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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

We do this professionally. We’re not amateurs.

Well, i can't agree to a disadvantageous deal with people i haven't seen in action yet, i don't know how much i can trust your words alone...

How about this, you tell us what you truly know about this quest, if you are professionals, we go take a peek about what this is all about before we actually engage, and we decide on a deal then?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Steps down toward the quest board*
That 20% is insurance in case we end up carrying you the entire time. For two newbies, that’s an incredible deal.

*Shrugs disinterested and elbows you Prism @Memory* I think we might end up carrying you, it is only fair, i may be a newby, he's not, but i have a long and harsh history of some battles you don't want me to tell you about... how about you?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Grins and sneaks up behind the two of you*
Seventy percent.

Already making deals missy? How much do you know about this quest that you are willing to just scam us out of profit? *I grin teasingly* 50-50 is only fair... that is if you do your jobs well...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Yeah. What are you thinking here? Grab a party and dig into it?

How about those two who greeted us? They seem cheerful fellows no?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Whispers back*
Beats me.
*Drags my finger across the page*
Quest: Investigate the universe of the thousand planet systems. Unusual activity has been spotted after partial and complete collapse of several nearby systems in the area. Proceed with caution and discover the source of the anomalies.

*Scratches head and whispers* Maaan... i think we need more experts in this, and let's make sure this has nothing to do with... y'know... *Insinuates us coming out of Axis 98*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Scans across the board and returns with a whisper*
Yeah, is it just me or is something familiar about the destination for that quest..?
*Points to an item leading back to the universe we came from*

*Twitches an eyebrow and a bead of sweat drips as i see it* Universe of the thousand planet systems.... *Barely holds back a screaming WHAAAT?!?! then proceeds to Cough falsely and as silently as possible... *alright what is this? You said there are no Gods ruling here that everything is random... what's with this?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Just be careful not to die!

*Nods sombrely and heads to the board and starts scanning the board for a quest while grabbing you with me @Memory* See anything curious here? *I talk in a lowered voice to keep a safe vibe about us*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You guys do whatever you want. Whether you quest or not is none of my business.

Quest... that sounds awfully a lot like a game language... wait do you mean you offer missions here? What do you have available? And i am looking, personally and even for Prisms sake, for more people with experience we can trust, i'm a new adventurer, and he's someone as i regard as my tragic friend. He was an experienced adventurer, now he doesn't even know his family... i can't help him alone as this is fresh waters for me...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

<Snipped quote by Source>

Emphasis on if you're good!

Hmmm... *Scratches chin thoughtfully* If i'm good enough? Okay, i'm game, *I tap my tesseract gently as it hangs by my belt* Prism is the one for adventure, i used to be more of a soldier if you get my meaning, but that is not to say i'm a stranger to action and danger...

So how does this tavern of yours work? It looks quite... uuum... i don't know... sorry i'm fairly new to this? Prism was a professional adventurer, before the amnesia hit him that is *I sigh and look around to get a grip of what's going on in the tavern*
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