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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

"I don't know, I'm just ready to kill someone..."

Justph how did you made it into heaven anywayphshsh? *I slur my words and proceed to hick*
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*An aura of yellow erupts around the wind, crystalizing its substance in place*
There it is... a train of thought!

*Gets startled by the whole turn up of events and nearly drops my bottle as i clown with it and juggle it back into my full embrace* There ppphhheere bhabhy *I mumble* Hey! Are we about to just double cross the god fellow that just messed up our entire team with ONE thought? *Hicks and burps*

Peijjm? @Memory Anyppphing?
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Sighs and relaxes my shoulders*
I’m glad he blew up at me earlier...

*Hicks* Well... yeah... and you are a lady? *burps as i take another swig* I could have escaped us Cyrus! Hey Prism... think maybe we can get out for now? and solve the Misty situation later *Hicks*

@Memory @Sp00ki
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

@Memory"I have a feeling that's not Misty, right?"

n... nope *Hicks* She definitely looks like her a bit... at least the hair part... *hicks and burps*
@The Odeoron
"Time kills a lot of people, let's just leave it at that."

Das deep! *Carries on drinking, and it definitely is obvious that by now that bottle should have been finished at least two times over... yet it is still just as full as in the beginning* sho... ss.. sho... *Hicks and burps* Whaphs our nexph shtep?

@Sp00ki Yoy! Mah guy!

Considering the whole story you managed to forge, which is taking place in your universe, and i read and got penned down some notes.

Here's some short clarifications:

The current happenings with @Etcetera @Memory and Benjamin, are the core root of a multiverse cluster named Axis 98. It is a sort of infinitude complex of realities nestled together under the eldritchian dominion of two opposite mega entities, one is Alioth Shemmenmorth (The One Who is Bright) and Truest Outer C'thon or Lubb Derbyloth (The One whom shall not be formed) Chaos and Order, Darkness and Light... the whole Spiel.

Alioth is a being that "fathered" or spawned countless tier of deities upon deities upon deities (Many of whom have not been even created yet but are in the works)

Similarly C'thon a reverse of Alioth, has his own domain, the outer void.

Now Alioth's most relevant deity, is the God and Allfather of Benjamin's multiversal network, Yaldabaoth, or known to humans there as Almighty God... well... to avoid actual religious names, we call him from that specific reality's perspective as "The One True God"

He reigns over myriad heaven networks in a fractallic fashion - meaning he has several tires of heavens ruling over lesser heavens, and the lowest of them all is Cyentriss where Cyrus was first introduced as a soul who died in his universe.

From that original story with Cyrus, i presume your whole universe @Sp00ki is happening in some playing field equal to Benjamin's Mundus universe? Which is now dead, and is supposed to be a sort of parallel modified version of the very distant future of The Boys tv show universe.

So i hope i set things clearer, but please tag me with more questions so we can all make sense of this better.

@Legend Begins / @Memory / @Etcetera is fully in the books with the whole structure of this place, but i don't think i ever made a full statement of this structure, like you did, publicly here...

@Sp00ki And one final question about who's trying to make a deal with C'Thon... in this place, reaching low enough into the outer void, nearing the event horizon (Point of no return - and the actual frontier of trues C'Thon's actual domain) is very difficult, very horrifying, and very... Lovecraftian... so which of your characters was trying to do that, and how do they play out in your cannon, existing within AXIS 98?
Alright, I'm putting certain things in separate hiders. This might explain the entire universe I've just had in my head.

That should explain a few things, if any questions are needed, feel free to ask.

Also, it should be pointed out that the Cyrus in this current RP is not the same as the one mentioned up above, although they are pretty similar.


Man.... Ya'll developped a whole novel here... i'mma... i'mma beginn processing now

Also, i totally LOVE IT!

Roadkill... or er... Sp00ki... Such fun times! Heh!
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

"I would be more surprised, but time is... old. Seen it too much."

So you were saying something about somebody being here earlier... who's that? and why such a pale face when thinking outloud? *Hicks and wipes mouth after a drink seemingly completely uninterested with the oddity of the situation -- must be the hemp... or whisky... or both...*

Th... Time? - Hey ominous voice there! Time killed my universe! So stop being so giddy about it! @The Monitor 2
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You’re insane!!

*Chugs a drink* Took a page out of your book pal...

<Snipped quote by Memory>

"Right now, that's probably a good thing."

see someone understands *Hicks*

Besides, we might as well already be all with heaven n'all...
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