Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Do you sense one nearby?

Gaaahhhh! Hey let's take it one step at a time fellow! Don't scare me like that, i don't even wanna imagine how those things might look like here... first thing's first, take off... *Clicks a few buttons, scrolls and adjusts some settings on several holo-screens as the ship begins to gently hum and vibrate* Purring like a cat! hah! Don't forget your seatbelt then! *Grins like a kid on his birthday as we gently begin to hover upwards*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

That all sounds great until we shoot a black hole into our path of travel.

Well that is only if you are a trigger happy fellow... i don't see a need to do that unless our path crosses with a space titan...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Forget third parties, we could end up blowing ourselves up with this thing.

You seriously need therapy pal! This ship model has been used by top notch Terran Dominion officers for over 10 years now without as much of a drop of an incident... Anxiety man... seriously!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Is this design all by-the-catalogue, or is any of it custom?

Functionally? Yeah it is by-the-catalogue but aspect-wise, custom... this is supposed to be a cutting edge Terran Dominion battle cruiser all decked with it's own finest miniature black hole gun... overkill if you ask me, but you never know. Warp drive fuelled by red matter, so that should be exhilarating! *Hands you a tablet that has all instructions in it, both how to operate the weapons and piloting it and maintenance instructions*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Always the party killer, as you well know by now.

Well, you could use a course in 'How To Party for Newbies' type thing... *Smiles mischievously while taking a seat in the pilot seat*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Spawns a glass of water and drinks that instead*

You're no fun! *Drinks your glass also with glee*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You need to get sober eventually.

*fills the glass and clings it with yours after i fill it half way for you as i look at you with a raised eyebrow* Relax, it's not like this stuff can hurt my health anymore. I may give it up once i am home to a repaired universe... once that's done, yeah maybe... untill then CHEERS! *Chugs it down in one go*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You make your choices, I'll make mine. Now let's go.
*Heads toward the ship's docking bay*

*Follows you while secretly keeping a few strands of your hair just in case* ... Well then... here's some hemp whisky for the journey *Manifests my classic bottle on the table behind the pilot and copilot seats and a couple of glasses*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Glares, annoyed*
My point is that we can split here, send a copy to another dimension, and go on whatever adventure you want to go on. But what if that causes even more memory loss for me? I don't think I can handle much more!

Uuugh... fine! Have it your way. Risk your life in a universe that could very well be crazier than the ones we just escaped...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Because I'm making a point. We need to have copies on other dimensions, or our efforts don't really matter.

*Grabs you and starts to chestnut you hard on the head* ... You have more of a suicide wish than me you know that? *Keeps rubbing my fist on your head* ... Keep a copy here, then when we jump dimensions you can keep one there too! This is our home base! What's wrong with you seriously *Leaves you with a completely messed up hairstyle and a painful scalp*
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