Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Does it really bother you that much?

Soldier Boy: Like what doesn't at this point? This new mutation in my powers is just another notch... *Points at a simulacrum* We are training to fight LIVING NIGHTMARES... oh and there's the fact that we are presently IN HEAVEN!, AND WE MET GOD! To you probably this doesn't mean much, but to me and the world i come from, this changes EVERYTHING even about how the Terran Dominion will operate when and IF we manage to restore my universe...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You could have my copies train your copies. Once one of them figures it out, recombine and teach them all.

Soldier Boy: Wait... we're still talking about using your creepy mind splitting power of yours even more than i already am?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: *rolls my eyes and points at the tesseract* You think THAT power is insane and you literally bear the holy totem of The Grandfather Himself as if it's your next best toy!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Frankly, I’ve seen creatures you’d consider much stranger.

Soldier Boy: Well talk after training... alright angel dude guy, what am i supposed to learn here other than just the fact that we are going to face living nightmares back home?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: I'm not an ange... *Sighs* I guess humans would call us that... Anyway, you are here to learn discipline and technique. Look at Prism. Then stop being just a brute and begin learning!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Have courage!
*Zooms into the creature, which explodes around my fist before it realizes it's been struck*

Soldier Boy: Just how normal is this crap to you anyway? I do fight, but up until you came into my life, most of the enemies i fought had some sort of logic and sense to their appearance and most of them were humans... that is pre time skip and tesseract thingy...

*I proceed to turn my fists into blazing suns of light as i grab an entity and turn it to charred flesh*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I have no idea who y— actually, never mind. Just worry about your combat skills right now!

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: *looks at me with a grin* You are a known fighter soul, with a ledger of darkness on your past that surpassess even my understanding how Grandfather decided to chose you of all people in this particular universe to redeem... you keep flaunting your love for combat... now show how good you are against these enemies!

*More simulagrums are being spawed in the training hall that proceed to make me sick and shiver in fear*

Soldier Boy: Mo...mmyy... *I wince*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Took you long enough, Ben. You're falling behind.

*Reels back at the monster simulacrum that just lunges at me*

Soldier Boy: JESUS F.... *Before i can continue my shocked exclamation at the monster Ar'Gavryell manifests a copy next to me and shuts my mouth sternly*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Hold your tongue when talking about an enlightened saint prophet of God in cursing intentions nevermind the no cursing allowed rule!

*Proceeds to skewer the monster without much effort*

Soldier Boy: You... OFCOURSE Jesus would be a real individual too now... can somebody wake me from whatever insane hallucination trip i'm having right now?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Alright, let's see.
*Swipes the staff down in front of me with uncharacteristic fluidity*
Hm, feels weirdly familiar.
*Distributes staffs among the clones and starts by reinforcing fundamentals*

*Benjamin finally gets to the station and barges in:* Finally found my way out of that maze of death! I flew through at LEAST a dozen parallel heavens simply by accidentally crossing those... whach-a-call-them? Mirror Thresholds?... So what did i miss? *Proce eds to look wideeyed at the scene before me with a completely changed Prism and Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavriell just standing there tackling monsters allongisde him*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: *Looks half annoyed at me* You are late! Like... at least half a day late!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*The copies pass information by remerging and splitting in waves, reaching eventual consistency throughout the fight*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: *Fights alongside you and keeps on drawing your attention to the fighting techniques and mixed martial arts disciplines, shortly before passing you a staff* Now learn to use weapons as tools to help you channel more power!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Splits into numerous duplicates, one for each creature, and engages in the same form of combat, attacking with the nature of the world itself*

*Monsters fight back, and simulate the true horror they would represent, many of your clones are brought to near death shortly before Ar'Gavryell intervenes to heal and resurrect you, but you understand now more and more the power that courses through you*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Forces beyond my comprehension...
*My fist streams forward, carrying the fabric of the aether with it, increasing the weight and intensity of my punch with ethereal power*

*As you strike, you still see me unmoved, but a moment later i reel back and hold my belly as you see me smile proudly, then proceed to cough red glowing blood as if magma is coming out instead of blood -- the blood of an angel*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Now we're making progress! *I speak amid coughs as i look at you and proceed to heal myself* Now think of those monsters *I point to the monster simulacrums that begin heading your way* Time to practice on the actual enemy!
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