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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You cannot mean to tell me that when the ship starts flashing warnings at you about manual control that you wouldn't jump to manual control.

Y... Yeah well, i tend to first try and listen the actual words of the warning and then act? It seemed like it just had trouble understanding how can a solar system have thousands of planets, which seems to be the case pretty much everywhere in this universe *Gestures at the window to show the thousands of planets orbiting this red giant we are currently orbiting*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

What are you getting at?

That you were cracked up to the nth degree full of anxiety so much so, that you jumped the gun at the first alert the ship splurged on us despite our eyes already seeing that this universe is wired differently than most usual realms... Y'know what, just give me back the handles so we can return and start mapping down the local vicinity of stars so we don't get lost...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It’s an emergency alert. We couldn’t just do nothing.

Dude, we're in a solar system, that just seems to have the same amount of planets as the one we were previously in...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Anywhere that “physics are being defied” is not true!

*We suddenly jump out of warp, in some random red giant star system*

Uuuhm... so do you think that maybe 'Laws of physics defied' may just be the computer not being able to compute a different reality with different rules?

*I say while glaring at the mesmerising sight before us*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Jumps behind the manual controls*
I hate to say I told you so!
*Jerks back in attempts to resist the pull of the superstructure and flips on a warp drive*

Wait hold on a sec... WHOOOAAAH!!!

*We proceed to jump into warp drive*

Where are you taking us dude??
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Loudness means more than just sound. It’s everything that could lead to us getting detected by something out there.

Theme -->

*AI suddenly chirps...* - System error, unknowable parameters, rendering map graphics for the present star-system...

Uuummm... Prism? What am i looking at?

*AI continues...* - Error... System contains 12034 planets... physics are being defied, this system is classed as a high anomaly... can't process... administrator intervention required!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

We can workshop it.
*Raises an eyebrow at the AI*
You really want to be as loud as possible out here, huh?

Wait what? Are you talking to the computer? The ship deployed silent drones in the system, the voice merely talked to us... i don't se how that is loud... unless somebody can detect advanced tech, they be as invisible as a ninja...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It probably is. It rings of something natural to the universe to me.

Hmmm... Myriad Worlds Universe... what do you think for a name? Heh...

*Ai Chirps* - Scanning system, Telescopic astronomical drones deployed, results within the next hour. Please stand by...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Not exactly what I was going for... but you’re not wrong. I’ve seen a lot.

Well at least i got a good tutor here... *Smirks as i give the command to the AI to send out the drones and scan the astronomical geography of the system and nearby systems*

Hey... what if this is the true nature of this particular world?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Just a bunch more planets?

Are you joking right now? Even this is just your usual Tuesday out here?

*Clicks a few buttons on the holo-interface as the ai brings up the astronomical drones options*

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