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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I guess we can spare a little magic if you don’t, but then again, you not making it back would mean we keep all the rewards... hmmm, decisions decisions.

*Shoots you a lightning glare* You greedy sprite! I don't care about the money, i'm fully capable to live without the tavern currency! uuugh! Keep all your rewards for all i care.

I was talking about YOUR safety not mine.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Replies mentally*
A little bit. I wouldn’t be shocked if we have some kind of post-trauma after that ordeal.

*Telepathically* Yeah... i mean, i have multiple traumas about that place... who wouldn't?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Lily and I look at each other*
...Not really. It’s different.

*Outloud* Different doesn't mean it is hunky-dory to just interact with the place just like that. Trust me... i know when something looks this crazy, it probably is deadly!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*The circles fade*
Who knows? Probably some rock house used by an ancient gemstone creature.
*The aura of the place is tinted with something supernatural, but distinct from magic; the stone we came from itself presents a large wall extending as high as can see, and a small shelf protrudes from the gray wall that we stand on, extending far into the distance*

*proceeds to communicate telepathically to Prism @Memory* Is it just me or does this place seem familiar to... you'know.... that liminal indentation space with senseless architecture?

*Communicates normally* And you are fine with it? You are not perturbed about how this might be tied to the collapsing of entire solar systems here?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

We appear to be at a localized source of gravity. The purposes of this construction are unknown.

Right... *Extends out my hand as to sense the aura of the place* This definitely feels like something that should not exist in this universe... nevermind how odd the universe is, it still has a natural flow about it... this structure opposes it somehow...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

<Snipped quote by Source>

*Red magic circles surround my eyes and a similar-colored line extends and scans across the horizon in a 360° circle*
There appear to be multiple localized sources of gravity in this world. We cannot depend on a particular planet’s surface below us.

Yeah... there's a reason why the ticked named this place "The Universe of The Thousand Planet Systems" - wait do you mean this structure?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Come on, let’s go.
*Flicks a small ball bearing into the air, which is engulfed by a black and brown magic circle*
Lesser gravity.
*All of us flip upside down and drop to the stone ceiling*

I could have done that... *False cough* So what exactly are we looking for? This looks like some type of out of place space temple of sorts, and that is a planet above... er... bellow us... above us? damn... I may love space, but the directionlessness of the thing makes my brain hurt.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

All that magic and no gate spell?

That is cheating! I have gate, i have teleportation, i have super-speed... those are cheating. Spaceships are better *I grin like a kid and my drunkenness seems to have subsided surprisingly quick*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

These ruins are the target; we don't need your ship!

Relax, it will be parked somewhere nearby just in case we need a quick getaway...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Points down to the blue expanse below, where clouds can be seen peppering the border of our view*
I'm guessing there's land if you go down far enough. But you might not be able to get back if you go and find out.

Lady... just don't... *I snap my fingers and begin summoning my spaceship* ... Well this'll take a few mins...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Hey hey hey, my platforms are not evil. Not even close. Not a chance evil could hold up a group as heavy as this one.

What in the... *Realises what you just said and looks at my feet* WHAAAA!!!?!?!? *Begins to hover and actually fly* Wait... So we ARE in an empty void here then?
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