire universes once you begin learning magic and transcendental meditation. Your power has been amplified enough that you can not only travel through time or manipulate time in one entire universe, but that level of power can be harnessed through discipline to levels of such mythical feats that you would be considered a god!

Klisp’Anarion: *Bounces and jumps in excitement as he claps his fluffy paws rapidly* Purlrurlrurulrrlruururr!!! *OOOH Magiiiic! Yeeee! i can teach you alchemy as well and also my favourite artificer lessons so you can craft magical devices!*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Yoooooooo, Roadkill!! We’ll find a way to get you looped in.

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Killing someone else without permission is taboo ; we’ll craft up some off-camera situation that describes how she got from where she was to wherever she can participate now.

Roger cap! Sorry roadkill, my brain was burned out... but yeah!
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