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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

A non-Euclidean space. I hope we can find our way back out.

You and me both Prism! *I proceed to go through the door, then spin around and wave my hands then you just see me drop m y arms as i look up at the sky in the direction of the door* Well... this place is certainly part of this dimension... *I keep looking oogle eyed at the sky* And the 'building' we were just in, seems to go up into the sky endlessly...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

A portal to a forest? Or is it even real?

Now, things didn't made any sense before, but we get a whole... what looks like a world beyond this door? Hey Alexander! *I point the scanner of the weapon to the door and just transmit the live feed without scanning* Is this how this place connects to other worlds?
<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

Aaaand... that took way too little time for it to go bonkers... what are you seeing people?

@Threads of Fate @Memory

*Not waiting for an answer i open the door in front of me revealing what looks like a pine forest...*

Excuse me?...

<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

What’s its range?

<Snipped quote by The Monitor>

Do you think we can rig the scanner up to it?

*Not waiting for the experiment, i proceed to enter the basin and activate what looks like a monitor and i move the cannon around* Hey... professor, are these blobs of white energy looking essence what we are looking for?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Jiggles the handle*
This place really is bizarre.

*Nods approvingly then picks up the comms* Hey professor! How exactly are we supposed to know when we are approaching a colonist... or... er... a colonist's soul?
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Well. I guess that answers that question.
*Approaches the basin*

*Then looking in front* That is a rather inconvenient place for a door... I hate this place already...
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Well. I guess that answers that question.
*Approaches the basin*

*One of me follows you with the weapon at the ready* Sheesh!... is that supposed to be a jacuzzi? orrr.....
<Snipped quote by Alex McClain>

I’ll do you one better.
*Signals one of my copies to bring the device into the distorted reality and remerge with me*


*I create a copy near the rift that brings two cannons, one for me and one Cyrus as i head to him* Here, you might need these here more than conventional weapons. *Then i proceed to split with my weapon creating a copy of it, then i drop it on the ground as i re-merge, leaving only the two of me*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Well... do you want to investigate?

*Looks straight to the glowing eyes and visibly shivers* Uuummm... Hey DOC? *I call out to Alexander through our comms* What are the chances that local... residents... shall we say... have anything to do with the victims?
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I... don’t think that was an echo. We should hurry; I have a bad feeling about this place.
*Takes a few hesitant steps backward and lights up the room with a spell*

So no more cozy feelings like before? Yeah...

*Starts creating some bright spheres of burning light in both my hands as preparation as i move closer to you*
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