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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Did they not learn anything in their attempts? Nothing at all?

Alexander McClain: What, if i may, did i say earlier about learning anything about the forbidden one? Anything repeatable or even remotely useful?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Then send us! We can send unit after unit with no risk to us and strike it where it hurts. Or, at least, learn something new about its operation. This is an opportunity like no other.

Pre-Upifting Soldier Boy: *I lift a finger timidly* Umm... no thank you? I do not plan to launch myself into whatever this thing is... do you remember that screeching colossal tentacle that spilled out of the Martian skies shortly before we entered this place?... yeah...

Alexander McClain: Prism... good sir... *He sighs* You claim this now, but trust me when i tell you, your kind of power is not at ALL unique in the multiverse... known... or otherwise the other multiverses within Grandfather's work. There have been so many kinds of attempts at doing this exact task already, there is a galaxy-less akashic sphere dedicated as a memorial to count the amount of such souls that perished and were even pulled out of heaven's banks after enough copies kept throwing themselves at C'thon like that.

If this is about your concern with your lady... er... Misty, she has not yet crossed the event horizon, i personally have concurred already with the military advisors before prepping this lecture. Do not waste yourself in an attempt without knowing much about what you are facing... know thy enemy first, is the main mantra of heaven's armies... and C'thon stands as the only ever enemy of heaven that has still eluded such knowledge!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Waves off the comment*
Look, that doesn’t matter. The point is that we could strike directly at the heart of this creature, just like dying could get you access to this place. We may not even have to die to get there.

Alexander McClain: Look sir Prism... *Tone turns in a matter of fact* You have provided some good ideas for us to work with in fighting off this particular instance of C'thon. but you should know one fundamental thing about it. It is not God nor Grandfather.

We know near to NOTHING about its structure and operations beyond a certain 'event horizon' sort of speaking, in the outer void. Whenever we discover something concrete, the very next moment we send an Outer-naut to explore that particular discovery again about anything like a realm or a comprehensive biography about it, it has completely changed, side-dashed to oblivion, split in a quintillion pustules made of pure nightmare, and then twisted in an endless spiral to add a cherry on top...

We and every other heaven, and even the older siblings of God, have been at this fight for so long it surpasses anyone's true ability to understand, and we STILL know nothing concrete or anything that remains verifiable or repeatable about it. So we stick to fighting it at our doorstep for the most part, where it steps and tries to encroach in our realm... that's all we can do best...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

But suppose you did. Would that bring you closer to the point where you could do more damage? Hypothetically?

*Alexander grabs his chin for a few moments then swiftly turns to the grand holo-screen behind him and begins writing down a wall of equations and sigil permutations and theorems as you begin hearing several classmates begin suggesting more ideas allong the lines which might inspire you to continue*

Pre-Upifting Soldier Boy: *I look at you with concern* As much as i appreciate you standing up for your pal here, are you suicidal or something? You heard the doc. Do you Kamikaze syndrome or something?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Question! If someone were strong enough, would dying to it give them the ability to strike straight at its heart?

Alexander McClain: It doesn't have a heart dear Prism. It is as entropic and unknowable as even the very mind of God could not divine its knowledge, even Grandfather can barely grasp what it is... All i can tell you is, if it is the last thing you do, you do NOT die to it!

*The murmurs intensify as they are heard debating ideas and strategies*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Frowns at the callout and stands up*
Is embarrassing him necessarily the most appropriate form of teaching?

Alexander McClain: *Lifts hands in defeat* My apologies, that was not my intention, but he was clearly not paying attention to a lesson on strategy and the nature of balancing reality which is going to be needed when facing the forbidden one... If he wouldn't be shocked into a more disciplined attentive state when this knowledge could very well come between continuous freedom of his soul or Zeus knows what awaits beyond dying at it's will, then i think a minor offence is but the bare minimum he needs here...

*Murmurs begin being heard all across*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Just pay attention. You’ll learn something useful.

Alexander McClain: Kind sir Benjamin! *almost everyone in the amphitheater turned their heads to me* Would you please enlighten us on the equation of the lambda corner in section tetra of the entropy codex? Or do you have something more... profound to teach us here? *Chuckles teasingly*

Pre-Upifting Soldier Boy: I... uuuh....

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Whispers back*
What, disappointed that you didn’t get to be the copy picked for combat training?

Pre-Upifting Soldier Boy: *grumbles and sinks in the chair* Don't remind me of copies again... and combat is much faster a solution to fixing problems than this... granted, i did began dabbling in spying... before the universe was ruined... *crosses arms like a child throwing a fit*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Well... there’s only one way to find out. Once we rescue Misty, she can add to our forces significantly.

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: *With a grave voice and a knowing nod* That is if she doesn't add to his forces first or worse to Maelar's...

*Back in the Akashic Library, we are listening to a large lecture held by Alexander as he finishes on the nature of the codex and nature of geometry and the sacred planes.

The lecture hall itself is an impressive amphitheater, with tiered seating that gradually ascends away from a central podium. At this podium stands Alexander, the ascended scholar with an aura of profound wisdom. He gestures with a silver-tipped staff, its end glowing softly, as he speaks to the gathered audience. His dodecahedron tesseract similarly hooked to a belt on his waist.*

Theme of lecture --> Klaus Schulze - Mindphaser

*Alexander surveys the room, his eyes gleaming with the golden light of knowledge. He raises his staff, and a holographic display of geometric shapes and ancient symbols appears in the air above him.*

Alexander McClain: Welcome, esteemed scholars and adventurers. Today, we delve into the arcane mysteries of the Codex and the profound nature of sacred geometry. The Codex is not merely a book of spells or historical accounts; it is a blueprint of reality itself...

*The holographic display shifts to show complex geometrical patterns interwoven with glowing lines of energy.*

Alexander McClain: These shapes, these forms, are the very foundation of the planes. They represent the underlying structure of the multiverse, the sacred geometry that binds all things together. Each pattern, each line, holds power and significance beyond mere comprehension.

*He pauses, allowing the weight of his words to sink in*

Alexander McClain: The Codex is written in this language of the cosmos. To decipher it is to understand the very fabric of existence. It is said that those who master these sacred geometries can alter reality, traverse planes, and even touch the divine... which... let's face it, we already are doing those of us who have become permanent dwellers of the heavenly spheres... *Chuckles lightly at the remark*

Pre-Upifting Soldier Boy: *Nudges you with the elbow on the seat next to me as i whisper* Is this the way those nerds in the laboratory learned their... stuff?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

But with an infinite force that’s consistently making ground, you’re guaranteed to eventually take all the ground, right?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: We don't know it's the answer... the reason we fight is in order to continue existing and expanding... we do not know for now whether we are the infinite ones or C'thon is...
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