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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Yes. But this is just a castle. Probably trapped, probably dangerous. But not a castle worth freaking out about.

Doesn't mean i have to like it though... *Keeps on moving forward but with nearly undue caution scanning the aura of the place every so often for potential traps, or anything that can explain what this place might be*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It's a castle?

*Looks at you with a 'seriously?' expression on my face* A castle... upside-down, in space... or up side to planet surface *Points to the planet above us* and the quest mentioning a mysterious cause that causes solar systems to 'collapse'...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You think?

Give me an alternative then man!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Yeah, chemistry. Plastic explosives.
*Steps into the liquid stone and emerges on the other side, revealing a grand palace opened to the blue sky with burning torches on stone gray pillars*

Uh... hey Prism... this stinks eldritch all over...

@Source *Looks at you concerned and amused at the same time* Yeah, call me biased, i'm a traumatised fellow! This stinks like evil! Call it different if you like, i call it... we need to either bomb the place out or yeet back to safety!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

She knows she needs me—

<Snipped quote by Source>

—And he knows he can't get rid of me.

*Blinks at you two in a confused amusement way* Sheesh! You should get a room guys! This has magical chemistry all over hahaha! *I proceed to ghost through the wall*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

We have better ways in than passwords anyway.
*Pulls my arm out*

Dude she just, point blank, trolled you like that... are you just going to let it pass like that? Phhhhh! Anyway *Proceeds to become translucent preparing to ghost through the wall*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It’s some kind of password. If you pull the right levers, we get in. If you don’t, you lose your arm. Fun, right?

@Source *Snickers* Well i'm glad i wasn't the one to just jut my whole arm in there now aren't i?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I scan these things before he touches them. I don’t hate him that much.

Wait... you hate him? phhh.... curious characters you too... so what are they then if you already scanned them?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

More importantly, adventuring gives Lily the chance to see new magics.
*Places my hand inside and feels the back of the stone’s rough surface*
Seems like there’s a series of switches. I’m not sure what they go to.

You got your motives i guess. And it is valid enough sure. But to just lay your whole living on this alone when at least there could be cheaper ways to live somewhere else, like in a stable civilized world, and only use the Tavern for quests, is a better otpion in my honest opinion.

*Looks at you in disbelief*

Dude! Are you just doing that? Have you ever seen any movie about NOT plopping your hand in a creepy ancient ruin stone hole like that?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

On top of? Sounds like the same thing I’m doing now, but with extra work.
*Peers into one of the crevices*

Meh suit yourself, t'was merely a suggestion. And what are these crevices anyway? *Follows you and looks at one too*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Is it limiting? The alternatives sound a lot more stale.
*Walks alongside the structure, which has several hand-sized crevices embedded into the rock along its surface*

And stable is... good... isn't it? You seem to struggle with the lady at the tavern about the rent. What i meant is something like owning a business or something like that on top of the adventuring life...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Seems risky, doesn’t it? They’ll probably stop trusting us.

*Telepathically* Yeah, you are right... well fine, let's focus on the mission then and just walk on the same page with them for now...
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