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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Delta: "That's some... meaningless production..."

*Machines keep producing aimlessly and droning about, and among them you suddenly hear a ghostly whispering moan that seems to originate from some dark corner of this factory-like hall*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Cyrus: "As far as I know, yes."


Prplrlrlrlrl. *Quite intriguing, your whole aura is paradoxical and... rather sinister, yet you do give off vibes of purity... certainly good enough that you seem to be allowed to just walk around the Akashic records...*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Cyrus: "I didn't bother to learn the name of my planet, why do you ask?"


Prplrprllrooo... *So are you human like these two oooorrr...*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*I look around for any sort of machinery that could be activated.*

*After some walking down some hallways and hall-like rooms, you do find several metal refineries that seem to run on their own, melting metal that comes from nowhere and sending it to god knows where, and robot machinery assembling weirdly paradoxical and senseless machines also taking material from the void and sending it back into the void, presumably...*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Cyrus: "A planet... In a universe..."


Prplrprllr? Prooooo... *Fairly... general explanation if i may say so myself? Anything more specific? Name of planet? Name of... nevermind, unless you were part of a multiversal civilization or had true mystical knowledge, you wouldn't know the true soul name of your universe...*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Cyrus: "That makes... sense?"

Pre-Ascendant Benjamin:

Dude! is that guy me?!? What in the blue heavens happened to me there though?


Prplrprllrpllrppl! *EEP! Ah... hello interesting looking fellow? Where do you come from?* *He says referring to Cyrus's intimidating appearence*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Cyrus: "...Why am I able to understand him?"

Benjamin: It is the nature of heaven being a multiversal nexus. There is no one language here, but a psychic network that translates information for each one of our language of origins in our minds...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Phhhh! hahahaha! I'm not the one to be so easily amused here, but this just hit the spot... don't worry it is not lethal, but I already did a bet with my younger brother Ar'Mikhaurell... yup, we both agreed something would happen to Ben, but we couldn't quite agree to what...

Klisp'Anarion: Prrroooo? Prplrplrlrlplp... *Mighty Ar'Gavryell stoops to such a low position as betting? I'm impressed, but yeah, you just couldn't avoid having an intrusive thought about the end result of Ben here...*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Wow. What happened to you?

Pre-Ascendant Benjamin: Ugh... don't ask... well ask your copy, learning alchemy is TOUGH!

Klisp'Anarion: Prllrlrllrlplpl! *Yup... let's just say that out of the two students here, Prism was the more quintessential student, and Ben was the guinea pig sort of speaking... not for chosing it... but... phhhhh... it kinda just happened ahaha*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Final showdown. How are we feeling?

I'm feeling just fine... surprisingly...

*As i say that, the alchemy student copy of me comes out as Klisp pats him on the back, he's green, like literally, his face and skin is green*
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