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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Alright... maybe they'll fare better with combat training.

Soldier Boy: Mlmelemlmelmmeml ?! *I mumble as i foam at the mouth and my tongue spills out pointed and rubbery near my shoulder level and my eyes are pitch black marbles as i seem to look at you with the intent of licking you*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I'm... glad I didn't try that myself. How are your copies getting along?

*looks to the clones as i see a bunch of wobbling mushrooms of the kind that just exploded... if you were to look they are just nonchalantly browsing Klisp's library as some are reading and scratching their heads*

Soldier Boy: Uuhhhlllmmm... Vley vlurned ilmph Vlurshrooms *They turned into mushrooms - i say with my tongue swollen*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

By splitting the work up, it really shouldn’t be absurdly difficult for any individual copy of you.
*Watches the mushroom with interest*

*Mushroom proceeds to explode, giving me a mouthful of purple spores*

*Klisp, watching through the portal, giggles at the sight almost as if anticipating this to be only the first step of what's to happen to me due to the spores*

Soldier Boy: *Coughs dryly as i spit and scratch my tongue* EW! It tastes like rotten fish!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I don’t think the environment will do much for us. But study will. Have your copies started reading the text?

Soldier Boy: Yuup... they... ey boys! have you started the reading already?

Soldier Boy clone: *laughing* What? yup! not like it's the best activity out there

Soldier Boy: Cut the crap and get to readin'!

*Pokes the mushroom as it retracts and forms a protective bubble with its tendrils*

Soldier Boy: Ew...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*I quickly shake it off, thinking it's just a natural thing to happen in this kind of situation. Thinking fast, I grab my blade and start cutting through the door, the dead silence made the sounds coming from the sword seem louder.*

*You cut through the door, and it takes a bit of effort to move the cut piece out of the way, considering laws of physics are frozen in time... when you go through, however, you see a mess of a situation... the whole habitat is broken down, objects half way through the air, furniture broken, splinters of furniture mid-flight... something has definitely been breaking through these things here...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You are. Spread out.
*Every exposed inch of my half of the regions begins to fill with Prism copies, all studying the same content*

*looking at a mushroom with glowing wiggling tendrils* Sooo... what am i looking at and how is this thing going to fix the universe?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

When you spend ten thousand hours doing anything, you become an expert. The more versions of yourself you assign to a task, the quicker you’ll learn, with certain caveats.

Soldier Boy: Riiiight... i guess i'm about to find out now ain't i?

*the caverns, the surface, the forests, the jungles, they are all yours to explore and Ben's...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*I look towards the building where the noise came from and keep a hand on the hilt of my blade, slowly walking towards it. The door doesn't seem to budge, most likely due to the time stillness.*

∆: Well... This is... A problem... probably...

*The door doesn't budge but as soon as you approach it, the rattling of objects and skittering suddenly stops, and you suddenly get the INTENSE intrusive feeling like you are being watched... through the building... straight into your very soul... somehow...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

My plan was to practice everything. All at once. And sure, I can teach Ben.

Soldier Boy: Dude! like seriously! How can you just understand these things so easily and nonchalantly, anyway?!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Nods, impressed*
Very fascinating!
*Thousands of Prisms begin to flood the biospheres*
This looks like it’ll be more than enough space.

Klisp'Anarion: Vrrvlvvlrrvllplplplplrlrlrlrp! *Would you grab Ben here and show him the ropes? and what are you gonna be practicing first? there are about a hundred potions that deal with primordial horrors and such...*
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