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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*The complete hive of Prisms recombines and splits back up in a rippling wave, and once it completes two passes across the crowd, it stops*

Theme of Prism's Upliftment in consciousness and awareness of the deeper self --> NEUROQ - Eastern Grace

*As you recombine, a profound realization washes over you. The once-blurry lines between your countless selves have sharpened, each individual consciousness now distinct within a unified whole. It's as if a higher level of awareness has awakened within you, a central 'you' overseeing a symphony of reflections.

This newfound clarity extends beyond the mental. You feel a surge of energy focused in your anterior cingulate cortex, both in your physical brain and the ethereal essence that is your spirit. It's a command center, a throne room where you rule over your myriad selves with unwavering authority.

The fear of losing yourself to fractured personalities, a constant specter in your past, now seems distant. You can sense the thoughts and emotions of each individual Prism identity after recombining in one, guiding them, correcting their course if needed, and ultimately reintegrating them into the whole without the risk of contamination.

This is more than just an evolution of your powers; it's a transformation of your very being. You are no longer a collection of fragments, but a symphony conductor, orchestrating a harmonious chorus of consciousness. The potential for chaos remains, but now you wield the baton, shaping your destiny with newfound precision and control.*
Soldier Boy: *the mass of Benjamins do the breathing, but it is a bit out of sync, one is heard shuffling, one is heard moaning in complaint* Damn... this is... boring... and quite annoying

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Prism is doing it right, you, however, need to understand a bit more of what this focus entails. You not only need to focus on your intention of being aware 100% on one particular thing with all your mind, emotion and feeling, but how to ignore the constant streams of emotions, thoughts, worries, desires and all around chaos that an undisciplined mind is naturally generating on a constant basis. Then do these things together, and you have done your very first consciousness "push up"
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Meditation is the one area I have prior experience in. Let’s do this.
*Splits into even more copies and sits down with my eyes closed*

Soldier Boy: *I look at you and i awkwardly try to replicate how you do it, evidently lacking true understanding of the technique* Ehh... sooo... what next?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: We need to first hone in our awareness. Breathe in, breathe out, but don't just do the breath. You need to focus on how it feels first, focus on how it feels to breathe in then how to breathe out...

This is the essential first step to develop the muscle of your awareness even more...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

∆: C'mon... Now you're teleporting me? Whoever's doing this trippy crapfest had better stop...

*I start to walk around the area, finding more of the same. The room seems to stretch out from beyond my vision...*

Fun way to find out you were no-clipped by something into a liminal space that is an infinite extension of the habitat you found yourself in heheheheh
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

It’s... a moot point. My father currently doesn’t want to be found, and he’s the type of person that, in those circumstances, probably won’t be.

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: No quarrel about it then! It was just an apropos... but then, all that left for another more relaxed discussion, time to practice meditation and self awareness in intense situations now. Gotta find yourself before you can tackle an enemy that specifically wants to lose you from yourself before God and Gradfather know what...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I really wish my father were here... he’d be an expert in this.
*Rubs my hands together*
How do we capture loose souls?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: *Looks pensively* Perhaps we could arrange that? If you know his whereabouts, you could send a copy of yours to contact him and ask for his assistance, that is if this is even up his lane of work. And just show him your upgrades and tell him that the Lords of this world are generous in rewarding heroic actions and good hearts.

Soldier Boy: *I look wide eyed and frown at Ar'Gavryiell* Wait... you serious? you want to invite the FATHER of this problem dude here? I get you redeemed and did your best to set things straight... but seriously? Like... this whole thing began happening after his arrival?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: *Looks intensely at me putting me in my place in true archangel fashion* You should not judge what is beyond you! You cannot put the blame on him, for if God Himself doesn't anymore who do you think you are to do so? The mystery of cause and effect and the way the vastness dances is a mistery better left to the minds that can grasp it, not us... Yes the invitation stands.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

∆: C'mon... Now you're teleporting me? Whoever's doing this trippy crapfest had better stop...

*I start to walk around the area, finding more of the same. The room seems to stretch out from beyond my vision...*

*You turn a corner and enter past a door frame where normaly there should be a door, except that frame is actually an completely out of place small tunnel the size and shape of a doorframe but extends out for a few dozen feet until you enter in another expanse of halls and habitat-warehouse like rooms - and what's worse, is that, yes the previous scenario was dead silent and frozen in time, but you could at least see the people that would have moved in there and the vehicles and the activity that was frozen, this place however... this place is just EMPTY... like out of place empty...*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

∆: D-damn it... W-what is going on...

*My voice sounded glitchy, almost inhuman. I feel a splitting headache, which hurts more than it should, considering I've never felt any pain close to this. I begin walking forward, but it's almost as if something is pushing back...*

*You look forward and something is wrong... though the initial mental anguish seems to have subsided merely for a little, the room before you seems to continue on into the depths far beyond any logical geometry or possibility. This would have been a building unit the size of an average house... yet what you see before your eyes is a seemingly endless hall of rooms without doors and broken furniture and abandoned and broken utensils... something is way off.*

*And when you look back... uuuh... where's the entry room you came through into this habitat module?*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That description is... as uncomfortable as it is realistic. How do we fight something like that?

Soldier Boy: Yeah... no kidding...

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Understandable! We now need to train your minds and souls as much as your martial disciplines. You need to develop a strong and defiant sense of self that cannot be manipulated or tackled as easily as most people's are...

Then fighting C'thon is not so simple. it is an endless game of Chess mixed with Go... it is strategy upon strategy, and it is an ever changing and evolving battlefield for which, when we are there we will have heavenly military encampments where we can start to talk about each anomalous situation we encounter and actively draw samples to see how to thoroughly oppose that particular chaos.

Our main goal is to save and consecrate as many souls as possible BEFORE we start rebuilding the laws of physics. And remember, order and balance is C'thon's strongest weakness. Once we rescue the souls and deny it it's meal, we then step in and stabilize that place, after which we can more easily hunt down and capture or eliminate whatever apparition is there haunting that location.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

When you travel the world, you meet others of all kinds of shapes and sizes. Many won't appreciate what you look like.

Soldier Boy: *Displays an over the top false gagging reflex while all my copies point mockingly at the simulacrums*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Alright you children, but Prism is right... despite this being out of place here, there are some life forms across the vastness that... let's just say the concept of a biped humanoid creature is as alien as the concept of a spherical planet...

But in the present moment, these abominations are not considered life of any kind. There's a reason even Maelar and his demon hordes stay far enough away from C'Thon despite his ilk would make one think they are from the same camp...

Maelar is a creature that was once a cherished son of the heavens, these were not only not created by God or any of the natural laws he fashioned, but one can argue they don't even exist... for whatever madness that might entail...

Have you ever known the feeling of being watched or stalked but you could never quite put your finger on who or what is responsible for that feeling? In some cases those are ghosts, in others demons... in many however it is just a malfunctioning survival instinct triggering in a young species... like humans... basically paranoia...

But when C'thon hunts, it makes sure you know you are being hunted and by the time you see one of its apparitions, it is already to late... like you are deep in the spider's web, entangled beyond any reasonable way of getting out, and now you see the spider as its about to eat you....
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